Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1104, Chapter 44, Food abuse

Chapter 1104 No.40 Four, Abuse of Vegetables
At the same time, facing the attacks of two angels comparable to the divine wings, even the King of Kamigawa had to deal with it carefully.

Although the opponent's attack is difficult to cause real damage to oneself, it does not mean that the opponent will not do something to oneself while he is recovering.

The void spear that blocked Angel Ming suddenly sent out a concussive void impact, knocking Ming back a little.

Taking advantage of the moment of leisure, the Void Spear in the hands of the King of Kamigawa deformed again, and the tail of the spear extended backwards and stabbed out from behind.

Crane Tsui was about to break through the energy gauntlet of the King of Kamigawa and do real damage to him, but facing the attacking Void Spear, she didn't dare to rely on Da Lian to draw her sword and fly back.

"You should be battle angels called holy wings by the space, but in the eyes of this king, you are nothing more than mediocre.

I really don't understand why that guy is so jealous of you. "

The new king of Kamigawa said proudly, this is not his bragging, just now he did easily resolve the god-killing battle launched by the battle angel of the sacred double-wing level.

When the new king of Kamigawa was stumbled by the angels of the sacred wings, the sudden attack of the gods of Kamigawa caused serious damage to the angel's defense line.

No matter how backward the technology mastered by the gods of Kamigawa, they themselves are the foundation of the God of War, and they are not so weak.

In order to fight against them, the Xiongbing Company and some god-level angels went up.

The gods of Kamigawa who have lost several important companions, only the Spear of Kamigawa, Rexue, Fist of Kamigawa, and two technicians, Lan Bing and Kai'Sa, are still alive.

In order to make up for their weak combat power, the King of Kamigawa specially transferred his personal guards who followed him to the side of the gods of Kamigawa, responsible for destroying the angel's fortifications.

Among the gods of Kamigawa, Linyuan, the Fist of Kamigawa, was stopped by Xiluo, who was also good at close combat, and exchanged unarmed combat skills. The force released between the frequently colliding fists was enough to easily penetrate armor and shatter the spaceship.

Boxue, who is good at firepower, sniping and bombing, encountered a big problem this time, and that was the god-killing tactical team formed by Xiongbing Company according to the battlefield situation.

Kamigawa sniper Qilin, German star gun Xin Zhao who is good at speed raids, Yaowen who can use his ability to pull earth and rocks to make mobile platforms and bunkers, and the most critical space-time rose.

With the cooperation of the four, Xue Xue couldn't spare the time to deploy his weapon to recharge, so as to carry out precise firepower sniper bombing on these four.

Although the combination of Space-Time Rose and German Star Spear can maximize Xin Zhao's mobility advantage, But Xue is a god who has experienced physical warfare.

For the point of being besieged, he has his own set of tactics. Although he is constantly being chased by Xin Zhao and others, his life will not be in danger for the time being.

As for Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, who are the most powerful in the Xiongbing Company, each stopped a personal guard of the King of Kamigawa.

Ge Xiaolun has been tempered in rounds of battles, and he is no longer what it used to be. The hidden angel part of his genes is fully activated with the help of Melo Heaven. He has his own wings and the ability to fly across galaxies alone.

At this moment, he and a personal guard of the King of Kamigawa covered in unknown metal armor are engaged in a chase-and-flight game. The weapon engine of the pitch-black giant sword in his hand quickly analyzes the energy in the body of the guard in front of him to provide the necessary support for the anti-void algorithm. data support.

Liu Chuang, who belonged to the same army as Ge Xiaolun, was different. He didn't want to twist and turn like Ge Xiaolun. He directly hugged a guard of the King of Kamigawa and crashed into a new Kamikawa mothership with him.

Then Liu Chuang had a fierce close-to-person exchange with the personal guard of the king of Shenhe, the ax that cut through the thorns and the king's personal guard criss-crossing the void battlefield.

Both are good at fighting with force to break the law, with head to head, with force to break force, fully explaining what is the cruelest violence.

In order to deal with the king's personal guard, Liu Chuang, who was in crisis, raised his energy conversion efficiency to the limit he could do so far. The imitation black cut in his hand fell down, which was powerful enough to split the stars. The river mother ships all wailed.

The anti-void god-making project was once established in space, although the original intention was to integrate the resources and technology of the Super Seminary and start the next stage of exploration of super gene technology.

But in order to fight against the fear of the void that was still unknown at that time in the future, the three major anti-void god-making projects have been placed with special expectations by space.

The sword that cuts through fear - the anti-void technology of the power of Kamigawa is a tentative exploration to counter the void.

The ax that cuts through thorns and thorns-Nuoxing God of War is the ultimate warrior for fighting the fear of the void head-on.

Light up the dark light - the light of the sun is to provide strong logistical support and sufficient energy support for both on the battlefield with the void.

Of course, the above are the final names and characteristics of the anti-void god-making project. In the beginning, they had another name, which was the power of Kamigawa as the main general, and the front and light of Kamigawa who assisted him.

But in the end, because of the disintegration of the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance, and the parting of the Super Seminary and the Angel Civilization, these three major god-making projects had to be outsourced to other civilizations, and they were respectively attached with the characteristics of their respective civilizations.

