Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 240, Sky Meteor Crisis

Chapter 240, Sky Meteor Crisis

Outside the Angel Nebula, in the barren cosmic belt between galaxies and nebulas, a huge planet made of metal is slowly flying towards the direction of the Angel Nebula.

The surface of this metal planet is covered with various facilities with unknown functions and closed metal doors. At the same time, there is a faint orange light in the gaps between the various plates on it.

And in the huge space opened up inside this planet made of metal, there are slender triangular silver warships with a unit of kilometers and other types of [-]-meter-long warships moored.

In addition, countless robots with a height of about two meters and exposed wires and mechanical bearings at the joints are building mechanical facilities.

Although it looks extremely lively, there is no vitality at all, because this is a world made of cold metal.

At this moment, among the hundreds of large warships moored inside the metal planet, the internal systems of four of them suddenly turned on automatically, and huge data streams converged in the data world.

The stabilizers that fixed the various parts of the battleship began to lower, and at the same time, an electronic sound sounded from all around.

"Purifiers 1507, 1502, 0583, and 2301 have completed restarting, are removing the fixing brackets, and the exit track is ready"

The several evolutionary battleships that had completed the restart were pushed to a position by the lifting platform below, and there was a surging blue light gate in front of them.

The next moment, no one boarded the battleship, and the engine of the Purifier battleship automatically ignited, and then rushed into the light gate, and the next moment, it came from the inside of the metal planet to the outer space.

"Purifier 1507, how is the purification of the angel nebula's chaotic virus?"

A huge light curtain is projected into the universe. There is no picture of people in the light curtain, only a ball like a star, and the edge is constantly fluctuating.

"Destroyer 023, the Angel Nebula purification operation has failed. The Purifier fleet has been attacked by the Angel civilization and has been wiped out."

"Is that so? I will upload the data here to Sameiello, but we cannot disobey Sameiello's order: the purification operation of the Angel Nebula must continue."

The existence called Destroyer 1507 by Purifier 023 said so, and after saying the above words, Destroyer 023 spoke again.

"Also, Purifier 1507, please call me Seves next time. I don't like the name Destroyer 023, and I think you should give yourself a name like those carbon-based intelligent creatures."

Purifier 1507 was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then spoke.

"Destroyer 023, please forgive me for not being able to understand your special behavior. The name is just a code name, which is no different from Purifier 1507, so there is no need to change it."

Purifier 1507 rejected the suggestion of Destroyer 023 claiming to be Xavius, as did other Purifier warships.

The data life in the Purifier battleship is an intelligent program created by the creator god of the Eternal Sublimator, Samaiello. From the beginning of the indifferent and rigid program, it has grown to know how to reject the suggestions of the superior managers. This shows that the Purifier is also A growing life.

Therefore, as one of the intelligent programs separated from the creation god Sameello, the Destroyer 023 Seves, who has already produced his own personality, will let the Purifier 1507 take his own name.

As a Destroyer whose size was comparable to a small planet, Xavius ​​sailed in the quiet and dark space all year round, and the number of times it was his turn to take action was only a handful.

So slowly he became interested in the various thoughts spoken by those eliminators who were transformed from carbon-based intelligent life, especially those of the lower ranks who said that "the name is the proof of a person's existence in the world."

Eliminator and Annihilator These are the basic commanders of the Eternal Sublimator civilization. They are generally formed by purifiers who extract the personality of intelligent life on the current planet after eradicating the chaotic virus on the planet, and transform it through special technological means. .

Originally, they did not claim to be Eternal Ascendants, and there was no such inferior existence as Eliminators in the system. In the beginning, Purifiers were used as command terminals to command a large number of mechanical creations to fight against the same amazing number of Chaos Bodies and purify the planet. .

However, when there was a conflict with the civilization named Kamigawa thousands of years ago, the command system of the Purifiers was subverted, and the basic mechanical creations were invaded and paralyzed or seized control, causing the Purifiers to become bare commanders.

In the end, several Destroyer-level superior beings dispatched at the same time to force back the army of the Kamigawa civilization. Immediately afterwards, Sameiluo set the Kamigawa galaxy as a dangerous galaxy, an area that the Purifier fleet needs to avoid when performing purification tasks, to reduce unnecessary losses.

Since then, Sameiluo has been below the level of the Purifier, and has newly established two lower existences, the Eliminator and the Annihilator.

