Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1077, Embracing the Void

Chapter 1077, Embracing the Void

Di Leina did not refute Pan Zhen's words, because what the other party said was correct, as the main god of Lieyang, she should think from the perspective of Lieyang.

However, compared to Pan Zhen who puts Lie Yang's interests first, Di Leina, who is still young, always wants to do something, such as making Lie Yang a civilization respected by mortals like angels.


After several days of perfection, with the efforts of Binghua, Kaisha, and Hexi, the sacred knowledge treasury finally completed the synchronization of the dark information data of all angels.

At the same time, with Binghua's idea as the leading factor and Kaisha's algorithm as the framework, a set of functions that angels can choose to actively upload or passively upload their own dark information data when encountering fatal danger is completed.

Of course, if the angel's dark information is destroyed, or if the link with the sacred knowledge treasure house is cut off, then you can only store your own dark information data in your own weapon or other carriers, and wait for other angels to recover it. .

In the currently known universe, the only ones who can erase dark information data are angels, demons, and the dead song academy that no longer exists.

Although Lieyang's star-driven technology is the best in the universe, it lags behind angels and other civilizations by more than one level in other aspects.

Otherwise, Lie Yang's main god, Emperor Leina, would not be able to maintain the stability of the Sun's Light Divine Body after receiving the Invincible Body technology provided by Binghua.

Moreover, Lie Yang has not studied dark information technology too much, so the application in this area is relatively backward.

After perfecting the angel's reincarnation system, Binghua also simply began to perfect the justice world's reincarnation system, after all, it can't be treated differently.

Of course, the reincarnation system cannot be used without any conditions. It can only be activated during wartime, and it is banned in normal times.

Moreover, the use of the reincarnation system is not free. When death is no longer feared by people, not many people care about most things in the world.

Therefore, Binghua must strictly limit the use of the reincarnation system, otherwise the cohesion between the justice world and Melo Heaven will disappear in the future.

At present, Binghua is only setting up the reincarnation system that will stay in the first, second, and Melo heavens in the known universe. On the other side of the world of justice, it needs to wait for her to go back.

In fact, before Binghua decided to set up the reincarnation system on a large scale, the world of justice had a small-scale application, but it has always been intriguing.

Some outstanding veterans and soldiers will be implanted with data soul storage devices during the physical examination. If their bodies can be recovered after the war, they will be resurrected and a healthy body will be re-cultivated for them.

Of course, at this time, the resurrected warrior has two choices, the first choice is to continue fighting for a just world.

The second choice is to retire as a righteous world citizen and spend the rest of his life in peace. This is a way Binghua leaves for the soldiers who fight for him, so that they will not leave this world unwillingly.

In the Chiwu star system, the world of justice stationed here not long ago had hundreds of thousands of firsts. The next day, the soldiers of the Legion had already left for the Styx galaxy.

The originally bustling Chiwu star system became silent as the Angel Legion and the Xiongbing Company left one after another.

The only thing that makes Shenzhou feel uneasy is that the Chiwu star system has changed from being guarded by multiple gods to a planetary system guarded by Monkey King alone.

This made Shenzhou, which has broadened its horizons, feel a little insecure. In fact, a part of the Airos expedition fleet left behind is enough to resist most of the civilization attacks in the known universe.

What's more, there is Sun Wukong, the famous battle god in the known universe, which is enough to deter some young people with ulterior motives.

But today, there is a small change in the Chiwu star system. Shenzhou, the long-term residence of Monkey King, is also the cemetery of his master.

"Who are you? My old grandson doesn't recognize you."

Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a bad tone, and at the same time, the dark energy on his body quickly became active, like a burning torch.

"It's really powerful and fierce. Instructor Wu has created a good combat weapon."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the figure in the metallic black cloak turned around, revealing a half masked face.

"You know my master, who are you?"

