Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1093, Void Universe

When Binghua discovered that he was surrounded by void energy, he immediately mobilized dark energy to strengthen the defensive ability of the sacred atoms.

However, the part of the sacred atoms that had been penetrated by the spear of the void and infected by the void energy before became a breakthrough, and the void energy quickly infected more surrounding sacred atoms along this breakthrough.

For a while, the dark energy and the void energy started a battle inside Binghua's body, and they began to attack each other continuously, occupying more sacred atoms.

As the main body, Binghua's state was greatly reduced due to the conflict between the two energies in his body, and he had to use most of his computing power to fight against the erosion of the void energy.

'Arsenal connection, release executor level, quantity thirty, delivery location, known universe, Styx galaxy, gap in the void'

Following Binghua's order, Sameiello quickly launched shuttle-shaped individual aircraft through the wormhole formed by her living coordinate point weapon arsenal.

Seeing this, Space didn't rush to attack, but just quietly observed the state of the ice bloom being eroded and collected data.

But in the next moment, dozens of wormholes were formed, and the shuttle-shaped aircraft flying out of them, facing the direction of space, was a round of purification energy rays.

Faced with such raging firepower, a void barrier was erected in space, and then quickly moved away from its original position. The reason for this was because there were too many enemies.

After being forced back into space, several shuttle cabins disintegrated, revealing that the interior was exactly the same as Binghua's appearance, but it could also be a real executor-level mechanical warrior.

They stood in front of Binghua, exuding a blue purified energy field all over their bodies, ready to defend Binghua against the coming attack.

Binghua felt that his condition was too bad, and if he continued to entangle with space, he would probably get stuck here. After inquiring about the location of the burning angels in the treasure house of knowledge, he quickly completed the calculation of time and space, and decisively used the space replacement algorithm.

Space wanted to stop it, but the dozen or so executor-level mechanical warriors approached quickly. The blue glow surging on their bodies and weapons was a kind of energy that had never been recorded on the big clock. I wanted to analyze it. Disassembly takes a little time.

In this way, people can only be suppressed with force, and a large amount of void energy is driven, and then it turns into a surge of light at a high speed, passing the executors like sharp knives.

In an instant, the flash of energy collision and explosion knocked all the executors back and flew back, and the strength of the purification energy field covering the whole body dropped rapidly.

But as the most proud work of Sameiello, who can touch the god-level angels, if the executor level can be destroyed so easily, it won't be put into the arsenal by Binghua.

After resisting the first wave of void energy impact in space, a total of [-] executors quickly dispersed, completing the preparations for the god-killing battle. The next moment space ushered in the siege of executors.

"Principal, behind the other party is a celestial computer that is no less than the big clock to provide computing power. It will take a little time for the big clock to break through the firewall built by the other party."

Kaisha said in the communication that the idea of ​​having these machines in the pocket gradually dissipated when the space heard that the gap in the void was stabilized, and he would have the capital to persuade the Kamigawa civilization in the void universe to provide support, so he could not waste time anymore.


Ran and a group of angels were rapidly approaching the position given by the queen, and when they were about to enter the space near the void gap filled with rich void power, the space in front of them suddenly changed.

Binghua and ten indifferent executors appeared in an instant, which shocked Ran and other angels, but they quickly reacted and moved closer.

"Queen! You are hurt!

who did it?

I immediately led the Angel Legion to destroy him! "

Ran looked at Binghua, whose expression was wrong, and the fluctuation of dark energy had dropped to an extremely low level, and asked angrily.

Alan and He Zhui also approached with concern, scanning Binghua's body, but did not see any obvious wounds.

"My injury is not fatal for the time being, so inform the Skyblade Fleet to bomb with full force in the direction of the target Void Gap!"

Binghua clutched her chest and said in pain, "When the angel saw this, he stopped yelling to avenge the queen. Now the most important thing is to protect the queen and retreat to a safe area.

Although the angels were in a hurry to escort the King of Angels, Binghua's order was also carried out, and the Skyblade battle group that repelled the animal civilization fleet launched an indiscriminate bombing in the direction of the gap in the void.

Because the Void God was destroyed, the originally extremely dense void energy near the Void Gap has dropped a lot. Sky Blade's Star Destroyer Strike can also bomb the vicinity of the Void Gap more intuitively.

But this time, the operation to destroy and seal the Void Gap has been considered a failure in a strict sense, because the destruction-class battleships equipped with a large number of stasis ray cannons used to seal the Void Gap were too damaged under the attack of the Void God. , it is no longer possible to complete this task.

At present, what the Tianren battle group can do is the same as the former Lieyang civilization, establishing a blockade near the void gap, and using physical means to curb the spread of void energy.

Facing the cluster bombardment of the sky blades, the gods of space and retreating Kamigawa did not choose to interfere. As long as the gap in the void is still there, their plan will not fail.

The act of Angel civilization uniting a large number of civilizations to attack only delayed one of their steps, but this did not affect the core part of the plan.


At the other end of the gap in the void, this is a universe filled with gorgeous purple glow, and the rich void energy surrounds fragments of broken continents or planets like sea water.

And between these broken continents, a large number of void creatures shuttle among them. They are of different sizes and occasionally prey on each other. It seems to be an ecological circle structure similar to the main biological universe.

However, compared to the complex ecological circle of the main creature world, in the void universe, the creatures here only need to abide by one rule, which is to devour each other.

Weak creatures devour their own kind and become stronger, until reaching a certain point, they can no longer maintain their own huge existence, disintegrate into the most primitive void energy, and return to this universe.

For those void creatures who have evolved to the apex, the few intelligent creatures in the void universe call them void giants, but such creatures are rare.

Because in order to keep their energy bodies that can crush the continent from collapsing, they will minimize their actions and choose to float and sleep in one area.

From the perspective of the intelligent beings in space who entered the void universe from the main biological universe, although the void giants have the title of gods, they are no different from beasts in the final analysis, because they don't know how to use their majestic void energy at all.

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