Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 241, Descended from Heaven

Chapter 241, Descended from Heaven

Binghua will take the initiative to support Kaisha also has its own considerations. From the perspective of the interests of the angel civilization, a protracted war will not be of any benefit to the angel civilization that is currently developing.

This will make resources useless in a life-and-death war, such as the research topic of analyzing the chaotic body.

In order to analyze the chaotic body, Hexi tilted part of the computing resources of the Space-Based Corps, which led to the extension of the expected completion time of other research topics.

In addition, when the Melo Heavenly Court was formed, the various legions confirmed the scope of responsibilities, and the Tianjian Legion under Binghua's command was in charge of foreign wars.

However, due to the huge coverage of the Angel Nebula, some places are inevitably stretched. The Skyfall galaxy is one of the areas where the Sky Sword Legion's defense is relatively weak.

The chaotic body was raging and the Eternal Ascendant's massive invasion, because there was no Binghua's order, the Heavenly Sword Legion's frontier angel troops did not attack on a large scale.

In addition, Keisha has a relatively strong personality and thinks that she can solve the problems of the Meteor Galaxy alone, which has formed the current situation of the three pillars of the Meteor Galaxy.

With the order of Binghua, the Queen who is loyal to the Heavenly Sword Legion, this war machine that has been silent for nearly a hundred years began to slowly start.

Even though the huge war machine of the Heavenly Sword Legion has not been in operation for a long time, the internal gears are still untouched. In less than half a month, a 50 angel legion has assembled in the Merlot Heavenly Court. And completed the war preparations.

Like a floating continent floating in space, the Heavenly Court of Melo, at this moment, the surrounding and below are already filled with moored Skyblade warships and small Skyblade warships,

From a distance, it looks like a tree of sword blades growing upside down. The metal mooring port with a faint silvery luster forms the branches. The magnificent sword-like hull of the moored Skyblade warship grows out of it. branches and leaves.

But at this moment, the metal mooring ports that fixed the sky blades around and below the Merlot Heavenly Court began to deform and recover.

Without the restriction of berthing ports, the Skyblade warships of various numbers began to move away from the Heavenly Court of Melo.

The dispatching scene of twelve Skyblade warships and nearly a hundred Skyblade warships was extremely spectacular. The huge Skyblade warships carried the Skyblade warships and crossed each other without any collision accidents. A large battle group of sky blades.

Step~step~step, the sound of crisp and dense metal combat boots stepping on the floor echoed in the wide corridor, a group of beautiful figures in military uniforms were stepping forward, and the leader was naturally Binghua who was the Heavenly Sword King , along with its advancing figure, the cloak symbolizing the noble status of the Angel King is also fluttering slightly behind it.

After dozens of angels headed by Binghua entered the conference hall of a Sky Sword, the high-ranking angels who followed behind the queue and were captains of the Sky Blade automatically stopped and stood at both ends of the aisle.

Then came the guardian angel. When Binghua walked to the steps in front of the throne in the conference hall, the angel Ran, who was the left guard, stopped and turned around.

In the end, only Binghua walked up to the throne on the high platform alone, and without hesitation turned around and sat down on the throne with the floating relief of a sword in the background.

Binghua put his hands on the armrest of the silver throne, and said in a prestige voice: "Heavenly Sword Legion, set off immediately!"

Binghua's words were received by the Heavenly Blade battle group like an order. With the defense system of the Melo Heavenly Court closed, the Melo Heavenly Court, which had been hidden in the two folded spaces, also appeared in the universe.

Apart from the defense system of the Melo Heaven itself, this is the most advanced defense facility. Except for special methods, it is impossible to find the Melo Heaven hidden in the two folded spaces.

Then I saw the blue light flickering slightly, and the twelve Heavenly Blades, together with the surrounding Heavenly Sword warships, turned into blue streamers and shot out in turn, disappearing in this star field in the blink of an eye.

The sky meteor galaxy, the front line of the battle between angels and chaotic bodies, eternal sublimators.

One after another sparks bloomed in the universe, and then withered in the blink of an eye.

A loud bang!
The angel holding the flaming sword knocked back a robot about two meters tall with a pair of metal flying wings spread out behind it for several meters.

Immediately afterwards, the scorching red sword light swept across the chest of the lower unit Eliminator in the Eternal Sublimator sequence, cutting it into upper and lower halves.

As soon as an Eliminator was dealt with, a group of Eliminators who were a circle smaller than the Eliminator just now flew over with square long-barreled firearms, lowered their muzzles to aim and pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by the flickering blue electric light, the bright silver bullets left a blurred trajectory in the void and shot towards the angel warrior.

But it is obvious that this kind of rigid attack is not difficult for the angel to dodge. I saw that the angel warrior tilted his head sideways and made several difficult dodging movements in a short time to avoid all the incoming bullets. At the same time, dragging afterimages, he rushed to the gun-wielding Eliminators, and disassembled them into scrapped parts.

However, there are too many humanoid robot eliminators, and an angel fighter often has to face multiple enemies. In the end, the angel fighters are often defeated because they are outnumbered.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. In the contest of large war units, the angels have the upper hand.

The defense and attack power of the Heavenly Blade cannot be competed with by a purifier-level warship. Often, several kilometers of Purifiers can compete with a single Heavenly Blade.

Another battlefield with the Chaos Body is similar. The soldiers of the Heavenly Blade Legion are constantly beheading the strange creatures that come flooding in like a tide. giant chaotic body monster.

At the central command office of the angel defense line, in the command hall where Kaisha was, an angel stood up and reported to Kaisha.

"Queen, the signal of the Heavenly Sword King's fleet has been detected!"

Keisha heard the words and stood up from her actions: "Is it finally here..."

In the flickering blue light and shadow, Heavenly Blades and Heavenly Swords appeared in the starry sky, echoing the facilities that were built by angels not far away.

Keisha and Binghua haven't seen each other for a while, so they naturally wanted to say a few words, but then they got to the point.

"Binghua, you arrived at the right time. I found the warp stargate established by the Eternal Ascendant in the Skyfall galaxy some time ago, and I am worried that I don't have enough troops to take it down."

Binghua said unexpectedly: "Really?"

Keisha nodded: "I have already made a battle plan, and I planned to gather an elite team, and I will personally lead the team to carry out this operation.

But it just so happens that you are here, so I don't have to take risks with my sisters. Let me take you to see if there is anything that needs to be revised in the battle plan. "

After Kesha finished speaking, she raised her hand to signal Binghua to go to the command hall with her to discuss the battle plan for attacking the Eternal Ascendant.

(End of this chapter)

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