Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 242, the defeated king hidden in the dark

Chapter 242, the defeated king hidden in the dark

Below are angels sitting in several rows in front of the metal table, operating the system with their hands in the air to perform various data calculations.

As for the high platform above, there are only two girls, Binghua and Kaisha. As for Angel Ran, who has been following Binghua, it is to arrange the mooring and rest of Tianren.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen you leave Melo's Heavenly Court for a few years. Have you made any breakthrough in your research?"

Kesha raised her hands and carried out two chairs and a clean stone table, followed by a steaming kettle with blue flower patterns and two porcelain white water cups, and filled tea for Binghua and herself .

Binghua was not polite either. After sitting down, she picked up the cup and took a sip before answering Kesha's question.

"I found the direction, but it is difficult to carry that thing out with today's micro-wormhole technology, so I made a split process, hoping that this thing will not be used in this war."

Hearing this, Keisha couldn't help admiring in her heart, what they said just now was a large weapon that Binghua has been tinkering with for the past ten years.

Its initial combat purpose was to use a large combat unit like the Heavenly Blade as an imaginary enemy, but due to technical difficulties, it has not made much progress.

Keisha just asked casually just now, but she didn't expect Binghua to be able to use it in actual combat.

"I hope." Keisha agreed with Binghua, then waved out the star map of the Tianyun galaxy and zoomed in on one of the galaxies.

"This is the area where the Eternal Ascendant built the stargate. According to the intelligence detected by the angels under Liang Bing, those icy machines built a warp stargate with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers in this star system."

"Breakthrough stargate? Isn't that something that only astronautic civilizations can build?" Binghua asked doubtfully.

"That's right, it's the star gate, otherwise how could the Eternal Ascendant be able to compete with our Heavenly Blade Legion.

Those machines that cannot communicate, except for the large warships, do not have long-distance space warp navigation, so they built fixed warp stargates, so that large quantities of long-distance warp small and medium-sized combat units can be used.

However, we have no idea where those small combat units are assembled and manufactured. "

Just when Keisha was explaining to Binghua the relevant information about the Eternal Ascendant, an angel below suddenly reported.

"Queen Keisha, the angel troops of the Heka star system have sent an emergency message, requesting immediate dispatch of high-ranking angel reinforcements!"

Kesha and Binghua, who were discussing the issue of the Eternal Ascendant, immediately stopped the topic when they heard the words, and Kesha immediately signaled to transfer the communication.

"I'm Keisha, what happened to you?"

From the other end of the communication, the crisp sound of weapons colliding could be vaguely heard, and a female voice sounded along with the rapid breathing.

"Is it Queen Keisha! I am the captain of a combat team under the Second Sky Blade Legion. Our team encountered a special chaotic infected body in the Heka star system! The opponent is very strong and our team is not an opponent! So... Yuan!"

Before he finished speaking, the female angel on the other end of the communication shouted out a name angrily, and then the communication was cut off abruptly.

Keisha frowned and looked serious. This situation is abnormal. It stands to reason that with the combat power of the chaotic body, it is impossible for a second-generation angel fighter to lose consciousness and resist in an instant.

"Check it out, the Skyblade warship and the legion commander are resting around the Heka galaxy!"

Binghua, who had been sitting on the sidelines watching this scene, spoke out at this moment.

"Kesha, let my team go to Heka to see the situation. I can't come and let my fleet stay there and eat ashes."

Kesha thought about it and felt that it was okay, anyway, the Heavenly Sword Legion was not needed, so she nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Binghua contacted Angel Ran, who was in charge of Tianblade scheduling, and asked her to dispatch a Skyblade to the Heka star system immediately to see what happened there, and destroy it if there was a chaotic body.

After doing these things, Binghua and Kaisha discussed for a long time how to destroy the warp stargate of the Eternal Ascendant.

In the outside world, the arrival of the Heavenly Sword Legion has a huge impact on the situation in the Skyfall galaxy, although the number of angel warriors is still at a great disadvantage in front of the army of eternal sublimators and chaotic bodies.

It can't stand the strength of the Skyblade battleship. As a celestial warship, its terrifying firepower and star destroying ability are the nemesis of the human sea tactics.

Often before engaging the Eternal Ascendant's fleet, the Sky Blade would launch a star-killing level long-range energy strike first, destroying one-third of its fleet in an instant.

Even if there are many troops, they can't help being consumed like this, and soon the angels in the Tianyun galaxy have changed from the most disadvantaged side to the most dominant side.

Binghua and Keisha, the angels with the highest combat effectiveness, are the command center of the angels in the meteorite system, and all the tasks of going out to attack the chaotic body and the eternal sublimator are assigned to the Skyblade battleship and left-wing guards under their command.

Just when the situation was good, Tianren, who was sent by Binghua to the Heka star system to check the situation, sent back a very bad news.

An example of a chaotic virus infecting an angel has appeared. In the picture sent back from the sky blade, it is a man covered with a brown carapace similar to armor, with a dissimilated blade on one arm, twisted tentacles on the other, and a pair of bat wings behind him. The chaotic body monster, from its figure and appearance, can vaguely see a bit of the charm of the angel race.

However, because the angel's wings are not the result of biological evolution, but the product of genetic technology, the chaotic body has not been reproduced, and can only be filled with similar bat wings.

According to the news sent back, there are not many such alienated angelic chaotic bodies. If their combat ability is compared in terms of physical fitness, they exceed ordinary angel warriors, but they are still a little behind the second generation.

But even this still had a great impact on the action of cleaning up the chaotic bodies of the Meteorite galaxy. For a while, the angel warriors had to be vigilant against the sneak attacks of this alienated angelic chaotic bodies when cleaning up those small chaotic bodies.

The same is true for the Eternal Ascendants. As many troops as the angels destroy, they can replenish as many Eternal Ascendants' troops as they jump through the star gates. This makes it extremely difficult for the Skyblade Legion to advance.

So Keisha and Binghua reached a consensus, that is to continue to increase troops to the Skyfall galaxy. Except for the important guard angels of the Sky Sword Legion, Binghua will always guard the Skool star system and around the Skyfall King's city. Three-quarters of the legion was mobilized.

As for why the troops here were transferred, it was because the surrendered Sky Meteor King had not changed at all in the past hundred years.


Outside the Angel Nebula, in a fleet formed entirely of space battleships similar to medieval warships.

Sitting on the throne in the dark hall, Hua Ye rubbed his fingers. When he heard from his subordinates that Binghua had mobilized the troops of the Skool galaxy, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Binghua, and Keisha, you beauties, get ready to welcome the return of Huaye, the King of Angels!"

(End of this chapter)

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