Chapter 227 Chaos Body

A projection appeared in the void in front of Binghua, flashing scenes of extremely desolate and dead scenes.

The screen should be from the subjective perspective of the female angel who performed the detection mission before. In order to more intuitively feel the information uploaded by the soldiers under his command, Binghua chose to immerse himself in the viewing.

The surrounding light began to dim and fell into darkness. The next moment, the scene around Binghua changed from the conference hall of Tianren to the space outside Tianren.

hours ago......

"I think a commander should be selected for this mission, and I recommend Angel Ning."

Responsible for carrying out the task of detecting the nearby life planets of the ice bloom are two elite combat teams of Angel standard specifications.

When the two teams meet outside the Heavenly Blade, in order to prevent the teams from being confused due to conflicting instructions during the mission.One of the combat team captains took the initiative to recommend Angel Ning, who was more qualified than himself, to take over the command during this mission.




"Then I won't refuse, sisters, get ready, and we will set off to carry out the mission afterwards."

Seeing that no angel raised objections, Angel Ning took over the command.

"Sister Ning, we are ready, let's go to carry out the task assigned by the queen now."

Hearing this, Angel Ning did not hesitate, and spoke directly.

"Then set off immediately, target Sarkaz planet T8564."

The ten angels flapped their wings and rushed towards the planet T8564 Sarkaz, which was close at hand, like ten silver shooting stars.


After about an hour, the detection team led by Angel Ning finally successfully passed through the atmosphere of planet T8546 and landed in a city on the planet.

"Sister Ning, it's so strange, this place is obviously a city, but why is there no sign of life activity?"

A female angel in the team looked at the dense spiers standing below and the unusually well-planned roads and said doubtfully.

"I don't know, but it is indeed a bit strange. I remember that it is recorded in the database that the civilization on this planet should be in the period of pre-nuclear civilization, and it already has a certain degree of space detection capability.

When we came, the Skyblade battleship didn't have the ability to block the detection of this planet. It stands to reason that someone should have been sent to contact us long ago. "

The angel stared at the surrounding scene, and then at the sisters gathered around him flapping their wings, and finally came up with a solution.

"It's not as good as this. Our sisters use two angels as a group to freely choose a direction for high-altitude cruise reconnaissance. If you find any residents or abnormalities on this planet, remember to contact the other sisters immediately."

The other female angels present nodded, and there was no need for Angel Ningduo to order the following things. In a short time, the ten angels had already divided into five teams, and each chose a direction to leave.

The scenery on the earth passed by at high speed under Angel Ning's high-speed cruise, but everything that came into view made Angel Ning feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

The traffic roads are covered by weeds growing randomly, and the exteriors of tall buildings and houses are covered with a thick layer of dust and look dilapidated for a long time.

"Strange, sister Ning, we have flown for such a long distance, but we didn't see any animals on the ground?"

The angel in the group with Angel Ning is called Jhin. He is a recruit who has been in the elite combat team for less than five years. However, because of his outstanding personality and combat ability, he has a good relationship with Angel Ning.

Angel Ning nodded upon hearing Angel Jin's question. "I noticed that too."

At this moment, the angel condensed on the distant land and saw a group of black humanoid creatures rushing towards one direction.

"Jin, there is a situation ahead on the right, go and have a look."

"Okay, sister Ning, I saw it too."

Angel Ning and Angel Jin turned to the front right at the same time, drew an arc trajectory in the air and rushed towards those moving black spots on the horizon.


A group of soldiers who were shooting continuously gathered around several armored vehicles covered in silver dust and scratches.

These soldiers have a shape similar to angels, but they have no wings. At the same time, there are a pair of small sharp horns growing slightly upwards on their foreheads, which is a unique symbol of the Sarkaz people.

"Don't panic, maintain the fire output!"

"Where's the driver! Start the car for me!"

A Sarkaz man who was nearly two meters tall, strong but not bloated, yelled loudly on the battlefield where gunshots kept rising and falling.

While speaking, the Sarkaz raised his arms, facing the gun barrel with two rows of long silver teeth, and saw a flash of blue light, and a ring-shaped wave of air surged from the muzzle of the gun.

At the same time, tens of meters away from the Sarkaz man, on a straight line, a two-meter-tall monster with knotted muscles, black veins all over it, and long sharp claws appeared on the chest of a monster at the same time. a big hole.

The gun in the Sarkaz's arms made a sound of gas compression, and a long shell was thrown from the barrel and landed on the ground under his feet.

"Captain, you have to take it easy, the thing in your hand is specially used to fight against those big guys who can't be killed!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

The Sarkaz captain replied indifferently, while turning back and asking.

"How long will it take to fix it? This batch of supplies is an urgent need for the base!"

