Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1102, The New King of Kamigawa

Chapter 1102, The New King of Kamigawa
After several Kamikawa motherships were destroyed, a battered Skyblade time-space deflection shield finally reached the critical point, turning into energy fragments and falling apart.

In an instant, the surrounding raiders rushed to the vicinity of the Tianren ship's hull, tilting their fire towards the Light Spear Fort that was still firing on the ship's hull, destroying Tianren's counterattack force.

But soon the angel legion carried in the sky blade broke away from the hull, rushed into the universe, and wiped out these approaching enemy planes with the flaming sword that symbolized the majesty of the angels.

Because of the fall of a Skyblade, New Kamigawa and Angel Civilization finally entered the field of hand-to-hand combat where both sides are extremely confident.

From the destroyed new Kamigawa mothership, streaks of purple light shot out, and transformed into Void Kamigawa warriors holding Void Blades and special sniper rifles on the Skyblade hull.

Inherited from the military system of the once glorious Kamigawa civilization, the new Kamigawa army has always maintained the special branch of Kamigawa snipers, even if they have embraced the void.

This special sniper force prevented Angel from exerting a decisive advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

Because the unique pure energy body of the void warrior of New Kamigawa has no weaknesses, and can only be completely destroyed by using more powerful energy.

This made the angel fighters who didn't know them at the beginning a big loss. A large number of angel fighters faced this kind of enemy for the first time. They thought that the opponent who was killed had the power to fight back. Many angels died because of carelessness. under.

At the same time, the snipers of the new Kamigawa civilization are also constantly sniping the angels who carry out raids in the universe. Although the power of the special void energy bombs is not enough to kill, it can cause serious trauma to the angel warriors.

Kesha, who was in command, discovered this, but there was no good way, because time did not allow the angelic civilization to come up with effective defense methods and targeted weapons.

The only thing Keisha can do is to let the Melo Guards, who were originally a special counter force, attack to relieve the pressure on the gap in the defense.

As for some more powerful god-level angels, they are not in a hurry to be exposed, because their angels are defensive and the opponent is offensive, and they already have the initiative to choose a breakthrough.

The exposed position of sacred wings like Ran, which can run rampant on the battlefield, will not only encounter targeted sniping by the opponent, but also be restrained by the enemy's use of force.

When the time comes when the opponent changes the direction of attack, the angel side will not have strategic battle angels to make up for the vacancy of high-level combat power.

Of course, the most important point is that the pressure on the gap in the defense line has not reached the point where it is necessary to send strategic angels to rescue immediately.

Of course, it is also possible to use the particularity of the wormhole array to quickly transfer and mobilize high-level combat units, but Keisha was the first to lose her composure in blocking the new Kamigawa, and she wanted to engage in a god-killing battle to destroy the opponent's high-level.

If the particularity of the wormhole array's ability to deploy troops on the battlefield at will is exposed in advance, it is easy to be alerted by the opponent.

As for whether the space will know that Angel has such a technology, the possibility is too small, because Angel has not revealed that he has this ability.

The previous few times of use were very small, or it was inside the base of one's own side. The most important thing is that the wormhole array has always been the unique technology of the demon civilization, and it has always been firmly controlled by the demons. Outflow, even Styx does not have the technical reserves in this regard.

As the battle continued, both sides invested more and more troops in the gap in the defense line, and some powerful existences that could easily set off a wave of void energy began to appear on the battlefield. Correspondingly, there were also god-level angels on the angel side.

Compared with ordinary high-level angels and void fighters, the battle scenes of God of War and Generals of the New Kamikawa are much more grand, and neither angel fighters nor void fighters can approach within the affected area. This is the suppression of the energy level .

"Queen Keisha, Angel Mingyue, Angel Aya has fallen!"

The angel in charge of monitoring the situation on the battlefield reported urgently.

The next moment, two projection images appeared, among them were two god-level angels, one of which was pierced through the armor from the back by the void blade, and the blooming void energy was spreading along her wound to the whole body.

The other was wrapped in the rich void energy incarnated by the new Kamikawa general, and the super gene was eroded and fell.

Soon the cause of their death, their opponent's battle data, and the means used were compiled into data and sent to other angels on the battlefield so that they could take precautions.

Near the Gap of the Void, Space is observing the situation on the battlefield, sorting out the information, and reporting it to the intelligence officer of New Kamigawa on the side, and after analysis, summarize and report to the King of New Kamigawa.

"It is so powerful that it can block the onslaught of the king's army. It is indeed the most powerful civilization in the known universe in the mouth of space.

But this alone is not enough, tell Space, this king doesn't want to wait any longer, let his people go first, and this king will arrive later. "

As soon as the words fell, the new King of Kamigawa got up from the throne, and as he got up, the ten people in the hall were covered by void metal armor like sculptures, and bright purple glow emerged from the eyes.

This is the direct line of guards who followed him to fight against the Void Kamikawa warlords. Unlike ordinary Kamikawa generals, they fight full-time and do not command the army.

After thousands of years of energy transformation and the enhancement of technology provided by space, each of these personal guards is extremely powerful, and ordinary Kamigawa generals cannot match them at all.

Although the development of New Kamigawa has long since departed from the conventional cyclical and gradual route of technological development, and has become a route of soaring void energy and directly changing from a biological body to an energy body, they have never forgotten to arm themselves with technology.

The new King of Kamigawa put on the armor that can greatly increase the range of his energy control, condensed the vast void energy into several materialized spheres, hung behind him as a reserve, and stepped into the main creature he had never been to cosmic world.

Before that, the gods of Shenhe under the command of space also appeared on the battlefield. After killing two god-level angels in a surprise attack, they were stopped by Yan Helen, Xiluo and other powerful god-level angels.

In space, a wave of void energy was set off, and the range of the void gap began to be expanded to open up a larger channel.

Because as a scholar, he can only maintain his strength in a place with abundant energy in the void, so the new king of Kamigawa handed over the back road to space and his four personal guards, as well as part of the defense of the corps.

The new King of Kamigawa appeared on the battlefield in a high-profile manner. As soon as he appeared, he used the materialized void energy sphere behind him to dry up the time-space deflection shield of a Skyblade, attracting the attention of the angels.

(End of this chapter)

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