Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 246, The Great Chapter

Chapter 246, The Great Chapter

Chiyuan's retractable red and silver sword blade is like a scarlet viper biting its prey, most of the sword body is submerged inside the hull of the Purifier battleship, Binghua's wrist holding the sword hilt violently shakes to one side .

The power was transmitted to the tip of the sword along the soft blade, and the sound of metal tearing was heard in an instant, and a red sword mark tens of meters long was cut on the surface of the Purifier's hull.

Due to the addition of dark energy, the internal structure of the Purifier battleship was greatly damaged, and a large number of energy transmission lines were broken. For a while, the counterattack turrets fired by the Purifier battleship misfired a lot.

Seeing that it was almost done, Binghua lightly raised his left hand, and silver feather-like sharp blades emerged in the void, and then connected to each other at the top to form a chain whip hundreds of meters long, across the middle of the hull of the Purifier battleship.

The next moment, the Purifier warship was divided into two parts, the front and the back, and the flames surged at the break, completely losing the ability to counterattack. No matter how powerful the intelligent life ability residing in it was, the battleship could no longer launch an effective counterattack.

Seeing this, Binghua glanced at the broken hull, and immediately discovered where the energy reactor of the Purifier battleship was located. She didn't need to do it herself, and an alloy long sword beside her shot out like a silver light, just breaking the Energy reactor balance.

The result of losing the restraint and control of the huge energy is destruction, a surging fire cloud over a thousand meters surging and sweeping around, and countless twisted metal wreckages are splashed in all directions due to the impact of the explosion.

Binghua clearly felt that an unknown existence quickly left here at the moment the Purifier battleship exploded, fleeing towards the depths of the endless starry sky.

And in the short time when Binghua solved the Purifier battleship, the assaulting Heavenly Sword Legion and Heavenly Blade Legion also successfully defeated the defense forces of the Eternal Ascendant and rushed to the area near Binghua.

A large group of Eliminators and Annihilators who were inaccessible because of the fierce battle between the Purifiers and Binghua were immediately blocked by the soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Legion.

"Queen here we come!"

Listening to the voices of his subordinates on the wide-area channel, Binghua raised his hand, which was composed of silver and red triangular blades. The Chiyuan Sword, which looked extremely ferocious and cruel, pointed at the giant warping star gate not far away, confidently and confidently Words full of power and influence spread.

"Follow the king to charge, and jump through the star gate at the target place!"

"The queen's sword is pointing! That's where the weapon in my hand is pointing!"

The responding female angels shouted in unison, and their morale rose for a while. As long as there is a queen, the Heavenly Sword Legion will never be defeated. This is something that every member of the Heavenly Sword Legion firmly believes in.

Figures in armor and red-tasseled helmets flapped their wings and swept across the surroundings of the glacier at high speed, rushing towards the giant warp stargate built by the eternal ascendant.

Binghua didn't stay there any longer as a background, but also fanned his wings on his back to fly towards the warping stargate.

The volume of the warping stargate is extremely huge, and the whole is a metal ring suspended in the universe. The huge energy connects it to another warping stargate that does not know where, and it is continuously transmitted to the Eliminator and Annihilator, and even Even a purifier-class battleship appeared from time to time.

But the dozen or so Skyblade warships on the female angel's side are not just for nothing, they use all their firepower to suppress the eternal sublimator troops pouring out of the warping star gate.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Legion, who were rushing towards the surface area of ​​the Warp Star Gate, found that the road ahead was full of small machine fighters such as Eliminators and Annihilators.

The captains of each team holding the flame sword looked at each other, nodded slightly at the same time, and then passed the charging companions around, and every five people gathered together, the flame swords in their hands intersected in the void, and together activated the flames loaded in the sword. bombing formula.

In the next moment, the scorching red light was like a breath of destruction, sweeping across a large void in front of the Warp Star Gate. Countless Eliminators and Annihilators melted into a pool of scorching red energy in the scorching red energy storm. fluid.

Binghua came to the Warp Stargate under the cover of many angel warriors, reached out and touched the defensive energy barrier of the Warp Stargate, and transmitted the data to Tianren.

I don't need to worry about Binghua's subsequent affairs. To destroy such a huge facility, there is no more suitable existence than Tianren.

