Chapter 1078, Gadgets
"Queen, what happened just now?"

Jingnan on Binghua's side asked worriedly, the queen was optimizing the algorithm just now, but suddenly stopped moving.

"It's nothing, just being dragged by an old guy and listening to nonsense for a while."

After Binghua finished shutting down the half-optimized algorithm in front of her, she got up from the throne and walked out of the main hall of Tianren.

The moment he walked out of the Heavenly Blade Hall, the surrounding field of vision became wider. In the starry sky, Heavenly Blade warships were lined up one after another like sharp blades hanging upside down.

Groups of figures with white wings stretched walked around the sky blade, patrolling to prevent the sudden attack of void creatures.

And behind the Sky Blade are legion battleships belonging to the first and second legions, a luxurious fleet composed of destruction class and destruction class.

When the legion was resting in the Chiwu star system on the first day and the second day, the world of Marka in the world of justice had completed the research on the miniaturization of the stasis ray weapon by collecting usage data.

Taking advantage of this period of rest, the first and second day made the legion enjoy this wave of bonuses, and installed this special weapon for their legion warships. Of course, only the energy reserves of the destruction level can fully drive the stasis energy ray cannon.

In addition to the technological progress in this area, Binghua has also made some breakthroughs in the study of space replacement. By the way, combined with the space exile that Sameiello had done, he came up with a remarkable thing.

When Binghua was fighting the Destroyer mechanical warrior prototype manufactured by Sameiello, a celestial-level civilization suppressing weapon, her weapon Silver Feather was inadvertently swallowed by the space-time crack opened by it.

After gaining the dominion of Sameiello.Binghua deliberately learned about this technology, and found that it is not difficult to realize this technology.

But it is too difficult to let the enemy actively rush into the time-space rift, because the time-space rift is not so easy to open, and some auxiliary devices are needed as a carrier.

And even if it is successfully opened, the enemy will not be so stupid as to rush in and be exiled, so at most it can be regarded as a fixed garbage disposal, and the effect in actual combat is a bit weak.

However, when Binghua was researching the space replacement technology, inspiration suddenly burst out. After painstaking research, switching and upgrading the use methods of the two, and after updating and iterating, a new technology combining the advantages of the two was born.

Since I can't let the enemy take the initiative to drill into the space-time crack, then I can send the enemy to take the initiative.

Adhering to this simple concept, Binghua has optimized the algorithm of space replacement to a certain extent. It is not obsessed with large-scale and long-distance, but weakened and simplified.

The product that finally appeared in Binghua's hands is as follows, launching a ray with space transfer characteristics to cover the target, simultaneously opening a space-time crack behind the target, and displacing it into the space-time crack at a speed that cannot be reacted.

When the space-time crack closes, no matter how powerful you are, if you are not proficient in space-time technology, you will be wiped out in the chaotic space-time storm.

Of course, this is when the target is unable to resist the space replacement ability. If the opponent uses a huge amount of energy to interfere, the space replacement will be disturbed, and the opponent cannot be successfully sent into the space-time crack.

Just when everything was moving forward step by step according to Binghua's plan, a piece of news from Shenzhou made Binghua frowned.

Sun Wukong was attacked by two unknown battle gods. Although the other party did not claim to belong to that party, it can be concluded from the information revealed in the words that the other party knew the dead teacher Wu.

After hearing Sun Wukong's description of the existence that attacked him and getting to know Mr. Wu, Binghua had already made up his mind about who Sun Wukong met.

"Are you all right?"

Knowing that Sun Wukong was injured, Binghua couldn't help asking about Sun Wukong at the other end of the communication.

"It's okay, my old grandson's body is very hard, just some minor injuries.

However, my old grandson heard them say that the genetic data has been collected, so my old grandson reminds you specially.

Although I did not fall into their hands, it seems that their purpose of coming to Shenzhou has been completed. "

There was a touch of worry in Sun Wukong's words, but Binghua didn't feel much fluctuation in his heart when he heard the words.

Sun Wukong's genetic data is not difficult to extract. With the knowledge of super genes in space, it is easy to find Sun Wukong's genetic data from Shenzhou.

Because the whole of Shenzhou is Wu Tutor's research institute, he left too many traces there, it is not surprising that there are things that record Sun Wukong's genetic data.

The reason why the other party had a conflict with Sun Wukong was probably to attract his attention, so as to buy time for his companion to extract genetic data.

"What's the situation over there, do you need my old grandson to go and wish you a helping hand.

Don't look at my old grandson who has slept for thousands of years, but his strength has not regressed. "

"No, you can just stay in Shenzhou. It is the gateway between the world of justice and the known universe. If it is destroyed, I will have a headache."

Binghua rejected Monkey King's request to come to help, because the Styx galaxy is a battle of over one million super fighters, and a battle god cannot deflect the direction of the war.

Up to now, in the Styx galaxy, apart from the nearly one million angel legions combined with the justice world and Melo's heavenly soldiers, there are also some elite civilizations, legions composed of first and second generation super fighters.

Not counting the regular troops, the number of super fighters alone exceeds 100 million. This is a luxurious lineup comparable to the first physical war, and its purpose is only to eliminate the ever-expanding gap in the void.

Because the civilizations near the Styx galaxy have received reports that there are sporadic void creatures attacking their colony planets under the leadership of the beast civilization.

It can be seen from this that the void creatures are highly expansive. If the gap in the void is not resolved as soon as possible, the civilization they belong to will follow in the footsteps of the Styx in the future.

Five days after Binghua arrived in the Styx Galaxy No.20, the reincarnation system was completed.

First, on the second day, the legion was put in place, the Angel Corps on the border arrived, and the Melo Guards rested, and all the vacant blades in the Melo Heavenly Court arrived in the Styx Galaxy under the order of Binghua.

Sarkaz, Kaibury and other affiliated civilizations also pulled their main force over.

When Karan, Hayden, Tailan and other god-making civilizations saw this situation, they were naturally embarrassed to hide it and called in their own civilization elite.

Such a large-scale military lineup made the civilizations in the entire known universe that did not participate in this battle tremble, and even Lie Yang, who had expected this for a long time, couldn't help but look sideways.

Because only relying on their own influence, the angels have assembled almost half of the military power of the known universe, just to wipe out the void creatures.

This is much firmer than Lie Yang's actions to curb the proliferation of void creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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