Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 231.angel intervenes

Chapter 231.angel intervenes

The picture began to shatter, and Binghua gradually revealed the scene in the Tianren meeting hall around Binghua. Opening his eyes, Binghua condensed his voice towards the angel below.

"I have just read the data you uploaded. The situation of the Sarkaz people is not optimistic. The monster they call the chaotic body is beyond the scope of their civilization. As the master of the Angel Nebula, we angels have It is my duty to eliminate the outsiders who disrupt the order of civilization in the nebula."

When hearing that the queen agreed to help the Sarkaz people, Angel Ning felt a faint joy in his heart. The queen he followed was indeed not the kind of angel who ignored all life.

When Binghua expressed his willingness to help the Sarkaz, all the angels in various positions on the Skyblade battleship devoted themselves to the preparations for the upcoming assistance to the Sarkaz.

The number is T8564 Sarkaz planet, the only large Sarkaz gathering place, Carmen City.

Another uneventful day...

Cayman was walking on the streets of Carmen City, surrounded by sparse pedestrians, as for the shops in twos and threes on both sides, there were no patrons at all.

There is a shortage of supplies, and the original currency in circulation has become waste paper. Even if the official city of Carmen launches a new currency in circulation, it will have no effect.

Because the lower-level citizens of Carmen City didn't buy it at all. As soon as they got the so-called new currency, they would exchange it for food and various supplies and hoard it at home.

This has caused most of the lower-level citizens to return to the most primitive barter, except for the official fighters like Xiang Kaiman.

"Hula, fly! Fly!"

Three children in shabby clothes ran past Cayman with toys made of old wood chips.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Cayman's mouth involuntarily raised a little, probably only by looking at these innocent children living under the wings of their parents, can they temporarily forget the cruel reality.

Just yesterday, Cayman received the survival supplies for the next week, but he obviously found that the supplies had been reduced compared to the last time.

This situation gave Cayman a chill. This sign shows that Carmen City is in a state of material shortage.

However, as a combatant who often goes out to collect resources, Cayman knows that the frequency of chaos bodies has begun to increase sharply recently.

If it wasn't for the legendary angel who rescued him last time, he might have been buried in the wilderness like those dead team members.

But speaking of it, that angel is quite beautiful, much prettier than those beauties surrounding Carmen's senior management, but it's a pity that she doesn't have horns on her forehead.

That day, after Cayman went to visit the families of the dead members of the squad, when he returned to the church, the missionary told him that the two beautiful ladies had left
This made Cayman very regretful. After Cayman learned that Angel Ning and Jhin were angels, the things he entrusted to them turned into reality.

This gave Cayman a bold idea that he had never had before, using the power of angels to help the Sarkaz people get out of the current lingering situation.

But Angel Ning also said that he was just an ordinary angel warrior and could not make a decision to rescue the Sarkaz.

Now that two days have passed, Angel Ning has not come to look for him, which makes Kaiman wonder if the angels decided to stand on the sidelines.

Just as Kaiman lowered his head in thought, ordinary residents of Sarkaz on the street suddenly raised their hands and pointed at the sky.

Kaiman turned around and looked up curiously, his eyes couldn't help but widen in the next moment, because a huge object like a suspended sword in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and its landing point was the central area of ​​Carmen City.

As if to prove that this scene was not Cayman's hallucination, the piercing alarm sounded in the entire city of Carmen, and it was the alarm with the highest level of danger.

Platinum and gold, the hull like an upside-down sword blade faintly exudes sacred brilliance, and the shadow cast directly covers a third of the city of Carmen, and the magnificent and luxurious palace above the hull can be vaguely seen in the mist.

"Sovereign, are we going to open fire?"

A middle-aged Sarkaz man in a red military uniform came to an old man who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked up at the sky, and respectfully asked for instructions.

The old man is the city lord of the last city of the Sarkaz people, with a head of thinning white hair hanging down his head, and the protruding horns on his forehead are no longer sharp. There is nothing else on his old face, which is full of hope for the future of this city. concern.

Raising his hand and waving it, the Sarkaz old man sighed.

