Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 245, Long-range military support

Chapter 245, Long-range military support

After several years of fighting against the Chaos Virus, Binghua also figured out the general combat mode of the Chaos Virus.

The most frightening feature of the chaos virus is simulated replication and gene theft. Since the first case of an angel being infected by the chaos virus appeared on Heka, more or less chaotic angels have appeared on other fronts.

However, because the chaos virus captured very few angel corpses, it failed to form a large-scale establishment. However, what angered the angel civilization was that the chaos virus stole the angel's genes and fused other heterogeneous genes to create a new generation of ugly distortions. A small chaotic combat unit.

In order to prevent the Chaos Body from capturing more angels and making it more difficult to deal with, Binghua and Keisha decided to use the civilization characteristics of the Eternal Ascendants who are not afraid of Chaos Virus infection to replace them in clearing the Chaos Virus-infected area of ​​​​the Sky Meteor Galaxy.

In fact, the Eternal Ascendant also fulfilled the expectations of Binghua and Keisha very well. In a few years, almost half of the Skyfall galaxy was purified. The Ascendant was strangled to death in his infancy.

No one can tell how many surviving civilizations among them were destroyed by the two. Even if the angelic civilization tried its best to fulfill its obligations as the ruler of the angelic nebula, it still only guaranteed the continuation of a few civilizations with spaceflight capabilities.

When the Chaos Virus was almost purified by the Eternal Ascendant, Binghua and Kaisha finally stopped watching, and directly led the army to raid the Eternal Ascendant's warping stargate in the Skyfall galaxy.

More than 20 angel warriors, more than a dozen Skyblade battleships and hundreds of Heavenly Sword battleships covered the entire starry sky.

The Annihilator and Eliminator, which exist below the Eternal Sublimator in charge of defense, are not at all the opponents of the Angel Legion who came by surprise.

Binghua stood at the bow of a Heavenly Sword battleship that was charging forward, and kept moving towards the giant warp stargate in sight.

The humanoid robot destroyers and small battleship destroyers that came along the way were all desperately blocked by the following Heavenly Sword Legion soldiers and Heavenly Sword battleships, just to cover the queen they were following.

Finally, under the turbulent firepower of the defensive facilities built by the Eternal Ascendant and the intelligent battleship, the energy shield stretched by the Heavenly Sword battleship under Binghua's feet has also reached its limit, and Binghua cannot move while advancing under the firepower. .

The corners of Binghua's mouth were slightly raised, and he bent his waist and knees, and the white angel wings behind his back spread out to both sides. After decades, he stepped into the battlefield in person again, and Binghua felt an inexplicable sense of excitement that he hadn't seen for a long time.

The next moment, Binghua leaped forward vigorously, and the Heavenly Sword battleship under his feet was pressed down due to the huge reaction force.

Although Binghua broke into the fleet of the Eternal Sublimator alone, the destructive power it could cause was astonishing.

He didn't use his Seven Killing King Sword, because it was not suitable for this kind of situation where he faced multiple enemies.

After a long absence, Chi Yuan unsheathed again, turning into a gorgeous crimson sword shadow that enveloped Bing Hua's body for dozens of meters.

Chiyuan Sword has not been without any changes in these years. First of all, its limit length has been increased to 50 meters. Normally, it is about 15 meters. This is the easiest length to control.

"Just some ordinary self-disciplined robots want to block my footsteps, you take it for granted!

Is there not even a personality among the eternal sublimators! "

After strangling hundreds of lower-level beings among the eternal sublimators with the Chiyuan Sword, Binghua didn't enjoy himself a bit.

These humanoid robots surrounded had no so-called independent thinking at all, and their action and attack modes were extremely rigid. Binghua could easily see that these were just machines to execute orders.

But in fact, hundreds of meters away from Binghua, there are several humanoid robots who are the same as the surrounding humanoid robots, but have never stepped forward to attack.

They are the commanders of the lower existence eliminators in the real battle sequence of the eternal sublimators.

"We can't stop the King of Angels at all if this continues. The second-generation Eliminators sent here are completely cannon fodder."

"This is normal. The Angel King is the strongest individual combat force in the angel civilization. We just need to keep her from approaching the star gate. After the Purifiers wipe out the attacking angel army, we can rely on numbers to overwhelm her. "

Because the Eliminator is transformed by the Purifier through the memory personality of the intelligent life body, it is more human than the Purifier who is like a rigid intelligent program.

Binghua slightly turned his head and glanced at the Heavenly Sword Legion behind him. After finding that the battle between the Heavenly Blade Legion and the Eternal Ascendant was advancing steadily, he stopped paying attention.

After finding that there was no response to his words, Binghua narrowed his dark eyes slightly, and a thought arose in his heart.

Binghua used his own genetic engine to indiscriminately spread a large amount of useless information to the surrounding area through dark signals. For a while, the humanoid robot, which was not afraid of life and death, immediately crashed and stopped moving.

Seeing this, Binghua smiled slightly, no longer entangled with these endless Eliminators, and rushed straight to the warp stargate established by the Eternal Ascendant.

Kaisha, who was in charge of the overall command, also discovered the situation on Binghua's side, and immediately ordered the attacking Angel Legion to concentrate on attacking the area paralyzed by Binghua.

It wasn't until a warship thousands of meters long stopped in front of Binghua that it stopped Binghua's progress.

There was still no intention of communicating. I don't know if it was disdain to talk to Binghua, or that there was no need to talk. As soon as he came up, there was a salvo of naval guns, and energy beams swept towards him one after another.

The Chiyuan Sword turned into a scarlet red long sword nearly two meters long, emitting a dazzling red light. The highly compressed dark energy combined with the sharpness of the flame-level weapon itself easily cut through the energy shield of the Purifier battleship in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, Binghua nimbly shuttled through the dense bullet rain, and came to the surface of the Purifier battleship without even using the Thunder tactics.

Without hesitation, the flame bombardment began to brew, and dozens of long swords were shot out from the micro wormhole, cutting the approaching Eliminator into wreckage.

A few seconds later, as the scorching red light of destruction spread, the fiery energy melted the armor of the Purifier battleship and eroded into the interior of its hull, causing huge damage inside the hull.

'After the actual test, the Purifier sequence cannot resist the attack of the enemy Angel King unit, and now apply for the long-range weapon support of the Destroyer 023'

This message was sent by the Purifier battleship in the Sky Meteor galaxy, which is currently fighting Ice Blossom, and was received by Destroyer 023 outside the Angel Nebula in the blink of an eye.

"Is it a god-level fighter of the Kamigawa technology system? It's really a troublesome existence."

Destroyer 023 Seves said to himself, as a moving planetary body, it is naturally impossible for it to reach the battlefield in an instant, but it can send something there.

As an existence that had conflicts with the Kamigawa civilization, it is naturally impossible for the Eternal Ascendant to not have the means to deal with super soldiers.

In the body of 023 Xavius, a planet destroyer, a special humanoid robot was transported by a transmission orbit to a small warping star gate.

At the moment before entering the warping stargate, the lines on the face of this delicate looking robot with a strong sci-fi style lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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