Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 225, The Disappeared Civilization

Chapter 225, The Disappeared Civilization
"Queen, the new model of the Flaming Sword has extended the duration of my dark energy drive by about one-third, and the combat method is also more flexible.

In particular, releasing dark energy in the form of flames, a plasma gaseous form, was a big loss for Sister Yun at first. "

Although they just had a fight, the senior Angel Yun lost to the latter Angel Shuang, but this did not cause a gap between the two sisters.

Angel Yun just stood there a little depressed, while Angel Shuang chatted excitedly to Binghua about his experience of fighting with the new weapon just now.

Binghua nodded, "This is enough."

After getting the regular combat data of the new generation of Raging Flame Sword, Binghua left the training ground of the Heavenly Sword Legion, and on the way contacted his right-wing guard, Angel Lan, to let him start recycling in batches like the Heavenly Sword Legion?upgrade the Flame Sword.


The Cammel star system, above the Cammel star.

"My lord, those pussies are here again! We found dark messages left by the female angel's activities around this star system."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Hua Ye threw away the things in his hands, got up from the rock he was sitting on, and opened his mouth to utter a foul word.

"Fuck, just as I stopped, I smelled and chased after them, are they dogs?!

Order to go down and get ready for us to get out of here as soon as possible. "

The depression in Hua Ye's heart had nowhere to vent and he could only hold it back in his heart. In the end, he simply returned to the Tiangong battleship, a medium-sized battleship hundreds of meters long.

It can be said that the king of angels of a generation has been reduced to such a point that there is no one else but Hua Ye, but until now Hua Ye has not given up making trouble for Binghua and Kaisha, because he feels that he still has a chance to make a comeback.


A point of light shot out at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and turned into a sky blade warship.

Immediately afterwards, two light spots followed and turned into the appearance of the Heavenly Blade Battleship, distributed behind the leading Heavenly Blade Battleship.

"Queen, we have reached the Canmel galaxy."

Sitting on the main seat, Binghua supported her cheeks with her hands, changed the position of her overlapping thighs, and said softly at the same time.

"Turn on the detection system of Tianren, and scan the entire star system together with the surrounding star fields to see if you can find the location of Hua Ye's headquarters.

If you find it, you don't have to be polite and jump over there directly, and annihilate it with the firepower of the sky blade. "

"It's the queen!"

The Skyblade captains of the other two ships replied loudly.


"Hey, you said we fly around the Angel Nebula all day long, when will we be big?"

"How do I know this, I have to ask King Hua Ye, but this kind of life is really fucking bad."

"Who says it's not? Life was life in the past, but now it's escape!"

A male angel asked his companion at the side, and casually picked up a topic while he was free. Obviously his companion had nothing to do, so the two male angels guarding the resource collection device started chatting.

After some chatting, they made a profound summary of their current situation, and finally attributed all the reasons to the female angel's rebellion.

But what they don't know is that at this moment, in the satellite orbit outside the atmosphere, a sky blade is suspended here.

"Report to Sister Lan that traces of male angels and three small resource collection devices were found on the surface of the planet below."

Angel Hailan, who was sitting on the captain's seat, nodded and asked.

"Apart from these, have you found any traces of Huaye Group's medium-sized warships?"

"Sister Lan, no, but I found a few traces of the original Tiangong warships leaving this star system. Sister Lan, do we want to chase them?"

"What's the success rate?"

The angel Hailan asked in a deep voice, but the answer from his subordinates disappointed her a little.

"Sister Lan, because the jump coordinate data was not captured on the spot, the success rate of successful pursuit is less than 20.00%."

Hearing this, the angel Hailan waved his hand. "Forget it, even if we catch up, it is estimated that Hua Ye throws out a sacrifice to distract us.

First annihilate the male angels on the planet below, and directly start the orbital bombing of the sky blade, and then we will leave to join the queen. "

The muzzle of the Light Spear on the Skyblade Battleship began to aim, and then a dozen light spear-shaped rays several meters long split into three directions and shot towards the surface of the planet.

The male angels who were chatting and joking suddenly heard an abnormal sound coming from the sky. Before they could raise their heads, there was a bang, and the ground around them was blasted into pieces by the violent explosion energy.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

A male angel shouted, trying to leave the resource collection facility, but before he could flap his wings and fly, he was swallowed by a violent explosion.

Then the equipment that automatically collects resources was affected by the explosion, and the built-in energy loop hub was destroyed. Under the violent energy, it exploded with a bang, and a small mushroom cloud slowly rose.


After listening to the reports of the various Skyblade captains, Binghua twirled her fingers and said to herself with great interest.

"Has this guy Hua Ye learned to be smart recently? He even knows how to throw a sacrificial piece to attract my attention." '

At this moment, a communication suddenly came in.

