Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1103, witness my strength

Chapter 1103, witness my strength
"So high-profile, so confident, it seems that this should be the commander of the void civilization."

Keisha inferred that this was not an unfounded guess, but an inference based on the characteristics and components of the new Kamigawa army.

The Void Civilization should be the same as the Angel Civilization. The highest wisdom and the most powerful person rule the entire civilization, otherwise the other party's social system cannot be explained.

Because when the power exceeds the normal order defenders of society, the so-called defense of the strong by the weak cannot be established at all, and only the strong can be defended by the strong, so that a stable order system can be formed.

Although Keisha doesn't know much about New Kamigawa, the details of the battle between the two sides are enough to prove that the class systems of New Kamigawa and Melo Heaven have the same goal by different routes.

The moment the new King of Kamigawa appeared on the battlefield, Kaisha also acted. She had been hidden by the snow, anxiously waiting for the order to be fired, the crane chased, and the angels such as Ming finally got the permission to attack.

——The wormhole array is activated, a temporary wormhole is generated, and the coordinate points have been connected
As the space near the new King of Kamigawa sags, a wormhole is formed in the blink of an eye, and several figures covered in bright energy glow rush out the next moment.

The new King of Kamigawa reacted quickly, and a void sphere behind him flew out and spread out in an instant, turning into liquid void energy, which burned like a flame and covered the rushing enemy.

Just when the burning liquid void energy was like a big mouth, about to devour the figures rushing out of the wormhole, a fiery glow lit up in it.

In the next moment, a torrent of golden-red energy, like a raging fire, pierced through the liquid void energy and sank into the distant starry sky.

Angel Alan's Heavenly Blade Judgment opened a huge gap for her companion, and other angels would naturally not disappoint her kindness.

The Thunder Torrent made up for the gradually weakening Skyblade Trial, and further expanded the gap. Seeing this, the will of the new God of Kamigawa was imposed on the burning void and flames, causing it to close quickly.

But it was already a step too late. The angel crane rushed out of the gap, chasing the silver trail. The power of the silver epee's blade-breaking algorithm in his hand was increased to the maximum, and the whole body exuded red fluorescent light and rushed to the vicinity of the new king of Kamigawa.

The surrounding time seemed to slow down dozens of times at this moment, He Zhui poured all his strength into this sword, trying to hit the opponent severely with one blow.

The new king of Kamigawa didn't panic, he raised his hand, and one of the void balls behind him quickly turned into a sword shape, and was grabbed by one of them and slashed down heavily.

Facing the enemy's behavior of exchanging injuries for injuries, He Zhui did not hesitate at all, holding the weapon without any deformation in his movements, and cutting into the chest and abdomen of the new King of Kamigawa.

At the same time, the void energy blade in the hands of the new King of Kamigawa also cut heavily into Crane Tsui's shoulder armor near her neck. If Crane Tsui hadn't turned her head away, it might have been her head.

Crane Tsui was wounded and instinctively distanced himself from the new King of Kamigawa, but the void energy in the wound was not so easy to eliminate.

"How about it, Crane Chasing!"

Ailan approached He Zhui and asked with concern, He Zhui said with a painful expression on his face.

"It's okay, I can't die for the time being, but you have to be careful!"

Crane Tsui reminded, because she couldn't accurately tell the abnormality of the new King of Kamigawa.

The only thing he could know was that the other party didn't pay much attention to the injury, because the wound caused by He Zhui had recovered in just a few seconds, without any trace.

The new King of Kamigawa did not pursue Tsurugi's escape, because he had already experienced the angel's attack power with his own body.

It turned out that the problem was not a big one, and no matter how many times this kind of attack was repeated, it would be impossible to cause real damage to him, so the new King of Kamigawa planned to use overwhelming power to let the angel experience what it means to be completely desperate.

One of the seven void spheres in total began to deform, stretching and covering King Kamigawa's body, forming a translucent energy armor covering his whole body.

The Void Sword held by the New King of Kamigawa was also elongated, and finally it was fixed as a giant spear slightly taller than the Void God, with a flat, prismatic front blade.

"Come and challenge me! Angel, today I will show you my power as the King of Kamigawa!"

The extremely pure Kamigawa language was uttered from the mouth of the King of Kamigawa. After the interference of the energy armor, this language band containing such information was filled with a heavy pressure.

As the mainstream language of the known universe, the Kamigawa language, the angels could naturally hear this message, and it wasn't until this moment that the angels understood who their opponent was.

But these are meaningless to Angel and Shin Kamikawa, who are now mortal enemies. They just want to kill these enemies from the void.

"Let's go together, pay attention to cooperation."

Seeing that the King of Kamigawa is so powerful, Ran, Ailan, Ming, and Crane Zhui didn't choose to support him, and nodded in agreement with Ran's proposal.

"God Killing Battle No. [-], prepare!"

Ran opened his mouth and raised his head, and the raging lightning began to gather quickly and was thrown out by him.

Alan immediately took up the burning attack. This time she did not choose to destroy the wide-ranging Skyblade Trial, but chose the easier-to-control flame bombing.

The terrifying energy was gathered into a width similar to that of the blade, hiding in the tumbling lightning torrent and attacking forward.

Facing the menacing lightning, the Void Spear in the King of Kamigawa's hand swiped, splitting the incoming lightning torrent in two like a layer of water waves.

But then a touch of crimson hidden in the lightning came into his sight, like a spear piercing the energy armor on his body.

After a moment of stalemate, the scarlet spear-like energy suddenly exploded, and the tumbling energy fire cloud engulfed a large area around it.

But in the next second, the tumbling energy fire cloud was swept away by a purple energy glow, revealing the King of Kamigawa who was almost unharmed.

Unlike the God of the Void and the space of the newly promoted Void Body, the King of Kamigawa does not understand so many technologies and strange algorithms.

The only thing he is good at is energy solidification, compression, and shaping. Just these three simple techniques allow him to overwhelm the heroes of the entire New Kamigawa. Even space is just a fragile thing in front of him. scholar.

The King of Kamigawa, who pierced through the tumbling energy flames around him, suddenly caught a rapidly approaching figure in his sight, and the Void Spear in his hand was swept out and collided with an epee that was surging with scorching light.

In an instant, the dazzling flashes radiated continuously towards the surroundings, and the dark energy tide and void energy were constantly entangled with each other.

At the moment when the two were entangled with each other, Crane Tsui came suddenly from the side of the King of Kamigawa, and stabbed with a sword with a high-power blade-breaking algorithm in his hand.

But it is a pity that Crane Tsui's weapon was blocked by the energyized gauntlet of the raised arm of the new King of Kamigawa at the last moment.

(End of this chapter)

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