Because of their act of forcibly transforming carbon-based intelligent life into data life, their mechanically cast, eternal and immortal bodies, and as long as there are chaotic viruses, they will follow one after another for physical purification. Ai Luo is called, the self-discipline virus cleaning machine of the universe and the eternal sublimator.


"Queen, Alan led the legion in a conflict with the existence called the Eternal Ascendant in the Skyfall Galaxy. According to the details of the battle uploaded by Alan, it is a big victory."

Binghua turned off the projection model of the pair of gloves in front of her, leaned back against the seat behind her and slightly twisted her neck, which had been in one movement for a long time, said in a very flat tone,
"I've seen it too. Three Heavenly Blades, more than [-] Heavenly Swords, and one hundred thousand Angel Warriors. If you still lose with such a huge disparity in strength, the Angel's future will be really worrying."

Binghua said that he suddenly thought of something here, and turned his back away from the leaning left wing and asked Ran who was on the side.

"By the way, speaking of this, I saw in the report that two flame swords were missing and the bodies of twelve dead soldiers were missing."

Ran Wenyan immediately recalled the report uploaded by Ailan in his mind, and found this message at the bottom.

"Yes, Queen, the Heavenly Blade Corps lost two Heavenly Swords and 220 soldiers in this conflict with unknown civilizations, including two second-generation fighters equipped with flame swords.

According to the speculation on Alan's report, the lost warrior's body and the flame sword are likely to be taken away by the Eternal Ascendant.

"Is that so... I have a hunch that the so-called eternal sublime is definitely not as simple as it appears in the Skyfall galaxy."

Ran stayed aside and didn't answer the conversation. She felt that her queen was a bit alarmist. According to the performance of the Skyfall galaxy war, although the combat power of the eternal sublimators surpassed the general space-level civilization, it was far from the level of the angel civilization.

After expelling the Eternal Ascendant, Kaisa's left-wing guard Alan continued to lead the Angel Legion to clear the Chaos Virus in the Angel Nebula, and the effect was remarkable.

Hexi, who is in charge of researching the weaknesses of the chaotic virus, has also made good progress. Except for the most core existence, most of the characteristics of the chaotic virus are almost transparent.

According to the research data uploaded by Hexi, the chaos virus that is currently raging around the Angel Nebula is only in its infancy.

The chaotic virus in the initial stage is like a creature without wisdom. It will eat all the creatures on the planet without restriction and absorb the excellent genes in its body. They are the chaotic monsters on the planet Sarkaz.

Then these chaotic body monsters with excellent genes will fuse with each other and assimilate into a giant individual, which is the giant chaotic body that Binghua saw on Sarkaz.

This is the second phase of the chaotic virus, from dispersal to aggregation, during which the chaotic virus has absorbed countless excellent genes, and can flexibly combine and modulate genes according to the environment it is in.

The chaotic virus that has entered the second stage can be considered to reveal its true appearance. Those chaotic creatures whose volume is measured in kilometers can survive in the vacuum of the universe, and at the same time breed tens of thousands of small chaotic bodies in their bodies. A biological space carrier.

As for the chaotic virus in the final stage, Hexi hasn't been able to analyze it yet, all he knows is that it will be very dangerous and weird.

The purge operation organized by the angels in the Angel Nebula didn't last long before the Eternal Ascendant struck again.

The number of Eternal Ascendants who attacked this time is countless, and their weapons are more powerful than last time, as if they have been upgraded to a higher level. Just ordinary warships can fight back and forth with Heavenly Sword.

And the most surprising thing is that the small combat units of the Eternal Ascendant are rarely equipped with equipment that is similar in nature to flame-level weapons.

It is an unknown metal alloy, which is fired by the eliminator's subordinate unit, the Eliminator, with a long-range weapon similar to a gun, which can injure the body of the second-generation fighter.

It is also fortunate that the torso and head of the angel warrior are protected by the armor made of Thai-Egyptian alloy, otherwise they will definitely fall into a great disadvantage.

But even so, under the crush of the huge number of troops of the Eternal Ascendants, the Skyblade Legion led by Angel Alan was frequently defeated. As a last resort, part of the outer galaxies of the Angel Nebula were given up, even the ones originally used to clear the chaos. The entire angelic force was also transferred to the front line of the war with the Eternal Ascension.

