Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 251 Chapter 35.camouflage

Chapter 251 Chapter 35.camouflage

Moreover, during the sparring, Binghua made some useless moves more than once. According to Yog's Ni's recollection afterwards, that should be the killer move that Binghua would only use in a life-and-death fight.

The reason why Ke Hubble didn't persuade him much later is probably because he himself knew that the chances of success in this matter were a bit slim.

As for why Kehab devoted himself to it knowing that there was little hope of success, it was probably because his son died in the civil war between male and female angels. Words don't matter.

In the Meteor Galaxy, Binghua, in order to reassure herself, sent her right-wing guard Angel Lan who stayed in the Melo Heaven to secretly go to the Skool Galaxy to thoroughly investigate the reason for the abnormal number of male angels in the Meteor King City.

Keisha, who was returning to the Heavenly Court of Melo, heard about this incident, separated two Sky Blades and one of her guardian angels and headed towards the Skul galaxy to cope with Binghua's right-wing guards. Of course, these were all done in secret.

Binghua continued to clean up the remnants of the chaotic virus in the Meteor Galaxy. As for the fleet of the Eternal Ascendants, it was hidden and could not be found at all.

In the eastern part of the Tianyun galaxy, in a star system completely surrounded by an asteroid belt, a small annihilator battleship more than [-] meters long sailed quietly. Open.

A slender tapered device with a diameter of more than ten meters and a metal ring surrounding it was released.

As if it was equipped with a navigation program, it flew forward automatically for a short distance as soon as it was launched by the Annihilator battleship, and then the metal cone above it deformed and spread around, revealing a complex hollow in the middle that looked like a gear. Or the light around it was distorted for a while, and it turned into an ordinary asteroid.


The golden and silver-toned Heavenly Sword warship, which looks like a dagger, sailed beyond an asteroid belt and gradually began to stop.

"Sister He, the data shows that the energy signal emitted by the Eternal Ascendant has disappeared in this star field, should we continue to investigate?"

On the bridge of the Tianjian battleship, a female angel sitting in front of the console turned around and asked the angel Helan standing in front of the bridge window and looking ahead.

Helan withdrew her gaze from the shattered planetary belt, and turned around to reveal her serious face with a touch of charm.

"Continue to investigate, the Eternal Ascendants don't know what kind of tricks they are doing, this is not the first time their traces have been detected around here."

"It's Sister He, I'm going to order the combat team to go to the nearby star field to conduct a detailed investigation."


In the empty rest room of the Tianjian battleship, he suddenly remembered the order from the bridge.

"The combat teams are numbered 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14... Please prepare the above numbered teams for attack and gather at the combat platform."

The angel warriors, who were wearing regular uniforms and red armor linings, were gathering in the rest room. After hearing this broadcast, they quickly stopped chatting and returned to their respective residences to prepare for the attack.

Soon there were no less than a hundred female angels gathered on the combat platform at the top of the Heavenly Sword, including more than 20 elite captains equipped with flame swords.

Helan pinched her waist with both hands and gave the final lecture and reminder to the angels present before the attack through the public channel. Although her beautiful face had a charming temperament, none of the angels present dared to underestimate her.

There is no such thing as seniority in the Heavenly Sword Legion. Through the back door, no matter the captain or captain of each combat team, their status is determined by fighting with the sword in their hands.

"Your mission is to go into the asteroid belt and check if there is any abnormality in the galaxy inside. Because the Tianjian target is too large to pass through the dense rubble belt, so you will not have a battleship to provide for this mission. fire support."

After Helan finished speaking, he glanced at the straight angels standing there, and seeing that no angel raised any objection, he said:
"If you encounter an emergency, contact Tianjian and don't be brave, then the soldiers of the Tianjian Legion, attack!"

After Helan said the last two words, the angels standing on the front hull of Tianjian spread their wings behind them, and flew away from the battleship Tianjian towards the star system surrounded by the asteroid belt.

"The neighborhood is full of asteroids, so there's no way to hide anything! Sister He made a mistake!"

As a combat team traversed the rubble field, one of the angels complained as they avoided orbiting asteroids.

"Sister He is doing this to be safe, otherwise what will the Eternal Ascendant really do here to endanger the safety of Angel Nebula!"

At this moment, another female angel answered.

"You are exaggerating too much! Just relying on those machines to threaten our angelic civilization?"

Once again a female angel chimed in on the topic.

"Hey! Don't be too arrogant when you speak. The queen once said that we must recognize ourselves and not be arrogant. Only in this way can we improve. I don't think we should underestimate the eternal sublimator."

The female warrior who raised the topic at the beginning focused her attention on the topic, instead of carefully observing the surrounding environment, she just avoided the asteroids blocking the way. Hearing her companion talk about the queen, she couldn't help but said:
"By the way, have you seen the scene of the Queen's battle last time? Those Eternal Ascendants are not all-in-one enemies at all, and they can't even block the Queen's move."

"Yeah, if only I was as strong as the Queen."

"In other words, is the Heavenly Sword King or the Queen more powerful?"

"Of course the queen is amazing! I don't accept any rebuttals."

"The queen is invincible, the queen is the most powerful!"

The topic was quite normal at the beginning, but then it gradually turned to an unknown direction, while the captain in front as an audience shook his head, hoping that a group of queens could discuss some constructive topic, it was purely because she was thinking too much .

In the end, the leader soldier couldn't help but echoed in his heart: "The queen must be the strongest, whoever refuses to accept will be killed"

A few hours later, most of the star field that this team was in charge of investigating had already been explored. In the entire star field, there was nothing but hundreds of floating meteorites with a diameter of tens of meters.

When flying near an asteroid with a diameter of more than ten meters, the female angel in the combat team who complained that there was nothing hidden here suggested:
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's relax for a while! I've been flying for a long time and I've been tense, let alone the Eternal Ascendant, I haven't even seen a ghost."

It was said that the remaining four female angels in the team also stopped advancing, and they also felt a little tired mentally.

The female angel warrior who first proposed to relax lay comfortably in the cosmic vacuum, drifting towards the asteroid behind her.

Just when she was planning to lie down on the surface of the asteroid and relax for a while, her body fell into the asteroid, which made her eyes widen instantly, and an extremely dangerous feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.
 this is today,

(End of this chapter)

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