Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1101, The Destroyer Arrives

Chapter 1101, The Destroyer Arrives

In the main hall of the virtual heaven, Binghua began to be familiar with the usage of the void engine. As for the main defense and repair of the secondary biological engine, she was already very familiar with it.

The fiery energy glow condenses together like a solid in Binghua's hands. After the concept modification and material redefinition, it possesses some properties of a solid while possessing ultra-high temperature.

If you can find a way to permanently solidify it, then this energy blade can already be used as a cutting-edge weapon that can threaten the divine body.

"It's really a magnificent creation. This is a substance that will never exist in nature. I am afraid that only the void can endow it with such powerful properties."

Karl stared at Binghua's creation and admired it sincerely, but Hexi and Binghua didn't pay much attention to his words.

"Actually, I think that Void Engine and Subbiological Engine are more suitable for the creation of new substances than being used for military applications."

Hexi clicked his tongue in amazement, although she has always known the concept modification of void and the definition of matter is very powerful, but she has never felt it so intuitively.

Binghua also agrees with Hexi's words, and now she can create some new substances with special properties at will. If it is not necessary for her to use algorithms all the time to maintain the definition of substances, then this technology is enough to change everything that exists.

"Then sister Hexi, you have something to do next, how about developing a technology that can permanently solidify it."

Binghua showed her smile towards Hexi, and said in a begging tone.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you join the team first."

Hexi couldn't resist the enthusiastic Binghua offensive, so he waved his hands helplessly in agreement.

"If you two don't mind, I would also like to participate in this research.

Anyway, you can't let me go, why don't you let me play the remaining value. "

Carl interjected at this time, he was afraid that if he didn't speak again, Binghua would seal him in that device again later.

Karl can accept death and failure, but he cannot accept being abandoned by the times.

In just a few short years, the technology of the known universe has developed to an unbelievable level.

If it takes 100 or 1000 years, will all the knowledge he has mastered be completely behind the times?

Although he is no longer able to lead the times, at least Karl hopes that he can witness the coming new era.

Binghua thought for a moment before agreeing to Karl's request, but did not cancel Karl's punishment directly.

Karl will enjoy the same treatment as Liangbing, and will be permanently imprisoned in the Angel Prison, but what is better than Liangbing is that although Karl has lost his freedom, he can do some simple research.

This is a reward for Karl's willingness to assist Hexi in upgrading his sacred body. It can also be regarded as the best use of the Binghua people to contribute to the construction of a just world. After all, Karl has proved his talent in scientific research.

After completing the upgrade, Binghua is also preparing to leave Melo Heaven. After all, according to the news from Keisha recently, the enemies on the Void Gap are restless.

More importantly, Destroyer 064 has come to the known universe, and Binghua is going to go to the Styx galaxy with Destroyer 064.

When the weapons that sealed the Void Gap were on their way to Styx, the new Kamigawa army at the other end of the Void Gap finally completed their combat deployment.

They first drove a large number of void creatures to the known universe to serve as cannon fodder for consuming the firepower of the angel's defense line near the void gap, and tested the important firepower points of the defense line.

After several days of fierce fighting, the commanding angel of the angelic defense line was relieved after discovering that the density of the void creatures was gradually decreasing, when the assassins hidden in the void creatures suddenly launched an attack.

Traveling through the void, escaping into the shadows, the void assassins who had been besieged by angels sneaked in again while the defense line was busy dealing with void creatures.

Immediately, Angel warriors encountered a sneak attack. This time, the goal of the Void Assassins was to destroy the defense settings and energy supply facilities of the Angel base on the border, and the orbital defense platform.

They sneaked into the interior of these defense bases, spread void energy, infecting and destroying the energy circuits inside the base.

Soon, the defensive turrets of the Angel Base on the border misfired, and the time-space deflection shields gradually disintegrated.

Seeing this scene, Keisha frowned for the first time since she came here.

"The elite team pressed forward, the wormhole array was activated, and the precise delivery was carried out to cut off these mice hiding in the dark."

After Kaisha's order was issued, the Skyblade battleship equipped with a wormhole array, and the angel warrior squad that had been prepared inside quickly rushed into the wormhole.

The Void Assassin, who was assassinating the scientific research angel inside the border angel base, was caught off guard by the angel that suddenly protruded from the space wormhole.

For a moment, the fiery energy glow echoed with the void blade that pierced the space, and the energy aftermath of the collision was like a storm that completely destroyed the interior of the base.

While this contained the damage done by the Void Assassins, to some extent the Void Assassins also succeeded in their purpose, breaking down part of the line of defense.

The misfiring and fall of several border guard angel bases became the fuse. Xin Shenhe seized this point and gave priority to attacking this part of the defense line, trying to expand the gap.

However, Xin Kamikawa's thinking was too simple. When the mothership group of Xin Kamikawa traveled through the void and arrived near the defense line, launched raiders, and his own corps landed at the border guard angel base, he wanted to mix the two sides together, so that When weakening the firepower advantage of the Angel defense line.

The Heavenly Blade, which has been serving as a fixed-point turret behind the defense line, moved, and under the space warp, the advantages of being a celestial warship were fully displayed.

The Heavenly Blade suddenly jumped out of the void, the huge hull and the spears of light all over it hit the turret and the celestial level time-space deflection shield, making them like a mobile base fortress.

Terrifying firepower fell on the New Kamigawa Mothership before it could expand the void energy field, and the bursting fiery energy and recoiling void energy annihilated and opposed each other.

The terrifying energy impact immediately swept everything around, and the nearby raider was like a lonely boat in the sea, being carried around and flying around.

Seeing that with the help of the enemy's base, the Angel's plan to bombard with all its strength due to the presence of friendly forces failed, Xin Kamikawa simply turned to a strong attack, and was about to take down the most difficult battleship, the Skyblade.

The surrounding raiders changed their attack targets and attacked the nearest Skyblade.

Under the continuous attack, the strength of the space-time deflection shield suddenly began to drop, and soon entered the alert value, but at the same time, the guards around the Kamigawa mothership were greatly weakened, and the other sky blades also took advantage of this opportunity. Onslaught.

Soon, the armor and void protection of the new Kamigawa's mothership were exhausted, and the hull gradually shattered and became part of the wreckage of many spaceships on this battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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