"There is no need to keep the army ready to fire at any time. With our current situation, the situation can't be worse. Let's see what purpose these alien visitors are talking about."

When the Skyblade battleship was still a thousand meters away from the ground, it stopped and continued to fall, and then hundreds of angels rushed out of the Skyblade, flapping their wings to suspend in mid-air, and guarding the Skyblade in the middle.

"The queen of angels has come here, why hasn't the supreme leader of the Sarkaz people come to greet her!"

A female voice echoed over the city of Carmen. In order for the Sarkaz people to understand, the Sarkaz language was specially used.

This shocked the defense army in the inner city of Carmen below and ordinary citizens in the outer city, "Angel!" Isn't this a myth and a fictional existence of the sect of the Angel of Salvation.

But how to explain it now, the figure with white wings flapping in the sky is not an illusion.

"I am the lord of this city, the legendary angel. Please forgive me for not being able to meet your queen in person. We Sarkaz have lost the ability to fly in the air."

Under the sky blade hovering, after knowing that the alien visitor in the sky is the angel who guided their civilization in the Sarkaz mythology, the castellan of Carmen City left his castellan mansion and arrived surrounded by guards. On the square outside.

Binghua, who was sitting on the throne in the main hall of the Tianren Conference Hall at this moment, naturally also heard the Sarkaz language coming from the loudspeaker on the ground.

Originally, Binghua didn't want to make it so grand, but the guardian angel under her command insisted on doing so, saying that it would be worthy of her status as Queen of Angels.

"Hey, let's see what you are doing. They have not met your requirements at all. Send soldiers to take the city lord to the sky blade. I will meet him here."

Listening to her queen's teasing words with a smile, Angel Ming blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, as if he had messed up the matter.

When two female angels descended from the sky, saying that they were here to lead Santo Carmen to meet the Queen of Angels, Santo Carmen readily agreed regardless of the obstruction of the people around him.

The moment he set foot on the Skyblade warship, the city lord Carmen couldn't calm down for a long time, everything here was beyond his understanding.

There is no support, the prismatic crystal suspended in mid-air, the magnificent luxury palace with a height of nearly [-] meters, and the floor is printed with exquisite carpet-like prints.

All this made the city lord of Carmen feel a sense of awe for the angel queen who was about to meet, and at the same time, he also had a kind of expectation that the angel would be willing to guide the Sarkaz people out of the dangerous place as they said in their mythology.

Looking at the old man below who wanted to salute himself with obvious Sarkaz characteristics, Binghua raised his hand to signal that he didn't need it.

"Are you the lord of the city below?"

"I am the lord of Carmen City, the noble Queen of Angels."

Unconsciously, the lord of Carmen City used honorifics, which is a subconscious reaction that the weak will have when they see the strong.

Binghua didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point. "Our angels are the rulers of this nebula, and the Sarkaz planet where you Sarkaz people are located is just within the sphere of influence of our angels."

"Using the concept of your Sarkaz people to understand, you can think of it as the relationship between the suzerain country and the dependent country."

Hearing that the city lord of Carmen raised his head, he saw the appearance of Binghua clearly for the first time. It is a beauty that does not exist and reality. Even if the appearance is different from that of Sarkaz women, it does not prevent the city lord of Carmen from admiring in his heart. But the faint prestige surrounding Binghua means that this female angel is definitely not easy to mess with.

"Honorable Angel Queen, according to what you said, since we and Angel are in the relationship of suzerain and subject.

So let me ask you boldly, are the angels here to save Sarkaz? "

Binghua's eyebrows were clustered and stretched out in an instant. "Forget it, the Chaos Body is beyond the scope of your Sarkaz's response. If you continue like this, you will only go to destruction, so we angels decided to intervene in the war here."

There was no discussion in Binghua's words, just like a unilateral announcement.

After the lord of Carmen City left Sky Blade, Binghua immediately ordered to start a purge operation against Sarkaz Star, with the goal of destroying all creatures related to the Chaos Body on Sarkaz Star.

(End of this chapter)

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