Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1094, Void New Kamigawa

Chapter 1094, Void New Kamigawa
The void universe, where the new Kamigawa civilization is located, is a relatively complete planet, and it is one of the few existences that actively enters the void universe, along with other tattered planets that have been swallowed passively in the universe.

For this reason, when entering the void universe, the planet where the new Kamikawa civilization was located was not too damaged, but all the technologies based on the dark plane lost their effect.

In this universe full of void energy, all other types of energy will be repelled, making it difficult to use. For this reason, the new Kamigawa abandoned the technology system of the old Kamigawa and created its own new system with void energy.

With the appearance of a miniature gap in the void, space and the gods of Kamigawa under his command walked out of it.

"It seems that you have failed, space."

A new Kamigawa man in light body armor with a materialized body of void energy walked over arrogantly.

"It's not a failure, it's just that we need a little help, and I have completed the most critical step."

As Space spoke, he raised his head, and under the hood was the same void energy materialized face as the new Kamigawa.

Seeing this, the new Kamigawa put away the arrogance on his face, because the space is no different from them, it is better to say that the energy contained in the opponent's body is more powerful.

"It seems that you have successfully transformed the body of the void, come with me, the King of Kamigawa has been waiting for you for a long time."

After speaking, the existence named Xingyuan turned around and walked in front to lead the team, floating in space to follow. Kaisha, Lan Bing and others wanted to keep up, but they were blocked by the people brought by Xingyuan.

"You are not eligible to enter the Kamikawa Royal Court."

Hearing this, Kaisha clenched her fists and wanted to argue, but was held back by Lan Bing.

"Don't be impulsive, the principal has already said before he came, only by transforming into a void body can he be recognized by the new Kamigawa civilization, so don't make trouble."

"It's so embarrassing. We took a lot of effort. Texas, Mo Xue, and the others all sacrificed their lives to push back the King of Angels. That's all."

Kaisha murmured softly, she originally thought that when she came to New Kamigawa, she would at least be respected by her peers, not to mention a warm welcome.

I didn't expect that the other party didn't say that the body was different from them, and even the attitude was so casual.

Court of Kamigawa, the king of Kamigawa on a throne made of a mixture of purple crystal and rock overlooks the space that enters the hall.

The purple energy body did not destroy the image of the King of Kamigawa much, with a tough face, and a burly body wearing only the shoulder armor and a necklace made of special fine metals that are more like a status symbol than practical.

"Isn't this space.

It seems that your plan has been successful. If so, it's time for me to leave for the known universe. "

The King of Kamigawa is looking forward to entering the known universe. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, they, the survivors of Kamigawa, have long been accustomed to living in the void universe.

The only regret is that they have been unable to restore the glory of the old Kamigawa civilization. The cradle of the gods has degenerated into the new Kamikawa where the strong are king.

Thousands of years ago, the King of New Kamigawa was just an outstanding general of New Kamigawa who met the space drifting in the void universe by chance.

After the two met, because they both belonged to Kamigawa, they talked very happily. After all, the space that was just a data body at that time could not be directly touched, nor could it exert influence on foreign objects.

Later, with the help of space, the King of Kamigawa became more and more powerful, and finally defeated the other warlords who were separated from the new Kamigawa, completed the unification, and established the new Kamigawa.

Later, the new King of Kamigawa, who became king, relied on the theory provided by space to reform the new Kamigawa society that had lost too much old Kamigawa technology.

The New Kamigawa, which has degenerated to the point where the strong are king and power is the most important social system, has taken on the appearance of the Kamigawa civilization after thousands of years of development, and has rebuilt the almost forgotten order.

Space also left New Kamigawa some time ago and went to the known universe to plan the return of the Kamigawa civilization to the known universe.

The King of Kamigawa initially had a dispensable attitude towards the success of entering the known universe.

But after becoming the King of Kamigawa, he spent a period of time browsing the history of Kamigawa, and with the addition of space, the Kamigawa civilization once dominated the entire known universe and was deeply attracted by the gesture of ruling all civilizations like a god. he.

In the void universe, this place is vast and lonely, except for those void creatures without brains, there are almost no intelligent life forms.

After killing all the Kamigawa warlords, the King of Kamigawa has not done much for thousands of years, because he doesn't even know where the enemy is.

Although this uninteresting void universe gave the new Kamigawa people a long life and great power, it also made them trapped here like prisoners.

Therefore, the King of Kamigawa has been waiting for news from space, because he doesn't know how to create the void gap and establish the technology to connect the main biological universe and the void universe.

Hearing the words of the King of Kamigawa, Sora nodded slightly and replied.

"At present, a giant void rift has been successfully anchored, and the will of the void universe on the other side has also been destroyed for some reason, and we don't need to do it anymore."

"I didn't expect you, as a scholar, to be able to kill the will of the void, which is really interesting.

Forget it, since you have successfully anchored a void rift, then this king can gather his army and let them move their bodies that are about to rust. "

As the King of Kamigawa intends to take action against the main biological universe, the planet where the new Kamigawa people are located is lively, because they have not fought a major war for thousands of years.

Waves of purple energy glow rose from all over the planet, rushed towards one place, and landed in the assembly area, turning into soldiers wearing special metal body armor and holding long guns and sniper rifles.

At the same time, triangular metal battleships of different lengths spewed out purple energy glows from their tails and soared into the sky.

These battleships have a wide deck at the front, and the area behind the middle end has a towering bridge, part of the hull, and some energy turrets.

The gods of Kamigawa, who had been waiting for several days near the landing point of the new Kamikawa, were extremely surprised when they saw this scene. What surprised them was not the military strength of the new Kamikawa, but the population of the new Kamikawa.

Because it has never been a technical problem that restricts the survivors of Kamigawa, but population. The population of Kamigawa in the known universe has always been extremely rare. There are less than twenty.

Therefore, people like Lan Bing, Kai'Sa, Rexue, etc. will be so surprised when they see that Xin Shen He has such a huge population base.

(End of this chapter)

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