Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 239 Information of Unknown Civilization

Chapter 239 Information of Unknown Civilization

"Sister Lan, Tianren scanned and found that there is a fleet parked in the orbit of the atmosphere on the back of this planet!
And the traces of civilization on this planet have completely disappeared! "

Speaking of which, the angel who was in charge of Tianren's investigation also called up the screen scanned by Tianren. On the surface of the living planet in front of the screen, various metal creations were all over the place.

Wearing an angel-style armor, Alan, who was only decorated with golden patterns in some small places, heard the words, and immediately told the angel in charge of conveying orders:
"Let the captains and fighters of the swords of the sky prepare for battle. Judging from their various behaviors, these guys who destroy the planetary ecosystem if they disagree with each other don't seem to be the existence that can be driven away by words."

When the fleet of Eternal Ascendants was scanned, the Angel Legion issued a warning message on the wide-area communication channel while conducting combat deployment.

"Unknown civilization, you have invaded the governance star field of angel civilization, please stay away from here immediately, otherwise angel civilization will attack you"

But after a while, Ailan discovered through the scanned images of the sky blade that the fleet of the unknown civilization showed no sign of leaving, and instead set up a formation conducive to attack.

"Ignored our angel's warning and ordered all the warships to attack. If you don't want to leave completely, then become dust in the universe!"

Alan was able to become Kesha's left-wing guard, so he was naturally not a hesitant person. He understood the principle of attacking first, and immediately ordered the entire attack decisively.

For a moment, the dense light beams span the distance between the angel fleet and the eternal sublimator fleet like silver threads.

Not surprisingly, a layer of energy shield withstood the attack of the Heavenly Sword battleship, and then the Eternal Ascendant counterattacked with dense energy rays.

The fleets of both sides lit up with dazzling light. Under the burst of energy beams, one after another battleship was engulfed by the flames, but the next moment they rushed out of it unscathed.

Suddenly, a light beam with a diameter of more than 200 meters shot out from the front muzzle of the largest battleship in the opposite fleet and blasted towards the Tianren battle group.

Because the two Heavenly Sword warships were not in a hurry to evade, they were immediately covered by the shooting track of this beam, and the next generation of terrifying energy passed by.

The energy shield covering the Heavenly Sword collapsed after two seconds of support, and the luxurious golden and white mix and match of the Heavenly Sword battleship gradually disappeared due to the energy impact.

After the giant light beam dissipated, two large half of the warships were slightly deformed, and the dark surface was no longer as sacred and beautiful as before.

Fortunately, the scientific research angels of the Heavenly Sword Legion did not overly pursue beauty and luxury when designing the Heavenly Sword battleship. Otherwise, it might not be as simple as a slight deformation of the hull today.

And at this moment above the fleet of the Eternal Ascendants, the space was distorted violently, and the next moment a huge shadow blocked a piece of starry sky.

A Skyblade warship appeared above the fleet of the Eternal Sublimator, and the next moment the Skyblade warship fell down.

The hull below it, like a sharp sword, easily pierced one of the few four giant battleships in the Eternal Sublimator fleet.

The fierce flames rose, and the Sky Blade was like a real sharp sword, piercing through the middle of a large slender triangular space battleship.

Then dense angel warriors surged out of the sky blade that broke into the enemy's formation, and attacked the space battleships of the surrounding eternal sublimators.

In the fleet communication channel of the Eternal Ascendant.

"Purifier 1507, report your hull damage?"

Purifier 1507: "The hull damage exceeds 50.00%, the weapon system is 90.00% paralyzed, and one energy furnace is still operating."

Purifier 1402: "The strength of the Angel civilization exceeds expectations. Abandon the fleet located here, capture samples and return to Destroyer 023 base to restart."

Purifier 1507: "Understood, I will order the Eliminator to create opportunities for you."

At this moment, an unstable energy arc suddenly appeared in the rear half of the large warship that was pierced by the sky blade just now.

The next moment there was a bang, and the violent explosion devoured most of the sky blade's hull, but it couldn't shake the sky blade's shield at all. However, the impact of the explosion brought the angel warriors who had just rushed out of the sky blade to the eternal sublimator. everywhere in the fleet.

At this moment, countless small flying vehicles burst out from the atmosphere of the nearby planet, and they directly fought with the angel warriors scattered throughout the fleet.

These small shuttle-shaped flying machines are extremely flexible, often joining forces with other nearby flying machines to besiege and kill the Angel Warriors.

But the angel warriors are not vegetarians either. The shields in their hands can easily withstand the low-power energy rays emitted by these aircraft, and the Thai-Egyptian alloy spears cannot be resisted by their fragile armor.

But there are also a small number of angel fighters who were unlucky and were besieged by a large number of aircraft, and finally were outnumbered and died on the battlefield.

As long as this happens, the small aircraft of the Eternal Ascendant will quietly recover the corpses of the angel soldiers, and then leave the battlefield without whereabouts.

In the end, after the Heavenly Sword battleship approached the fleet of the Eternal Life Ascendant and dispatched onboard angel fighters to participate in the battle, the fleet of unknown civilizations that had been scurrying around in the Celestial Meteor Galaxy in the Angel Nebula was successfully annihilated by the angels.

But then by restarting the incomplete database of this unknown civilization, Alan discovered extremely important information.

According to their claims, this civilization is called the Eternal Sublimator. There are no civilians in the entire civilization, but all combatants.

At the same time, every time the eternal sublimator encounters a planet of life, he will sublimate the intelligent life on the planet, liberating them from their fragile bodies and becoming a member of their eternal existence.

At the same time, in the Eternal Ascendant, all the combat units wrapped around the battleship are controlled by data beings, and they also have different number prefixes according to the different combat units they carry.

Like data life transformed from carbon-based life, the number prefix in the eternal sublimator civilization is Eliminator, and the body is usually a metal body with certain combat capabilities.

Then there are small space battleships, which belong to the Annihilator sequence, and are generally evolved from ordinary Eliminators after a long data completion.

Next is the sequence of purifiers. Their bodies are usually large space battleships with a volume of kilometers in units. They have the ability to purify planets and are the main force for eternal sublimators to purify planets infected by chaotic viruses.

Then there is the Destroyer, which lacks information, and only knows that the Destroyer seems to be the serial number of a large-scale facility like a base.

As soon as Alan read these important messages, she immediately transmitted them back to the Heavenly Court of Melo, which made Kesha feel extremely headache, and the first thought that popped into her mind was what kind of ghost civilization is this.

(End of this chapter)

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