If the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance had not disintegrated, the three major anti-void god-making projects would have begun to fulfill their missions long ago, using themselves as the super gene of the God of War as a template to develop a second-level mass production suitable for large-scale use A super genetic model.

In the end, these good expectations were all shattered with the disintegration of the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance. The civilizations carrying the three anti-void projects also turned against each other for some reason, and both eventually went to destruction.

The results of the anti-void god-making project left over finally went round and round and fell into the hands of the angel civilization, but Merlot Heavenly Court, which has become powerful and has become a pole of the known universe, has long looked down on the achievement of the anti-void god-making civilization, because they There are already better ones.

But better is not the most suitable after all, so when fighting against the new Kamikawa civilization, a civilization from the void, the power of the galaxy and Nuoxing God of War, which are anti-void god-making projects, will perform so prominently.

Of course, the performance of the battle gods of the Angel civilization is not bad, but most of them cannot gain any obvious advantage in the battle with the generals of the new Kamikawa civilization.

Except for the king's personal guards who were dragged down by the two great forces of the Xiongbing Company, the remaining king's personal guards ushered in their death, that is the former king of angels, the holy Kaisa, who stands at the top of all the angels in this star field.

Although she is no longer the King of Angels, her arsenal and authority in the treasure house of sacred knowledge have not been recovered by the current King of Angels, Binghua.

Accompanied by the opening of the space wormhole, the Cross Throne slowly flew out of it under the light of the faint glow. The figure on it seemed to have some kind of special quality, and the strong sense of presence made it impossible for the king's personal guards to ignore it.

Even if he didn't get any information in advance, the king's personal guard can confirm with his own intuition that Holy Kaisa is not the king of angelic civilization, but should be an extremely important existence.

The king's personal guards who were slaughtering the surrounding angels immediately made a decision to kill the holy Kaisa as the highest priority.

Facing the king's personal guards who rushed over quickly, Keisha had the experience of fighting Karl and Hua Ye, and knew that the defense built by ordinary dark energy could not stop them at all.

The concept can be modified, and the void energy with infection characteristics is the nemesis of the conventional energy defense system, unless it completely overwhelms the opponent in terms of magnitude.

The whole body of these king's guards is covered by special metal armor, only revealing a pair of purple energy eyes, the energy in the body has exceeded the energy reserve of ordinary three generations of gods according to the calculation of the sacred knowledge treasure house.

Since such an existence is difficult to resist with defense, it may not be impossible to trap them. After all, according to Kesha's previous observation, the attack style of these metal bumps is extremely simple and rude.

Part of the reason why it was difficult for the angel warriors to take them down was because of the abnormally high energy intensity in their bodies, and also because of the metal armor covering their bodies.

It seems that because they are produced from the void universe, they are like solid void energy with strong energy conductivity and physical defense capabilities.

The weapons and equipment of angels generally have both physical and energy damage, but against the armor of the king's personal guard, the energy attack is resisted by the void energy, and the physical weapon is blocked by the solid armor, so it is basically unable to cause effective damage.

But these problems are only minor problems for Keisha, because the other party has stepped into her sacred realm.

The sub-biological engine is turned on, and the target king's personal guard builds an energy trap of the sub-biological engine to restrict the opponent's actions.

Although Kaisha's sacred domain is only a few kilometers away, within these few kilometers, she can use the computing power support of the sacred knowledge treasure house to carry out wormholes and algorithm drives anywhere.

The algorithm of the sub-biological engine is no exception. During this period of time, Keisha has not been bound by the affairs of the king of angels, and has focused most of her attention on the optimization of the sacred language algorithm, and her combat power is even better than before.

At this moment, Keisha has displayed her most proud technique, the algorithm-driven operation at a long distance, which is something that even Hexi and Binghua cannot do.

The four royal guards who rushed into Kesha's sacred domain fell into the energy trap built by the subbiological engine and were imprisoned in place.

The next moment, the scene from the past reappeared, and silver metal wings emerged from the void, bringing a burst of silver light across the body of a king's personal guard.

The silver feather, which was enough to easily cut through the bodies of three generations of gods, directly broke through the armor of the king's personal guard, exposing its inner body constructed of void energy.

This wave of serial attacks by Keisha severely damaged the two royal guards. After breaking through the bio-energy trap, the remaining two royal guards wanted to continue to kill Kesha, a dangerous enemy.

But when they were still more than ten meters away from Keisha, they could no longer move forward, and a series of imprisoning algorithms were activated, turning into an uninterrupted defense to stop their footsteps.

In the end, they were pierced into hedgehogs by a handful of sharp silver blades, and the violent void energy in their bodies was calmed and eliminated by Kesha using the secondary biological engine.

After all, the fighters of the new Kamigawa civilization still lack the combat techniques to cope with the complex and changeable known universe. They rely on their own energy strength to rampage, and once they are thoroughly studied, they will be easily killed by targeted combat.

Kaisha happens to be best at dealing with opponents of the same level as her or lower, which is commonly known as abuse, and her efficiency is even higher than Binghua.

(End of this chapter)

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