Sun Wukong's tone changed, but instead of letting go of the vigilance in his heart, he became more cautious, because seeing the other party's appearance, he didn't come to chat with him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that we need you."

"What a big tone, my old grandson is not something to be manipulated by others.

Since you don't want to say it, then my old grandson will call you to say it. "

Before Sun Wukong finished speaking, he made his move, and the dark metal rod in his hand quickly extended forward, sweeping past the location of the mysterious visitor.

In the next second, the dark alloy rod in Sun Wukong's hand poked backwards in the opposite direction, and collided with the purple sharp blade that came silently from behind, exploding a circle of diffused energy shocks.

When Monkey King in Shenzhou was attacked by a mysterious existence, Binghua in the Styx galaxy also encountered something.

"Space Principal, what do you mean by that?"

Binghua sat on his main seat, his expression was not moved by the changing environment around him.

"More than 1 years have passed, and you are still so calm, Heavenly Sword King."

Space's face was covered by the shadow of the large cloak, making it difficult for Binghua to see his face clearly.

"Let me see, it turns out that's the case, you used the big clock to contact me.

It seems that the technology of dark information communication, which originated from the Super Seminary, still has some loopholes, otherwise you would not be able to pull my consciousness here. "

Binghua explained Space's method in one word, and at the same time felt a little vigilant. Space has been silent since De Nuo was destroyed.

Now that she is going to concentrate the power of the entire angelic civilization to solve the problem of the void, the old space guy jumped out again, maybe he is going to stop her.

"Sword King, we used to explore the truth of the universe and the truth of the demise of Kamikawa together in the Super Seminary.

I used to think that as long as the fire of Kamigawa's civilization is spread throughout the universe, even if the mastermind behind the destruction of Kamigawa's civilization comes, it will be impossible to destroy all civilizations in the universe.

So I established the Super Seminary to unconditionally spread the knowledge of Kamigawa to all civilizations and help them grow rapidly to the point where they can develop on their own.

Among all the works of Super Seminary, only a small number of civilizations such as your Angels, Lieyang, Dexing, Nuoxing, Gulans, and Thunder Blade performed relatively well.

Among them, you angels can be said to have inherited most of Kamigawa's technological system, but your path is different from Kamigawa's.

If the former Kamigawa civilization was the cradle that gave birth to gods, then the angelic civilization is walking on a road where all people will become gods. "

"Principal Space, I don't have time to review the long past with you here.

There are still many troubles in the main biological universe that need to be solved by this king. You can just say what purpose you have.

There are only two outcomes between us, war or peace, and it all depends on your choice. "

Binghua interrupted the long speech of the principal of the space, and now she is not interested in the original intention and development of the space to establish a super seminary.

Binghua is very agitated by all kinds of things in the known universe now. She just wants to solve the problem of the void quickly, and then go straight to the mottled blue, and integrate the known universe, so that she will never have any worries in the future It's over, it's over.

For Binghua's straightforwardness, the space is obviously very uncomfortable, but there is nothing to talk about.

"King of Angels, why do you have to deny the void?

My students have proven that void energy is a more efficient and powerful form of energy than dark energy.

In the future, void energy will become the mainstream, and the application of dark energy will become a thing of the past.

That being the case, why don't we try to embrace the void, become a part of them, master it, and use it for our own use, so that the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization will not happen again! "

Space said with open arms, but this sounded to Binghua's ears no less than making her surrender.

"Although I don't know what you have experienced these years, from a scholar who is afraid of the void to a lackey of void creatures, but you chose war, right?
That being the case, Space Principal, there is nothing more to say between us.

The King of Void will definitely let him be wiped out. If you stand in front of this King, this King will not show mercy. "

As soon as the words fell, Binghua waved his hand, and in an instant, countless cracks appeared in the dark environment around him, and then suddenly shattered.

Binghua's consciousness also returned to the Tianren flagship where he was from the unknown space over there.

(End of this chapter)

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