"Captain, 5 minutes, just 5 minutes!" said the middle-aged Sarkaz who was squatting next to the armored vehicle, holding a wrench and tools, sweating profusely.

Hearing that the captain didn't say much, he just said something loudly to the more than 20 soldiers around who were constantly shooting.

"5 minutes in defense, 5 minutes and we're leaving!"

Among the alien monsters that were suddenly hitting the firepower net, several monsters suddenly fell to their knees, their backs swelled rapidly, and the next moment black tentacles shot out from the split flesh and blood, piercing five or six people. of the same kind, and dragged them toward the kneeling monster.

An ominous black substance suddenly appeared, swallowing up the dragged monsters one after another, and then rapidly expanded in size.

In just a few seconds, there were two more monsters with a height of more than three meters. They were covered in black carapaces. On one side were strong arms and right arms with sharp claws. monster with tentacles.

The monster let out a roar, and took big strides like a tank pushing sideways towards the defending soldiers, ignoring the bullets that hit it.

"Oops! It's a chaotic body! Disperse!"

The captain's face became ugly, he quickly raised the gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger on one of the chaotic bodies charging.

After the deafening gunshot, a hole the size of a washbasin exploded in the chest of the monster called the Chaos Body by the soldiers present. There was no internal organs inside, only squirming black pieces of flesh.

But the Chaos Body just roared, and was not affected much at all. It went straight to the two unlucky soldiers on the route and rushed into the defensive formation.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and the soldiers who had the upper hand turned into a mess in an instant, and at this moment, the ordinary monsters who had been suppressed by the firepower and were tens of meters away also took the opportunity to rush forward.

During this time, the special firearm in the hands of the Sarkaz captain had finished cooling down. He swooped to avoid the sharp claws from the Chaos Body, rolled on the ground, turned around and knelt on the ground, and aimed at one of the Chaos Body's legs. The trigger was pulled.

Under the turbulence of the air, a blue light shot out and instantly penetrated the thigh of the chaotic body, breaking it into two pieces on the spot.

One leg was broken, and the tall chaotic body couldn't maintain its balance for a while, and fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers took out small cube-shaped bombs from their bodies and threw them at the fallen Chaos body.

With a bang, the scorching red flame burst violently, and the heat wave caused distorts the air several meters around.

The chaotic body roared in the flames, and its body was gradually burned into fly ash by the flames.

After finishing one Chaos body, another Chaos body that appeared at the same time has overturned an armored vehicle. The middle-aged master who said it would take 5 minutes before was penetrated by the tentacles of the Chaos body's left hand.

Seeing his subordinates fighting with monsters and chaotic bodies in a mess, the captain was so sad that he was about to sever his wrists and give up those companions and supplies surrounded by chaotic bodies and monsters to escape from this area.Suddenly, there was a sharp piercing sound of objects telling them to approach in the sky.

The next moment there was only a bang!
A shock wave spread out, and at the same time, there was dust raised high. Both monsters and soldiers were swept away by this shock wave.

Only the Chaos Body still stood there, looking at the figure with white wings appearing in the dust and roaring deafeningly.

"Monster, it's unlucky for you to meet this angel. I will protect these natives."

Holding the flame sword and wearing the angel armor and helmet, the angel Jhin spoke imposingly, but the chaotic body obviously couldn't understand what she was saying.

'What a creature! This is what the captain thought at the moment, but before he could figure it out this month, the unknown existence with wings on its back that looked like a woman collided with the chaotic body.

Seeing that the Chaos Body was rushing over without the slightest fancy, Angel Jhin jumped over his head, swung the flame sword in his hand and easily cut off the tentacles of the incoming Chaos Body.

Before the Chaos Body could turn around after landing, Angel Jin had already come to the back of the Chaos Body, and the flaming sword in his hand slashed across the Chaos Body's body.

The upper and lower body were separated, and only the legs and waist of the lower body of the chaotic body were still standing. During the momentary confrontation between Angel Jin and the chaotic body, Angel Ning also made a move, and easily surrounded hundreds of convoys of indigenous residents. The monsters were slaughtered.

Angel Jhin, who had just cut the Chaos Body in half, turned around to join Angel Ning, and asked the Sarkaz natives here what happened to this planet, suddenly felt movement behind him.

Without even thinking about it, Angel Jin didn't turn around to check the situation out of curiosity, but instinctively jumped forward.

Because of having wings, Angel Jin fell to the ground without shame. Only then did she look back, and exclaimed involuntarily.

"What monster is this!"

I saw the chaotic body that was cut in the waist by Angel Jin, at this moment the black wound on the upper body squirmed and stretched out tentacles connected to the wound on the lower body.

(End of this chapter)

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