Just when Binghua was standing on a small wreckage, watching the battlefield where the situation was good, suddenly a female angel flew upside down to her.

Binghua stretched out her hand to embrace the female angel who flew upside down to her, and asked aloud what happened?

"Queen, that guy sisters can't stop it!"

The female angel who was embraced by Binghua pointed in one direction and said with a painful expression, there was a hideous wound on her abdomen.

Binghua heard the words and looked, and saw a humanoid robot covered with streamlined light armor, whose structure was several times more refined than that of the Eliminator, holding the calf of a female angel in the forehand, and pulled the blood-stained arm blade from it. Withdraw from the body.

At this moment, a third-generation high-ranking female angel suddenly rushed from the side, and the flaming sword in her hand burst into a dazzling red halo and slashed at the humanoid robot.

But like a prophet, this rather delicate robot just stepped back slightly, just right to avoid the flaming sword cut from the side.

Immediately afterwards, the arm blade of his right hand swiped horizontally, directly forcing the elite female angel back. He did not forget to raise his left arm, a gap was opened in the palm, and an orange-red ray shot out, leaving a trail in the universe. Scorch marks that fade gradually.

However, the high-ranking angel who fought against this unique robot also has rich combat experience. The first time he was forced to retreat, he erected the flame sword in front of him as a shield, just blocking the orange-red beam that came from the laser.

Flipping the blade of the sword directed the lasing laser elsewhere. This high-level angel wearing a helmet stretched out his hand and stretched his fingers towards the location of the robot. Energy lightning strikes out.

The lightning formed by pure dark energy left a faint silver trail in the universe, and hit the light armor on the surface of the eternal sublimator robot in an instant.

But the result shocked Binghua, who was watching the battle, because the robot completely ignored the dark energy lightning that hit him, and spewed out several azure blue streams of light from behind, rushing towards the high-ranking angel.

For a while, the high-level angels of the Heavenly Sword Legion fell into a disadvantage, mainly because the special eternal sublimator seemed to have the legendary predictive ability.

He can always dodge the high-level angel's attack at a slight angle, and then take the opportunity to use the arm blade of unknown material in his hand to leave ugly scars on the high-level angel's armor.

It was also fortunate that she was a high-level angel, and when she found that she couldn't dodge the attack, she used the armor on her body to carry it hard, otherwise she would have been injured all over her body.

And this unique Eternal Sublimator is the high-ranking individual combat unit that Destroyer 023 Seves jumped over through the star gate. It can be regarded as the clone of Seves and enjoys the bonus of celestial-level computing power .

As for why Seves created such a high-level individual combat unit that consumes precious resources in his body, it is just to deal with the existence of the angel civilization that is close to the Kamigawa civilization system.

As for the Kamigawa civilization that clashed with the Eternal Ascendant thousands of years ago, they also use the same technological system as the angels.

They are all based on super soldiers and super genes, and the development of the entire civilization is extremely powerful and prosperous. Their technology has good attainments in energy, space, super genes, and dark information, and even vaguely touches time and a bit of concept. s things.

At that time, the creator of the Eternal Sublimator, Sayailo, believed that there was no need for a full-scale war with the Kamigawa civilization, so he set the Kamigawa galaxy as a forbidden zone in the purification operation of the Eternal Sublimator.

However, the Kamigawa civilization was suddenly destroyed in the destruction of the Kamigawa galaxy thousands of years ago. At that time, Samaiello also specially sent a fleet of purifiers to investigate the Kamigawa galaxy after the catastrophe, and found that the formerly prosperous Kamigawa civilization had disappeared. Totally destroyed, completely gone.

However, the creator of the Eternal Sublimator, Sayailuo, had set up a project to study combat units against super soldiers as early as when the Kamigawa civilization was not destroyed.

After the war with the Kamigawa civilization, the high-ranking purifiers with battleships as their carriers showed many disadvantages. They were not flexible enough, and they had no resistance at all in front of the god-level warriors of the Kamigawa civilization.

Therefore, the creator of the Eternal Ascendant developed the first generation of high-level mechanical warriors in order to fight against the god-level warriors of the Kamigawa civilization.

Its basic feature is an indestructible body. The skeleton of the whole body is made of extremely hard alloy, plus high-strength bionic metal muscles, and precious metal armor that can isolate the attack of dark energy. Its body is equipped with dozens of high-energy Weapon, powered by a miniature dark matter reactor on the chest.

