Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1057, forcing the palace

Chapter 1057, forcing the palace
The theocratic meeting, which had entered a normal procedure, was accompanied by the bad news thrown out by the angels and Lie Yang one after another, and all the civilizations felt numb.

If the other civilizations present encountered a dilemma that they could not solve, the civilizations would not be like this. After all, there are angels and Lieyang backing them up.

But now it is Angel who is afraid of Mottled Blue's strength and holds a theocracy meeting to discuss countermeasures, Lie Yang is unable to control the problem of the proliferation of void creatures, and plans to seek support.

Seeing the Sun Goddess Di Leina and the Holy Hexi fell silent, the Heavenly Sword King Binghua frowned and pondered, and the centrist God of Karan Civilization whispered:
"Then what should we do now? Should we give priority to solving the problem of the Styx galaxy, or expel the mottled blue invasion?"

The reason why the main gods of Karan civilization are so active is because they don't want to let the flames of war burn to their own territory, because they really can't bear it anymore.

After the Karan civilization took the lead, the centrist civilizations voiced their opinions one after another, waiting for the decision of Angel and Lieyang. Now these two civilizations have enough weight in the universe.

The aerospace-grade civilization listening in has already given up resistance, so do what you say, because they have no resistance at all in the face of such enemies and disasters that can span galaxies.

As for Shenzhou and other civilizations that are involved with angels, they are waiting for the decision of Merlot Heavenly Court so that they can cooperate. Thunderblade near Lieyang, Gulance and other civilizations also have the same idea.

"Up to now, it can only be carried out on two fronts at the same time. I don't know if Lie Yang can control the situation in Styx, please think it over."

Binghua spoke, her tone did not change because of the bad situation, but the meaning of scrutiny in the words was clearly audible.

Di Leina originally wanted to answer Binghua's question according to the pre-thought words, but she swallowed it when she opened her mouth abruptly.

For some reason, Di Leina felt that Binghua looked at her very coldly, as if she would have unpredictable consequences if she lied.

"We can still suppress the void creatures for the time being. If the situation becomes uncontrollable, Lieyang will consider triggering a supernova and destroying everything in Styx."

In the end, Di Leina truthfully stated Lieyang's internal solution to the problem of void creatures in the Styx galaxy.

Hearing this, the civilizations present were all shocked. A supernova is a terrible disaster enough to destroy a large galaxy. The former Dino civilization died in the explosion of a supernova.

"Excuse me, I don't think creating a supernova is a good solution."

Ducao spoke up, extremely disagreeing with Lie Yang's method of destroying everything with a supernova.

"Oh, then don't you have a better way, this goddess is all ears."

Di Lena didn't have such a good attitude towards Ducao, and said disdainfully.

"According to the information you provided just now, void creatures can devour energy. Aren't you afraid that the energy of the supernova will be swallowed by the void, which will cause even more terrifying disasters?"

Ducao's words made some watching civilizations start to look at each other, which is indeed a possibility.

"Heh, I don't think you understand. Void creatures can be killed. As long as they can be evaporated instantly, the reappearance of void fissures can be prevented. Do you think Lie Yang has not demonstrated in advance!

Moreover, with the energy release intensity of a supernova, the void creatures have no time to do anything, they just need to obediently usher in destruction. "

Di Leina crossed her chest and said proudly, she has the capital to speak like this, Lie Yang may not have confidence in other aspects, but they are the best at destroying, which is enough to disdain all civilizations here except angels.

"Since Lieyang can suppress the void creatures in the Styx galaxy, it will be much easier.

Compared with the void creatures that need to devour energy to grow, I think the large group of the Mottled Blue Empire deserves more attention from us.

After all, void creatures will not suddenly attack across the galaxy, everyone present.

2 years ago, the triangular creature, that is, the mottled blue empire, was afraid of the strength of our known universe, and finally chose to retreat.

But now that the other party has invaded the known universe again on a large scale, they should be fully prepared. If they are allowed to encroach on the star field of the known universe, all civilizations present will inevitably be destroyed.

So our main goal should be to drive Mottled Blue out of the known universe first, and then solve the problem of void creatures in the Styx galaxy.

But now that there is no New Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance in the front, we need to do it ourselves, so let's unite!

Let the alien biological civilization know that our Shenhe civilization is not easy to mess with. "

Binghua's words made some civilization representatives nod in agreement. Compared with the void creatures that can be controlled by Lieyang, the mottled blue group is more dangerous.

"Since none of you present objected to the alliance, then it's settled like this, and I hope those present will not be perfunctory to us angels.

Let me say something blunt, even if all the civilizations present have fallen, the Heavenly Court of Melo is confident in resisting the attack of the Mottled Blue Empire and defending the Angel Nebula.

And you don't have to worry about the safety of your own civilization. If your civilization is attacked by other civilizations during the fight against the Mottled Blue Empire, all the civilizations present can attack it together. "

Although Binghua's words were not very pleasant to listen to, they finally stopped many voices from the theocracy.

Hexi didn't care about Binghua's taking her right to speak at all. It would be better to say that since Binghua began to lead the theocratic conference, she leaned on the throne and quietly admired Binghua's performance.

Seeing this, the other civilizations present all believed that Binghua was the person in charge of the Heavenly Court of Melo, and the holy Hexi was just a symbol on the bright side.

After all, in the 1 years before this, Hexi was really not very famous as the holy right wing. Even now that he has become the angel regent, he has never seen this great god express any of his own opinions.

With Binghua's decisive remarks, the theocracy has also entered the final stage, and it was finally decided that Angel and Lieyang will be responsible for the front line respectively.

The Heavenly Court of Melo will form a joint army with many civilizations to fight against the mottled blue swarms that have invaded the known universe.

Lieyang gathers the manpower and material resources of Lieyang Heavenly Dao to curb the spread of void creatures, and can ask for help from Merlot Heavenly Court when necessary.

So far, the goal of the angelic civilization holding the theocracy meeting has been achieved, drawing half of the civilizations in the entire known universe to fight against Mottled Blue with themselves, instead of fighting alone in the past.

After the theocratic conference, when Binghua was preparing to return to the palace of the Chiwu star system, an accident happened. She was blocked by a group of angels in the Merlot Heavenly Court.

"Queen! Please succeed the King of Angels and lead us!"

"That's right, queen, you can succeed as the king of angels! The sisters have been looking forward to it for more than 2 years, and it's hard to wait for this opportunity now!"

Binghua saw a group of familiar faces through the floor-to-ceiling windows of her bedroom, most of them were her former subordinates, and they gathered excitedly in front of the main hall door and shouted!

Hexi is also in Binghua's bedroom at the moment, watching Binghua who is tangled about whether to go out is covering her mouth and snickering, thinking to herself:

"Sister, I don't believe it. I give you the position of King of Angels. You don't accept that your old subordinates can let you go." '

But Hexi also knew that this alone was not enough, and he had to make sure that Binghua became the king of angels.

(End of this chapter)

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