Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 250, Restoring the former glory

Chapter 250, Restoring the former glory
A month ago, Hua Ye's subordinates sneaked into the Tianyun King City through some unknown means, and connected with Tianyun Wang Huayue.

Afterwards, things went smoothly. The two parties connected through a secret communication. As soon as Hua Yue, whose father died in Hua Ye's hands, got through the communication, she greeted Hua Ye's whole family cordially after seeing Hua Ye.

Although Hua Ye on the other side of the communication was very angry, he automatically filtered out those impolite words for his own plan to make a comeback.

After that, things were easy. Hua Ye got the information from somewhere, and learned that the angel Wang Huayue, who is still alive on the face of the male angel, is actually not doing well. It's like a decoration.

The dismantled legion under his command is eating and waiting to die every day, so they just need to find a piece of land to grow crops and start a happy farm life.

In fact, it was not without reason that Huaye would find Huayue, the meteor king of heaven, because more than ten years ago, Huayue relied on the background left by her father to secretly promote to a generation of gods, and she did not let the female angel know.

From these signs, Hua Ye concluded that Tianyun Wang Huayue was not content with the status quo in his heart, so he took advantage of the time when the two mad women among the female angels had all gone to the Tianyun galaxy, and came forward to stir up trouble.

So Zhonghua Ye became a lobbyist for the first time in the newsletter, analyzing the current situation of Angel Nebula for Huayue in detail, and said that most of the retired older generation of angels decided to come back and support their male angels to re-emerge.

If the two parties cooperate with the help of the older generation's high-level combat power, the female angel will be vulnerable to this powerful force, and Angel Nebula and the two of them will be evenly divided.

Tianyun Wang Huayue is not a fool, so she will not be tempted by Hua Ye's big cake, so she simply rejected Hua Ye and planned to do it alone.

Of course, Huayue was not unprepared for a retreat. He ordered the scientific research angels under his command to use the angel's current star mark, which is also the space technology of the star gate, to build a concealed retreat route in the Tianyun King City.

Huayue's plan is very good. If the rise of the male angel is suppressed by the female angel, he will open the energy barrier of the Tianyun King City, and then evacuate through the star gate in the king city, leaving the Angel Nebula to establish his own.

All these preparations just made Tianyun Wang Huayue relieved of worries. What really filled him with confidence was the help of a dozen older angels.

You must know that the older generation of angels who were able to successfully retire and leave Tiancheng during Hua Ye's rule were all high-ranking angels in the Huayan period, and all of them were veterans of many battles.


An extremely inconspicuous, small life planet in the primitive period, ushered in its second visitor from space in a century, a miniature space battleship.

This small battleship with a pair of flying wings, like a raptor flying in space, landed outside a small white manor villa after penetrating the atmosphere of this living planet.

An old man wearing black underwear, a silver-gray coat that reaches down to the calf, and two criss-crossed scars on the left cheek stepped out of the opened battleship, and touched the palm of Binghua's father Yugel affectionately. Shake it.

"I haven't seen you for decades. You seem to be living a very comfortable life recently!"

Binghua's father responded with a smile.

"To each other, freed from the responsibilities of the army commander, I don't have to think about anything, I don't have to think about anything, I feel relaxed."

While saying these words, Eugene was smiling and it was obvious that it was not a lie.

"Go to Khub, come and sit with me, let's have a drink."

The scarred old angel named Ke Hubo didn't refuse either. At the dinner table, the two old angels chatted with each other about their glorious battle years, bragging to each other about how powerful they are.

Binghua's mother left after staying with Ugel for a while, leaving only Yougeni and Kehuber in the hall.

With a slightly red face, Yougeni put down the wine glass in his hand, no longer smiled at the beginning, and said in a deep voice:
"If you have anything to say about Ke Hubo, just say it, you are not an indecisive guy."

Khab, who had been hesitating in his heart whether to speak to persuade Yugel to participate in that incident, finally stopped hesitating when he saw that his mind had been clarified, his expression became serious, and he looked at the door, seeing that Binghua's mother was not here. Speak solemnly.

"I won't hide it from you. I came to you this time because I need your help."

Seeing that Kehaber was so serious, Yugel also felt that the matter was not simple, and he refused to participate in it, so he politely refused: "I'm just a bad old man now, how can I help you!"

As if he didn't understand the euphemism in Yugel's words, Ke Hubo continued:
"Now the four angel queens who are in charge of the weather and nebula took advantage of the civil war between our male angels to take advantage of the chaos, and they couldn't get our approval at all.

And now, the only remaining angel king among our male angels intends to respond to the inner demands of our male angels, stand up and lead us to overthrow the rule of the four angel queens today, and restore the former glory of the male angels! "

After finishing speaking, Ke Hubo stared at Yugel's eyes, and said in a sentence: "So I need your strength, old friend. Only by uniting all the forces that can be united at present, can we male angels have a chance of winning."

Yougeni finally knew what Kehuber hesitated to say before, but he would rather not know, how should he answer when his old friend came to persuade him to rebel against his daughter Binghua.

Even though he knew it might be useless, Yugel still reminded his old friend Khub that the chance of success in this matter was very slim.

"Old friend, as the leaders of the war, you and I should be very clear that the war between the male and female angels has just ended, and the soldiers of the female angels are at their peak. In addition, the four female angel kings are not weak. I am not optimistic about what you said. The king can accomplish things, so don't mention this matter again."

The hall fell into silence for a while, until Kehubo put down his wine glass and stood up to break the silence.

After exhaling heavily, Kehab said, "Since this is the case, there is no need for me to stay here any longer."

After speaking, Kehab turned around and walked towards the exit of the hall. Yugel didn't get up and wanted to send it off, but just watched the bleak and lonely figure leave the villa and manor until the battleship left when he boarded.

Yugel sighed and estimated that if Kehab knew that the Heavenly Sword King Binghua was his daughter, he probably would not have come.

Binghua, her youngest daughter, stayed at home almost from birth until he was sent to the Mello Academy in Sky City as a teenager.

Then Binghua participated in the anti-Tiangong order led by Kaisha, and it was even more impossible for Yougeni to say everywhere that the Heavenly Sword King was her daughter.

As for Ke Hubo's remarks just now, Yougeni is not worried. When they met Binghua decades ago, the father and daughter even discussed each other in their spare time.

In the end, Yougeni was greatly frustrated, and his physical fitness was brought to the same level. The result of the two's sparring was that Binghua won three times and lost two.

As for the two wins, Yougeni also deeply suspected that his daughter deliberately lost to him in order to fear that he would not be able to step down.

 This is to make up for yesterday,

(End of this chapter)

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