The generation of high-ranking mechanical warriors appearing in the Meteor Galaxy at this moment is controlled remotely by Seves through his celestial-level computing power.

As for why it didn't come here in person, it is because if it is at the celestial level to carry out ultra-long-distance space transmission, it needs a lot of preparation work and a huge energy supply.

Seves has no choice but to give up the large-scale warp gate of the meteorite galaxy. As for why he sent high-ranking mechanical soldiers, it is because according to the report of the purifier, a god-level fighter appeared in the meteorite galaxy, and his identity is the angel king .

In order to collect and prove the possibility of the high-ranking mechanical warrior fighting against the god-level warrior, Seves sent it to the battlefield using a small warp gate, and personally controlled the high-ranking mechanical warrior, using his celestial-level computing power to assist in the battle.


Seves' controller, the mechanical warrior, repelled his opponent with a powerful instantaneous burst of kinetic energy, and then several pieces of armor on his chest and shoulders opened up, and seven or eight dazzling beams of light shot out for a while, blocking the All the three generations of angels it fought with could avoid the possibility.

And because of the interference from Xavius' control of the robot warrior, this third-generation female angel wearing a helmet had no time to dodge, and was about to be hit by the attack.

All the shields equipped by the soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Legion emerged from the distorted space and stood in front of this three-generation female angel together.

The shining bright flames exploded and splashed shattered light beams to the surroundings, among which were shattered shield fragments.

When the light dissipated, the third-generation angel protected by the shield was pushed back tens of meters, and the number of shields resisting the attack was also reduced by three sides, and the other sides also appeared more or less different degrees. damage.

Xavius ​​also didn't control the mechanical warrior to continue attacking, because a figure with long hair, black eyes and a silver cloak hanging behind him appeared there at some point.


The female angel clutching her chest flew out from behind the shield, came to Binghua and spoke excitedly, trying to say something but was stopped by Binghua raising her hand.

"Ming, this is not an existence that you can solve alone. It was just collecting your battle data and didn't take it seriously. You go to support the sisters in other battlefields first, and I will meet him in person."

This angel wearing a helmet is none other than Angel Ming, the captain of a Skyblade. As for why he appeared on the frontline battlefield, it is because as a high-level angel, with such a powerful combat power, he will usually come out to lead the team unless there are special circumstances charge.

Seeing the corners of her queen's mouth raised excitedly and her gaze fixed on Savis, Angel Ming reluctantly accepted the task and left here to kill the enemies in the surrounding battlefields.

Binghua raised the Chiyuan sword, and said on the public channel: "I believe that you are definitely not those machines that only know how to execute instructions. Why on earth did you come to invade the Angel Nebula!"

After waiting for a second or two, Binghua heard the answer from the Eternal Sublimator for the first time.

"Purify, purify all chaotic viruses, angel civilization hinders purification, so sublimation is needed.

Kings of angelic civilization, as long as you are willing to become sublimated, this war can be stopped! "

In the second half of the sentence, the electronic voice of the mechanical soldier changed, and he was no longer so indifferent.

But it was a long sword whip that Sevis answered. In an instant, Savus calculated the trajectory, strength, and possible direction of the Chiyuan Sword swing.

Binghua, who was swinging the sword, had no hope for a casual blow, so while swinging the sword, he swung his left arm, and the three alloy long swords shot out like arrows.

Xavius ​​was taken aback by the sudden attack, but he immediately calculated the shooting trajectory, but the result showed that it could only resist hard.

The alloy long sword with sharp edges and corners hit the blade of Savis's raised arm, and flew out directly, leaving only a shallow white mark.

Moving away the arm blade that acts as a shield, a blue light flashed, before Xavius ​​finished his evasive action, a slight blue light flashed.

I don't know when Binghua, who flashed a subtle arc all over his body, came to the side of Xavius, and hit the head of the mechanical soldier controlled by Xavius ​​with a whip leg.

Binghua didn't talk nonsense, holding the Chiyuan sword arm and pulling it back, then swung the shortened Chiyuan sword out again, and slightly shook the hilt up and down. For a moment, the Chiyuan sword's blade was surging forward like a whip The waves generally chased the inverted Savis.

 Today's big chapter,
(End of this chapter)

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