Chapter 228, Carmen

As if challenging Angel Jin's world view, the monster called the Chaos Body by the Sarkaz people actually used the tentacles extending from the wound to reassemble the body that Angel Jin had cut in half.

Angel Jin looked at the chaotic body that stood up again, and raised his vigilance to the maximum. Suddenly, abnormal dense bulges appeared on the surface of the chaotic body. Angel Jin was startled and jumped back, pulling a few meters away from the chaotic body. the distance.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing was heard, and more than a dozen tentacles with black bone blades shot out from the body of the chaotic monster, sweeping across the position where Angel Jin was just now.

Looking at this scene, part of the face under the helmet of Angel Jin revealed an expression of incomparable disgust, because the monster called Chaos Body in front of her was too distorted and abstract at the moment, and there were tentacles all over her body that made her uncomfortable. , like a humanoid alien with festering body and dozens of trembling tentacles growing all over his body.

"It's a good time to let you try the new function of the flame sword!"

Angel Jin raised the flaming sword, and the gaseous energy particles that burned like a blazing flame burned violently on the sword in the next second.

With Angel Jin's wave in the air, an arc of sword energy that looked like a burning flame flew towards the chaotic body.

The tentacles dancing around the chaotic body rolled towards the incoming attack, but they were burnt to ashes on the spot by high-temperature energy particles mixed with dark energy and a certain amount of stellar radiation energy, and then hit the chaotic body without diminishing momentum.

Like gasoline meeting flames, the part of the Chaos body hit by the sword energy immediately burned, turning into fly ash on the spot.

Angel Jin saw that this attack was effective, and he didn't hesitate to store the stellar energy in the flame sword in advance, and swung out a few more sword qi.

Finally, under the impact of the orange-red energy sword energy, the remaining chaotic body turned into black ash all over the place under the witness of all the Sarkaz people and Angel Ning.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

As the captain of the team that went out to search for supplies, he came to the vicinity of Angel Jin and Angel Ning immediately after the Chaos Body was eliminated, and asked carefully in Sarkaz language.

"We are angels from angelic civilization, you are the captain of this team, right?"

Long before carrying out this mission, Angel Ning and Angel Jhin had learned Sarkaz from the database of the Heavenly Sword Legion. Although they were not very proficient, they could barely communicate with each other.

Angel Ning signaled Angel Jin not to speak yet, and she would be in charge of communicating with the Sarkaz, so Angel Jin could only watch curiously as Ning talked with the Sarkaz captain.

After some conversations, Angel Ning finally got the general situation of the Sarkaz people on the Sarkaz planet today, and the detailed Sarkaz man named Kaiman did not know.

But compared to Angel Ning, Kaiman's harvest almost made him faint on the spot with excitement.

The two beautiful women with wings behind their backs in front of them turned out to be angels in the Sarkaz myths and legends, gods living high above the sky.

Of course, these Caymans also know that they are farting. As residents of the pre-nuclear civilization, the Sarkaz people have escaped the ignorance and ignorance of the cold weapon civilization.

Angels are just a higher civilization than them, and most of the top Sarkaz people know this.

When the irresistible chaotic body appeared on the Sarkaz planet, the Sarkaz government also vigorously publicized to the ordinary Sarkaz people that the legendary angels would come to save the Sarkaz planet.

But more than ten years have passed, and under the ravages of the Chaos Body, the population of Sarkaz Star has dropped sharply to the point where there is no one left. The older generation is gradually dying, and the new generation of Sarkaz people is slowly growing up. However, there is no sign of the so-called savior angel promoted by the collapsed Sarkaz government.

Gradually, apart from a few sects that regard the Angel of Salvation as their hope, most Sarkaz people have forgotten their status as a subsidiary civilization under the protection of the angel under the pressure of life.

Kaiman is one of the few Sarkaz people who regard the Angel of Salvation as their sustenance. Therefore, after Angel Ning revealed his identity, he immediately turned into a fan, basically answering whatever Angel Ning asked.

"Kaiman, can you take us to your gathering place? I need more information about the Chaos Body."

Angel Ning asked with the intention of giving it a try, but Kaiman spoke without even thinking about it.

"Master Angel Ning, your words are my code of conduct.

But in order not to attract the attention of the city lord of the gathering place, can Master Ning and Jin cover the armor on their bodies, otherwise, in my position, I am afraid that I cannot lead the two angels into the gathering place to look up information about the chaotic body. "


After resting for half an hour, Kaiman sorted out the convoy that had become chaotic due to the attack of the chaotic body, and then led the team to start the vehicle and drive in one direction, but there were two more black roads in the team. Robes and hoods cover the face and figure of the team members.

"Sister Ning, can we do this?"

"Jhin, don't worry. I've already told the other sisters where we are.

Also, in order to complete the task assigned to us by the queen, we must understand the current situation of the Sarkaz people and what the so-called chaotic body is. "

Seeing Angel Ning's serious face hidden under the hood, Angel Jin believed what Angel Ning said, and fell silent without speaking.

Seeing that Jhin finally stopped asking questions, Angel Ning also breathed a sigh of relief. Although she chose to follow Kaiman for the above reasons, she also had her own selfishness.

Although the various regulations of the Heavenly Sword Legion are not strict, they are still a regular militarized group, and all angel fighters cannot leave their posts at will without any special reason.

Not to mention that now is the critical time for the change of the old and new orders of the angel civilization. It has been more than 30 years since Angel Ning joined the Heavenly Sword Legion.

During this period, he experienced countless battles, big and small, almost died several times at the hands of the tyrannical male angel, and finally survived until the moment when the female angel won.

But the incident of the Angel Nebula being invaded followed closely, so as an elite Angel Ning, he went to the battlefield outside the Angel Nebula again.

Now it is hard to leave the base of the Heavenly Sword Legion and the Heavenly Blade battleship, and come to Sarkaz Star to perform a mission. Angel Ning plans to experience the local customs and customs here during the mission. I believe that the Queen will not because of this trivial matter. And blame her.


After staying in the slightly shaking and trembling carriage for nearly an hour, as the tremor disappeared, someone knocked on the carriage door.

"Ning and Master Jin, we have arrived at our destination."

Angel Ning nodded to Angel Jin, and the sight of opening the car door from the inside moved their hearts.

The gray-black thick wall with a height of more than 30 meters has been extended for tens of thousands of meters, and the surface of the high wall has dense metal brackets for reinforcement, giving people an unbreakable feeling, while on the top of the high wall is a The metal gun barrels extend out of the high wall and point diagonally at the sky.

This is what Cayman said is the last paradise of the Sarkaz people, the Holy City of Carmen, the last hope of the Sarkaz people,

 Sorry everyone, I made a statement earlier that I may be busy recently and have no time to update. I am also working overtime today.
(End of this chapter)

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