Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1092, concept rewriting, defining substance

Chapter 1092, concept rewriting, defining substance
"That being the case, Sword King of the day, I am here to let you witness how powerful the void is!"

As the discourse came to an end, Space chose to end this topic and began the pre-war declaration.

"I am looking forward."

Binghua erected the Wang Sword in front of him, and the fiery dark energy glow quickly climbed onto the sword.

"The art of manipulating weapons, this thing is still useful before becoming a god, but at the level of you and me, the strength of energy mobilization can be regarded as the right way."

The space voice fell, and the surrounding void energy quickly gathered and turned into a giant net to cover it.

Seeing this, Binghua swung two slender sword qi of several meters to meet him, and easily cut two gaps in it.

Binghua frowned, it seemed a bit too easy, she couldn't figure out the reason why Space did this.

'Analyze the energy composition, rewrite the concept, and redefine the characteristics'

The giant energy network covering the glacier quickly recovered, and at the same time, the nature and composition of the void energy suddenly began to transform into another nature at the level that could not be directly observed.

Although Binghua felt that something was wrong, she did not choose to retreat. The flame bombardment completed the calculation in an instant, and the fiery energy transformed from dark energy accompanied her swing, turning into a fan-shaped energy shock wave and flying out.

In the next moment, the void energy and the flame bombardment energy collided, but to Binghua's surprise, there was no explosion or annihilation on both sides.

The two energies with completely different properties are like water from the same source, directly fused together without distinction, but the only more fatal thing is that it is no longer driven by the glacier.

Relying on Extreme Speed ​​Binghua to leave her original position, her eyes flickered as she stared at the giant web of void energy passing by her.

"The rewriting of the concept that subverts the nature of energy can be done so easily. It seems that you are much better at this than your student Karl."

A moment later, Binghua spoke, with a serious look on her face.

"This is just a powerful corner of the void, my student Carl only mastered relatively shallow void application techniques.

Void energy is not used like him. All the means you are proud of will be reduced to an equivalent amount of units that can be wiped out in front of Void.

I only need to pay a little energy, and the matter driven by the calculation formula composed of complex dark energy can be easily wiped out. "

Binghua's face drooped slightly, and the hair on her forehead covered his eyes. The next moment, she raised her head again and stared at the position of space with her dark eyes. At the same time, she lifted her five fingers and opened her arm equipped with Titan's Grip.

The force of the majestic force field quickly spread, like an invisible sea quickly wrapping around the space, and quickly squeezed inward, and at the same time turned the void into reality, exerting a substantial crushing force.

But before that, due to the long fight between Binghua and the Void God, her force field data has long been stored in the data of the big clock.

Karl had thought of a countermeasure before, but he hadn't been able to complete the technique of restraining the Bing Hua force field because of the rewriting of the speed and strength of the concept of void energy.

Now space uses the void energy to reconstruct the body with the help of the big clock and the fragments left after the Void God was destroyed. At this time, he is the moving void energy source, an energy life similar to the Void God.

And space's application of void energy is not as simple and crude as the Void God, but is full of leeway for the integration of skills, and can do things that are difficult for the Void God with the smallest force.

Just like at this moment, when the force field really crushed Space's body, it didn't produce any effect, as if he had also turned into a part of the force field, and couldn't be touched by the force field at all.

And the next moment Binghua's force field also encountered the same situation as before, the force field around the space is being eroded and assimilated by void energy, it can also be said that the force field is being transformed into void energy.

In the gap of the void, Kaza and Lan Bing are using the computing power of the big clock to assist the space to complete the huge amount of calculation required to rewrite the concept.

After all, there is no void engine in space, and you can complete these things that require powerful computing power alone.

Binghua stared towards him, the void energy that spread along the force field, could only cut off the connection with the force field.

Space is driving this majestic void energy to attack Binghua, as if the situation is reversed, Binghua also needs to rely on its own strength to defend against this level of energy erosion for the first time.

'The energy will be assimilated by the energy of the void, the flame bombardment, the judgment of the sky blade, and the great judgment are all negated by Binghua'

'The only thing left is the thunder tactics, or the space replacement to avoid the space attack, but this will expose more data to the opponent'

Binghua also understands the prerequisites for concept rewriting. Her personal dark plane computer is now responsible for most of her battle calculations. It is difficult for Sameailuo to interfere with such a strong void energy.

The treasure house of sacred knowledge is used to undertake the angel's dark information data recovery and reincarnation, and the remaining computing power will also provide support for the Heavenly Blade battle group and angel warriors.

But as the owner and user of the celestial computer, Binghua can detect some kind of energy fluctuation that Daozheng is constantly scanning himself, and Binghua knows it must be a big clock without guessing.

Binghua's various thoughts went round in her mind, and it only took a moment for her to finally choose the safest solution, not direct contact but indirect interference.

Throwing the king sword in his hand into the wormhole behind him, Binghua reached into another wormhole in front of him, and pulled out the neutron war blade cutting type from it.

Under the influence of the algorithm, the powerful gravitational wave that can affect a piece of space in an instant invades towards the front of the glacier, directly distorting the incoming wave of void energy and distorting its moving path to one side.

However, Binghua did not stop the gravitational wave of the neutron warblade. Instead, it increased the intensity of the release, and all the matter in this space was affected and began to move for a while.

Seeing this, Space stopped its attacking action. It neither rewritten the concept of void energy nor directly attacked. Instead, it gathered several sharp and materialized void spears, not knowing what it was going to do.

Binghua seemed to confirm something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and sure enough, in the face of the influence of the celestial level, the other party did not have a large-scale rewriting of the concept.

This shows that space's rewriting of energy has not completely broken away from the law of energy conservation, and there are still ways to fight against it, but it is too disadvantageous to fight with conventional means.

At this moment, Binghua suddenly realized something was wrong, the space suddenly disappeared in place, and Binghua felt the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

In the next moment, several spears of the void stabbed out almost close to Binghua's body, and penetrated her body without any hindrance.

Binghua's eyes widened slightly, and the next moment the pierced body suddenly dissipated into countless sacred atoms, reunited nearby, but his complexion was not very good-looking.

"Space replacement, I should have thought of it, Carl knows this, there is no reason why there is no such technology in the big clock."

"The non-stop characteristic of the dark silver weapon is really powerful. The so-called sacred body of your angels can also be pierced easily. Unfortunately, I can't define multiple substances, otherwise you may suffer serious injuries."

Space commented in this way, and shook his head slightly with some pity, but the next moment Space's tone was full of astonishment.

"You will be chosen by it! This is incredible!"

When Binghua was wondering why the space made such remarks, since the Void God was destroyed by her, the strong energy of the void that had been flooding around her seemed to have found a target, and suddenly rushed over to kill Binghua's body. The figure devoured, giving her no time to react at all.

(End of this chapter)

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