The large group of triangular bodies that were originally located outside the unnamed planetary system have entered the interior of the planetary system at this moment in a state of advancing with all their strength.

Although their speed is fast enough, but the distance between the planets is there, coupled with the previous fire harassment from the Sky Blade, there is still a distance between the large group of triangles and the group of retreating triangles.

However, as Tianren gave up the firepower harassment, it was only a matter of time before the large group of triangles and their own routs converged.

Compared with the eagerness of the triangular body, the coalition forces can be described as high-spirited. How aggrieved they were fighting before the arrival of King of Angels Binghua, how carefree they are at this moment.

An hour later, the fleeing triangular body group finally sensed their own large group of compatriots, and sent out joyful band messages one after another.

But just when the two were about to converge, the coalition forces that originally drove them behind the large group of rout triangles moved slower and slower, and gradually distanced themselves from them.

Before the large group of triangular bodies who escaped here described to their compatriots how the Kamigawa creatures launched a shameless sneak attack on their large group, a space wormhole that had been anchored here for a long time suddenly began to form.

In the next second, Binghua's figure floated out of it, her jet-black long hair fluttering behind her, and her unfolded white wings exuded a trace of holy splendor under the brilliance of the stars.

But this is not the case in the perception of the large group of triangles. Binghua is an extremely terrifying energy aggregate in their perception.

Coupled with the spatial fluctuations behind it, this gave the leaders of the triangular body a bad premonition, because compared to their mottled blue empires, the Kamikawa body creatures undoubtedly have more means of attack.

Space warping is a problem that they have been unable to solve so far. Otherwise, why would they gather together in large groups like they are now? It is not because they are afraid that the opponent will concentrate their superior forces and use the space warp's maneuvering advantage to destroy them one by one.

However, within Mottled Blue, some compatriots are already evolving towards this aspect. I believe that Mottled Blue will also be able to master the ability to travel through space in the near future.

Binghua looked down at the triangle-shaped creatures that almost surrounded her without any fear. Although the mental blow they cast together could make her unable to bear it, she would not be so stupid as to stay here with the entire triangle-shaped group. Recklessly.

Because the triangular creature's spiritual blow is different from the general attack in the conventional sense, it can be accumulated infinitely. Even if her spirit is strong, she can't compete with the spiritual power of millions of triangular creatures.

"This king is here to say hello to you and give you a gift by the way.

Accept it, may this blazing heat burn you all! "

Binghua raised her arms upwards, spreading her fingers with a hint of malice in her voice, and then the space of several hundred meters around her centered on her as if it had condensed and stagnated.

Then, as if the frame was lost, the glacier and the few triangles that entered this area disappeared, replaced by a sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters that radiated infinite light and heat like a star.

The moment this sphere appeared, the triangular creatures that were near were twisted and struggling under the super high temperature, their bodies quickly dehydrated and shriveled, and finally burned into ashes, and the triangular creatures that were far away quickly moved away.

However, Binghua spent so much effort and did not hesitate to use itself as the space replacement anchor point to send the miniature mimic star. If the power of the miniature mimic star is only so small, then it is better to send a few dark matter bombs, why bother to make the mimic star.

The mimic star that appeared in the large group of triangles has just escaped the control of the glacier, and the force field on the surface has not completely dissipated, but only released part of its own light and heat.

But as the ice bloom completely let go of its control, the mimic star began to become unstable.

After all, the name of the mimic star has the word mimic because it cannot exist independently like a real star. It is just a mass of high-energy matter that simulates the structure of a star. Without the maintenance of the creator, it will soon be collapse.

But the reason why it has the word star in its name is also because the consequences of its collapse are very similar to real stars, nothing more than the gap in the scope of destruction.

The surface of the mimic star, which was originally a perfect spherical shape, began to undulate, the high-temperature ion matter inside began to leak out, and the whole began to expand rapidly.

Finally, it exploded suddenly, turning into a bright cosmic flower, and ejected countless ultra-high-temperature plasma fluids towards the surrounding universe.

The large group of triangular bodies already gathered quite densely, and nearly one-third of the large group members were affected, and were annihilated by flying ash in the raging ultra-high temperature ion flow.

This is much more powerful than ordinary weapons of mass destruction. Coupled with being caught off guard, the large group of triangles can be said to have suffered a big loss.

Just far away from the area filled with a large amount of high-temperature matter and ultra-high-temperature plasma clusters, the large group of triangular bodies has not yet organized its own formation. In the distant starry sky, meteorites and asteroids of different sizes are coming with long trails. .

The blows that can be called natural disasters of the universe followed one after another, and the Triangle encountered unprecedented targets in this planetary system, and the total large group composed of four large clusters lost nearly half.

When the Heavenly Blade battle group of the angelic civilization and the large-scale fleet of the coalition completed the initial blockade of the triangular swarm and launched the final attack, they found that the triangular swarm, which had made them dreadful before, could no longer act as usual. of resistance.

The death of a large number of command class triangular bodies made the large triangular group a little chaotic. The triangular elites wanted to coordinate a large group of operations, but their abilities were not enough, after all, their number was too small.

Binghua did not participate in the final encirclement and suppression of the Triangle Group, but chose to return to his flagship Tianren, overlooking the entire battlefield from the overall situation.

Generally speaking, the fight was so-so. Although the victory was achieved, the casualties of the coalition forces cannot be ignored, and even the Angel Legion suffered losses.

In addition, there are a large number of warships that need to be repaired after the war. It is estimated that the heavy logistical maintenance will prevent the coalition forces from organizing such large-scale operations for a long time.

This made Binghua, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack the marginal star field and compress the mottled blue forces in the known universe, temporarily extinguish this idea.

Thinking of this, Binghua couldn't help but began to miss the army of the justice world under his command. Compared with the coalition forces in the known universe, the expeditionary legion of the justice world undoubtedly has much stronger battery life and can support continuous and arduous struggles.

However, the current main goal of the Justice World is the United Empire. In Tianjian's latest log, Binghua saw the latest research report on the United Empire by the Justice World Expeditionary Corps.

This civilization, which seems to be broken at the touch of a touch, does not seem to be as weak as imagined. So far, the world of justice seems to be fighting their servants.

As for the real army of the United Empire, the Justice World has not obtained any useful information. It only knows that a special individual with no hands and feet, larva-like, and powerful telepathic ability was found among the eliminated United Empire troops. They are called by those civilizations. It's a detective.

However, according to the report of the Expeditionary Corps, they did not succeed in capturing the living agent, and the other party seemed to be able to predict the coming of danger, thus transferring himself in advance.

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