"Your Excellency, King Tianjian, please forgive me for interrupting, I am Yunlan, the left guard of King Tianqi."

Seeing that he was under Liangbing's command, and the left-wing guard of Tianqi Wang Liangbing, who had met him a few times, was looking for him, Binghua became a little curious.

"What's the matter, you should be responsible for the internal information of Angel Nebula, why did you contact me all of a sudden?"

"It's like this, Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King. The angel warriors we followed Hua Ye lost contact with in the star system adjacent to yours. It is estimated that the situation is very bad at this moment, so I would like to trouble Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King to send an angel to recover it." The remains of our sisters."

"It should be more than that, right? Otherwise, you can just go to Captain Tianren under my command, and you don't need to contact me at all."

Yun Lan, the guard on the left wing of King Apocalypse in the projection, sighed, and then explained the reason.

"As expected of His Excellency the Heavenly Sword King, this is the case. Recently, we have lost contact with several pre-nuclear civilizations, and the home planet of one of the civilizations is on the return route of the Heavenly Sword King, so I would like to invite the Heavenly Sword King At that time, I can send my subordinates to investigate."

Binghua's expression froze when he heard the words. "Okay, I see. I will send a team of soldiers to investigate when I return."

"Thank you so much, Your Excellency the Heavenly Sword King."

After getting rid of Binghua, the left guard of Liangbing on the opposite side hung up the communication.

In addition to the angel civilization living in the Angel Nebula, there are also many cold weapon civilizations and pre-nuclear civilizations, and even several aerospace-grade civilizations.

Although these civilizations can't bring any substantial benefits to the angel civilization, they are like a barrier, playing a warning role, and the sudden disappearance of civilization is not a trivial matter, Binghua feels it is very necessary Go check it out.


A small meteorite rushed towards a planet with a faint gray light. When passing through the planet's atmosphere, most of the meteorites were gasified, and only a few fell into a bare valley.

Less than an hour after the meteorite hit the ground, a group of soldiers wearing light exoskeleton armor came to this valley.

"What do you mean by the above, let us come to this place where the birds don't shit to recover the fallen meteorites."

"I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't have to come here with you."

Amidst the braking sound of the exoskeleton armor running, a little chatter echoed among the soldiers who came to recover the meteorite.

And in the steel city hundreds of kilometers away, several scientific researchers sitting in front of the screen are also paying attention to this recycling operation.

"According to the energy detection radar, the meteorite is constantly radiating strange energy to the surroundings, and I have never seen this special energy in my life."

"This is a substance that does not exist on our planet. It must be recovered successfully. Such a huge radiation source may be a kind of advanced energy that we don't know, and it may change the status quo of our civilization."

The researchers are discussing with each other on the screen which team needs to recover the target for this operation.

But one female researcher was restless, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

The team leader suddenly raised his hand in the recovery operation, and all the soldiers stopped advancing immediately.

The leading captain squatted down and picked up a handful of soil with his right hand wrapped in a power glove. He twisted it with his fingers, and found that the soil was slipping from his fingers like sand, but the color was deathly gray, which looked very strange.

"Attention all, I have a bad feeling that there may be accidents in this recycling operation."

"Boss, don't talk about it, you crow's mouth, nothing happened and you didn't say anything."

A team member said jokingly, which aroused the approval of the people around him.

But the captain who used to joke with them to cheer up the atmosphere, now has a serious face and doesn't mean to be joking at all.

Seeing that the soldiers around him were no longer joking, they finally realized that their captain was serious, and quickly checked the weapons in their hands.

"Go ahead and pay attention to the surrounding situation."

After speaking, the captain took the lead and walked into the dead gray ground ahead, followed by a group of soldiers in exoskeleton armor with weapons in hand.

As a group of 12 people advanced, a crater soon appeared in their field of vision.

When the team leader led the team to the edge of the crater, his pupils constricted suddenly.

There are no meteorites in the crater, only a mass of ominous black matter several meters high is wriggling.

By recovering the camera on the exoskeleton of the army, the researchers in the laboratory also saw this scene, and they were amazed one after another.

"Oh~ what the hell is this!"

"It feels disgusting."

"Is this really a meteorite!"

Suddenly, the black, ominous substance in the picture began to change drastically.

The originally soft black substance began to swell and solidify. In just a few seconds, one was about seven or eight meters high, surrounded by a brown carapace in the shape of a hill, dancing with more than a dozen of them. Tentacles with a diameter of half a meter and a thickness of half a meter.

Finally, the middle of the monster's body suddenly cracked, revealing rows of teeth arranged in layers like jagged teeth.

The members of the recovery team who were present immediately felt an inexplicable fear rising from their hearts. Every cell in the body seemed to be conveying like the brain, "run away".

 I originally planned to update it twice, but later found that the code could not be released, so there is only one chapter of [-] words, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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