Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 224, Flaming Sword 2

Chapter 224, Flame Sword II

A group of five angels flapped their wings and flew in the empty universe.

After a while, the five angels stopped suddenly, and the leading female angel warrior stood in the starry sky, her eyes covered with a faint hazy white light.

'Applying for permission to enter Merlot Paradise'

'Verification information passed, welcome Angel Yiling to return to Merlot Heaven'

A voice that only the angel Yiling could hear sounded in his mind, and the next moment blue ripples appeared in the void in front of him.

It is more than ten meters high, and there is a metal door with golden wings and prismatic blue crystal forehead on both sides of the door, which appears on a black rock platform.

The next moment, the blue light curtain lit up, and Angel Yiling led his team into the light curtain without any hesitation.

As soon as the world in front of the light curtain changed, Angel Yiling and other angels came to another starry sky, and then flew straight to the artificial celestial body standing in the universe not far away.

In the former Merlot star system, now called the Star Field of Merlot Heaven, a magnificent space city built on the remains of a continent of tens of millions of square kilometers floats in the starry sky.

Surrounding the huge irregular continental shelf is a circle of silver-gray metal rings with blue lines on it. Using it as a supporting frame, a metal cone-shaped facility extends upwards at intervals.

At the same time, a faint white energy film wraps the entire continent in it. If the distance is a little closer, you can easily see the lush forests and mountains inside the energy film, and of course the rivers flowing with the source of life are indispensable.

And under this natural beauty, there are castles thousands of meters apart, with gorgeous and magnificent appearances, and exquisite reliefs carved on the white walls.

After more than ten years of development, the various facilities in Merlot's Heavenly Court have also tended to be perfected.

Among them, Kaisha's Sky Blade Legion has taken over most of the defense and galaxy security work of the Angel Nebula.

Binghua transferred the Heavenly Sword Legion, which was used to defend the Mir galaxy, Skool galaxy, and Thrall galaxy, to the border of the Angel Nebula, and its combat direction began to slowly move closer to the frontier army.

Apocalypse Wang Liangbing has been focusing on the development of space technology in recent years. As for the legion under his command, he is mainly responsible for the observation and data collection of various galaxies in the Angel Nebula.

Finally, there is Tianji Wang Hexi. After the establishment of Merlot Heavenly Court, Hexi led the construction of the defense system of Tiancheng, and spent nearly ten years erasing the existence of the Merlot galaxy from the known universe, making it only an angel. A special star field that enters and exits.


Heavenly Sword Royal Court, which is now the center of dealing with foreign wars of Angel Civilization, Binghua is conceiving the final finalization of the new-style Raging Flame Sword, when suddenly an angel comes to apply for an interview.

"Queen, the reconnaissance angel under King Apocalypse found traces of the male angel in the Canmel galaxy outside the Angel Nebula. According to the analysis, it is very likely that it is Hua Ye's unit who has been wandering around the nebula in recent years."

Hearing this, Binghua put down the research she was doing, and slightly raised her head to look at the guardian angel Ming who came to report.

"I see."

Binghua just answered lightly, which made Angel Ming puzzled, when did his queen stop paying attention to Hua Ye's news.

"Ming, you go to the training ground with me first, Hua Ye's matter will be discussed later, anyway, he can't run very far in this time."

"Yes, Queen." Angel Ming nodded upon hearing the words, putting doubts in his heart.

———Tianjian Legion training ground.

"I'll use my strength to swing the sword! Don't always attack according to the data in your mind, otherwise you will be killed in an instant when you encounter an enemy with rich experience in actual combat."

The wide training ground is being divided into several areas, all of which are Angel recruits who are being trained.

The training of the Heavenly Sword Legion is very simple. The first thing is to transfer the sword skills and angel air warfare into the memory of ordinary angels.

Then, after tedious familiarization and training, these skills that take several years, or even more than ten years to master, can be turned into one's own in just one or two years.

Of course, there are geniuses and mediocrities in any civilization, and angelic civilization is no exception. For example, some female angels with a relatively high combat awareness often only need a few months to master air combat and certain sword fighting skills.

Even though most of the female angels have memories of swordsmanship and angel air combat in their minds, they can't coordinate their bodies well, and can only use time to adapt their bodies to the rhythm of the battle.

Angel Ming followed his queen across the training ground and came to the upper area.

As soon as he entered this floor, Angel Ming saw two familiar figures at a glance.

In the area in the middle of the hall, there was a battle platform surrounded by energy films.

At this moment, two female angels holding flaming swords are fighting fiercely together.

"Sister Yun, just admit defeat!"

Angel Shuang said, her hands kept moving, the inscription on the flame sword lit up, and the blade became scorching red.

On the other side, the guard Angel Yun was obviously in a worse state than Angel Frost, and his chest was heaving slightly.

"Don't think you can defeat me with the queen's special flaming sword!"

After finishing speaking, Angel Yun flapped his wings behind his back, stepped on the ground with his toes, raised his sword and rushed forward fiercely.

Seeing this, the corners of Angel Shuang's mouth rose slightly, obviously in a happy mood, and he dodged to one side with ease, while waving two flaming sword qi to interfere with Angel Cloud's attack.

A few minutes later, with a clang, a flaming sword twirled and fell to the ground. Angel Yun looked at the point of the sword aimed at his neck, and could only admit defeat reluctantly.

"I lost……"

Only then did the two angels see Binghua and Angel Ming standing beside them, and they quickly saluted.


Binghua nodded slightly as a response, and then asked about the power of the new flame sword.

After Binghua's improvements over the years, in addition to the dark energy drive, the Blazing Sword has also added a series of functions such as stellar energy absorption, flame bombing import formula, thunder drive formula, and dark energy flame release.

Among them, the absorption of stars, as the literal meaning, can absorb the physical light energy and stellar radiation everywhere in the universe, which is used to restore the injuries and energy consumption of the second-generation angels, and greatly enhance the endurance and combat capabilities of the second-generation angels.

The flame bombing import formula allows ordinary angels to have the ability to launch flame bombing, but at least five angels need the dark energy in their bodies to supply energy, which happens to be the configuration of a small group of angels.

Thunder drive, this is the ability of Binghua to simplify his own thunder tactics and burn them on the sword of flames. It can convert dark energy into thunder, and create an area of ​​lightning to block and kill the enemy.

The last dark energy flame is another way of using dark energy driven, which can release dark energy in the form of flame, a plasma gas state, which consumes less to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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