As Kaisha's left guard, Angel Alan led the main force of the Skyblade Legion to fight back and forth with the Eternal Ascendant, although the troops were at a disadvantage and kept retreating.

One side is to maintain the angelic civilization's sovereignty over the Angel Nebula, and the other side is the Eternal Ascendant who will never compromise in order to execute the purification order of the creator god Sameelo.

Just when the two sides were fighting in the Sky Meteor Galaxy, the Chaos Virus was also taking the opportunity to discover and grow stronger, just like a beast that had escaped from its cage.

As one planet after another was completely engulfed by the chaotic virus, living warships that were distorted and weirdly shaped like starry sky behemoths entered space.

Only at this time did the Chaos Virus show its terror to the Angel Nebula. Their size was comparable to a city, and the cuticle on their body surface could almost make most energy weapons ineffective. In addition, their biological technology attack methods that were different from common sense led to Some advanced space-level civilizations are not their opponents either.

The huge weird biological battleship covering the sky, and the dense giant tentacles hanging from it easily turned the city on the ground into ruins, and the burning orange flames and billowing black smoke are the only two colors dotted on this doomsday picture scroll .

Binghua watched this scene in the Merlot Heavenly Court, and only felt an inexplicable anger rise up, as if his belongings were destroyed by a bear child from outside.

"What's going on here? I haven't checked Angel Nebula's recent situation for a while. How did it become like this? I need an explanation?"

Binghua's voice lost its usual intimacy, and was filled with a frightening oppressive force, as if a male lion just waking up found a few wild dogs playing disco in sight.

"Queen, your weapon research work has entered a critical period recently, and the Sky Blade King has taken over, so I won't bother you."

"What I want to hear is why the Angel Nebula is what it is."

Ran Wen quickly changed his words and talked about the reason why the situation in Angel Nebula deteriorated.

Now the Sky Meteor galaxy in the Angel Nebula has been divided by three parties, namely the Angel, the Chaos Body, and the Eternal Ascendant.

The three see each other who will destroy the other, but the Chaos Body and the Eternal Ascendant can clearly see that they are mortal enemies. Often after the angel withdraws from the battle, the two sides continue to fight until one side dies.

Therefore, the angel with the least force can sustain the situation in the Skyfall galaxy, and such a large-scale and complicated war is obviously beyond the ability of Kaisa's left-wing guard Alan, and she can barely maintain it without collapsing across the board.

Therefore, Kaisha decided to visit the Meteor Galaxy to command the battle in person. This happened half a month ago. At this moment, it is estimated that Kaisha has arrived in the Meteor Galaxy and took over the command work.

After hearing the words, Binghua stopped learning about the situation from Xiang Ran. As one of the four kings who are good at strategy in Angel's active service, she knew very well that Kaisha would never come to the front line in person until the situation deteriorated to a certain extent.

Because Keisha is different from Binghua, if Binghua cherishes the soldiers under his command and will not assign a life-and-death mission for his subordinates to perform, Keisha is the kind of leader who can accept certain casualties in order to train the abilities of his soldiers .

For a moment, Binghua's communication was connected by Keisha.

"Kesha, I just finished a research. I heard that the situation in the Meteor Galaxy is not good. Have you personally presided over the overall situation?"

Kesha on the opposite side looked sad, and her brows were even more tightly knit together, but she relaxed a little after seeing Binghua.

Not afraid of being seen by Binghua, Kaisha rubbed her brow with her slender white fingers and said:
"It's good that your research is over. To be honest, the situation in the Skyfall galaxy is a bit troublesome. The civilizations here are basically wiped out, and only a few survived under the protection of the Skyblade Legion."

Binghua's complexion also became serious: "Is it already this difficult!"

"The main reason is that our troops are too small. Whether it is the infected body of the chaos virus or the eternal sublimator, they are extremely numerous. It is difficult for the Skyblade Legion to counterattack. Even I can only prevent the situation from deteriorating."

"Is that so, then Kaisha, I will mobilize the main force of the Heavenly Sword Legion, and I will personally lead the team to the Skyfall Galaxy to support you."

As soon as Binghua's voice fell, Kaisha's face on the opposite side showed a look of surprise.

"Really? Binghua!"

Binghua nodded affirmatively.

(End of this chapter)

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