Chapter 1067 Replacement
Asteroids of different sizes passed through the large group of triangular bodies with terrifying kinetic energy. Ordinary triangular body creatures couldn't avoid the asteroids that hit like a tide. They were smashed into pieces on the spot. He just flew there because he didn't know.

Only a small number of highly evolved elites in the triangular bodies escaped from the large group of triangular bodies first, and thus avoided being submerged in the wave of asteroids brought by the glacier.

But even so, the triangular body elites still lost nearly half of them, because the triangular body's so-called mental shock and magnetic field manipulation can't have much effect on the asteroids that collide with huge kinetic energy.

Seeing that Binghua, the king of angels, once showed his power, the coalition forces severely injured the triangular group, and their morale rose steadily. With such a true god here, how could they lose this battle.

After the wave of asteroids passed, the large group of triangles suffered heavy losses, and the damage caused by Binghua was greater than the total casualties caused by the previous coalition bombing.

The remaining triangular creatures could no longer organize the previous offensive that covered the stars and the sun, and they were sparsely scattered in the starry sky in front of the coalition forces.

The only pity is that the primitive life planet behind the triangular body was also affected by the asteroid tide just now. At this moment, the atmosphere is filled with clouds and fog caused by rising high temperature, and volcanic ash erupted due to huge geological changes, just like a scene of purgatory .

Without Binghua's order, Jingnan, who was the commander in Tianren, gave the order for the general attack. For a while, the Angel Legion, small and medium-sized warships of the coalition forces, and fighter jets rushed out to attack the triangular creatures who were no longer able to maintain a large group of formations.

Binghua did not rush into the large group of Triangles following the passing angels, but stared at the two leaders of the Triangles who were injured.

"The angel... the queen... why... shelter... these... the weak...

Mottled blue...angels...can...coexist...'

The leader of the triangular body who was less injured suddenly uttered a very incoherent Kamigawa language.

"Oh, you can also speak the language of Kamigawa, this king always thought that you invaded the known universe without knowing anything.

Now it seems that you have studied our known universe for more than 1 years. "

Binghua was not in a hurry to attack anymore, and started chatting with the leader triangle instead.

In the physical war more than 1 years ago, the Shenhe civilization needed to decipher the other party's language information if it wanted to communicate with the triangular creatures.

But now the triangular body has also learned the Kamigawa language in reverse, which is enough to show that the other party is obsessed with the known universe.


"Coexistence? It's not impossible. You go back and tell your king to surrender to the angel and swear to become a subsidiary of the angel civilization. This is the prerequisite for coexistence.

If your king thinks this condition is a bit harsh, you can change it. You all withdraw from the known universe. We angels and mottled blue are in charge of our own territories, and no one will interfere with the other. "

Binghua jokingly said that he obviously didn't think the conditional triangle he proposed could be accepted, and the fact is exactly what Binghua thought.

" blue...angel...war..."

The leader of the triangle body also heard from Binghua's words that the other party had no sincerity for peace talks at all.

"War? This is your own choice. I hope you mottled blue will not regret your current decision in the future."

After the words fell, Binghua made a move. During the conversation, several pieces of asteroid fragments that were quietly pulled nearby were suddenly squeezed towards the leader of the triangular body under the traction of the force field.

The two triangular leaders immediately dodged to avoid the center where the asteroid fragments were crushing, but only one escaped, and the other was dragged in place under the pressure exerted by Iceflower's raised hand.

In the next moment, dozens of large and small asteroid fragments covered the body of the leader of the triangular body, and with Binghua's five fingers, the volume suddenly shrank by a circle.

Another triangular body leader originally wanted to rescue his compatriots, but the rapidly weakening mental power of the compatriots told it that his compatriots were dead, and there was no value in rescuing them.

The triangular body elites in other areas also died, dying, and a large number of triangular body fighters were divided and wiped out by the Kamigawa coalition forces.

It can be said that his large group has no possibility of winning or retreating, so the leader of the triangle raised his head and sent out a wave of unknown meaning.

As the wave band spread, the triangular creature, which was fighting frantically with the coalition forces, suddenly turned around and ran away. The coalition forces were overjoyed to see this, and began to pursue them.

Due to the sudden rout of the large group of triangles, the coalition forces were eager to pursue them, so the formation originally used for fire bombing was inevitably stretched.

Jingnan hurriedly contacted her queen to tell her the situation of the coalition forces at this time.

Binghua wanted Jingnan to order the coalition forces not to pursue blindly, but a new idea suddenly came to mind.

Using the brain capable of multi-threaded computing, Binghua quickly formulated a new battle plan and transmitted it to Jingnan.

Jingnan, who had read the new battle plan, was a little surprised at the imagination of his queen, but he had to say that the new plan was well thought out, and even if it failed, the coalition forces would not suffer too much loss.

The order that originally required the various units of the coalition forces to reorganize was revised to drive away the rout of the triangular group, and the target was precisely the other half of the triangular group that was rushing towards this place.

At the same time, the captains of the coalition forces have received part of the newly formulated battle plan information, understand the next plan of the Angel civilization, and begin to restrain the troops under their command not to rush.

On the other side, Binghua let go of the leader of the triangular body and let him go back to pass on information. At the same time, Binghua was going to repeat the trick, and began to use the force field to gather the scattered asteroids and their fragments for easy manipulation.

At the same time, Binghua took out several small mimic stars in a sealed state from its own arsenal, and then began to extract the energy in them, creating a miniature star with a diameter of several hundred meters nearby.

Then Binghua connected to Sameiello, started to run the space replacement formula obtained from Liangbing, and made some minor modifications according to the operating conditions to be more suitable for the sub-biological engine drive.

But soon Binghua discovered that the composition of the space replacement formula is too complicated, and it is not very applicable in battle, because it takes a long time to calculate and transfer the two spaces.

But now there happens to be a test object, which is another large group of triangular bodies pouring into the planetary system. According to the results calculated by Kaisha's sacred knowledge treasure house, Binghua has set the target area of ​​space replacement at the large group of triangular bodies. on the way.

The target of the replacement is the manufactured miniature star. If such a huge energy aggregate can be easily replaced, then Binghua will invest a lot of resources in this technology.

(End of this chapter)

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