Chapter 232, Chaos Virus

For the ordinary residents of Carmen City, the arrival of the angels is a real benefit, apart from having more after-dinner conversation.

Under the instruction of Binghua, several scientific research angels on the Tianren battleship modified some basic technologies of the angel civilization so that it can be used in common with the energy of the Sarkaz people.

Of course, these technologies are some basic resource recovery and synthetic food technologies. In the angel civilization, this has become the standard configuration of every angel's home.

At the same time, this is not free. The lord of Carmen City has already paid the price on behalf of all the Sarkaz people.

As the price for receiving the assistance and protection of the angels, from now on the Sarkaz can only follow the angelic civilization, and when the angelic civilization initiates a call, they must do their best to respond to the call.

These basic technologies aided by angels are like helping the Sarkaz people at this moment. Carmen City, which suffers from poor resources, has received this batch of facilities at the fastest speed in history, and immediately put them into use. use.

Another thing is that because of the appearance of angels, the Church of the Salvation Angels in Carmen City has been frantically recruiting believers recently, and deliberately guides believers to enshrine angels as gods.

The thought of this sect is very interesting and ignorant to Binghua. They think that the food and supplies distributed by Carmen officials are all given by the angels who are gods, and they are far more than what they get.

The desires of intelligent creatures are always endless. Yesterday they were still worrying about lack of food, but today they are dissatisfied with not being able to eat enough.

When these Sarkaz people are full tomorrow, they will want to eat more delicious and advanced food...

Because of the basic equipment of Angel Aid, the lack of food and supplies in Carmen City has been greatly alleviated, and a large number of idle people have been absorbed into believers by the Sect of the Angel of Salvation.

Officials in Carmen City dare not come forward to suppress the growth of the Church of the Salvation Angels because they are concerned about the civilized attitude of the angels overhead.

For these ice blooms, she just looked at them as leisure time, and her real attention was on the chaos virus that appeared on this planet.

Under the scanning system of the Skyblade warship, the Sarkaz planet has no place to hide except for the extremely deep core of the planet.

In order to better understand the nature of creatures like the chaotic body, Binghua ordered the angel warriors to capture several small chaotic body monsters alive and imprison them on the sky blade.

Together with the experimental data obtained from the Sarkaz people, the scientific research angels of the Heavenly Sword Legion have sorted out some information about the chaotic body.

After the detection of the scientific research angel, the so-called chaotic body was actually corroded by a special biological virus.

Because the Sarkaz people called it a chaotic body, the research angels continued to use this name and called it a chaotic virus.

After testing and simple experiments, the scientific research angels discovered that the chaotic virus can survive in a vacuum, but they are afraid of high fever. In addition, the chaotic virus also carries a large amount of unknown genetic information, and it can analyze thousands of species by relying on the computing power of Tianren alone. The native animal genes of Sarkaz planet.

When the concentration of Chaos Virus in an area is high enough, a liquid virus aggregate will be formed, and the Chaos Virus in this form has the instinct of preying and finding a host.

When the host chaos virus is found, the host's body will be transformed without the host's body collapsing, its physical ability will be greatly strengthened, and its physical fitness will be enhanced.

As a price, the chaos virus will devour the host's unnecessary internal organs, leaving only the digestive system, and at the same time dominate the host's brain, making it a monster that only knows how to eat and expand its kind.

The above are just the manifestations of the first stage of chaotic virus infection, and the following is the conclusion of the observation of the second stage of the chaotic virus infection by the scientific research angel on the sky blade.

When the chaotic virus exists in the host body for a certain period of time, it will carry out more thorough transformation and mutation of the host body.

Taking a common carnivore on Sarkaz as an example, its body data before being infected by the chaos virus is as follows, with a body length of 1.8 meters and a height of about 1.5 meters.

After being infected by the chaos virus, the body length increased to 1.7 meters, the height reached [-] meters, the hair on the body surface became thicker, and at the same time, the fangs in the mouth showed secondary development, and the claws became sharper and harder.

Entering the initial stage of the second stage of chaos virus infection, the body length increased again, reaching [-] meters, and the height reached [-] meters. The hair fell off, thick rough skin grew on the body surface, and barb-like bony spurs appeared on the back.

In the middle of the second stage, the body size increases again, the original thick skin on the body surface is replaced by the hard cuticle, and special organs will grow in the body according to the ring.

In addition, in the case of being attacked again, the chaos virus will undergo secondary mutations according to the attack and the surrounding environment.

Just like the battle before Angel Ning returned to the Heavenly Blade to report, the large chaotic monster had several changes in its body during the battle, growing extremely unreasonable body tissues.

At present, after the chaotic body discovered by scientific research angels reaches the middle stage of the second stage, the special organs that will grow are as follows.

Already discovered are highly corrosive liquid storage fabrication organs, bioelectric power generation and storage organs, radioactive energy absorption and storage organs, large collapsible cavities...

The above are the achievements of scientific research angels in the past few days.

Looking at these reports, Binghua, who didn't care much about Sarkaz, began to straighten her attitude.

"Immediately execute an annihilation operation on the detected chaotic body gathering area. This dangerous existence cannot allow it to continue to breed on this planet."

Following the orders issued by Binghua, there are angel teams leaving or returning around the sky blade suspended above the city of Carmen.

For a while, the chaotic body monsters gathered on the surface of Sarkaz star were completely wiped out. The angel warrior team who went out to carry out the annihilation mission had no intention of wasting time. As long as they found traces of the chaotic body, they would directly launch flame bombing with other sisters present. Destroy the gathered Chaos Body together with the surrounding land.

In order to be more efficient, on the third day after the Heavenly Blade descended on Sarkaz, Binghua dispatched a Heavenly Sword Assault Fleet to assist the ordinary angels in completing the task of destroying the Chaos Body.

Under the guidance of an ordinary generation of angel warriors, the Tianjian assault ship hundreds of meters in size projected a large amount of firepower to the ground, burning the Sarkaz buildings on the surface and the Chaos Body hiding inside to ashes.

For a while, the Sarkaz could only stay in the city of Carmen, watching the angel's move to clean up the chaotic body, but the Church of the Angel of Salvation has become more and more restless recently.

(End of this chapter)

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