Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 254 The Approaching Celestial Fortress

Chapter 254 The Approaching Celestial Fortress

This metallic planet is none other than Destroyer 023 Seves. It successfully jumped from the barren cosmic belt into the Skyfall galaxy inside the Angel Nebula through the numerous warp base stations built by the subordinate Eliminators and Destroyers near the stars.

When Tianren just discovered that Seves' body hadn't finished collecting data, Seves also discovered the Tianren battleship at the same time. Strips of flames, the body of which is comparable to a small planet moves quickly towards the asteroid belt outside the star system.

While Seves was moving out of the galaxy, he was facing somewhere on the side of the Skyblade battleship. The armor within a few kilometers was separated to both sides, revealing a square gun barrel with sharp edges and a length of several kilometers.

The exterior of this rectangular barrel is covered with neatly arranged protruding metal teeth, and the long firing track inside can be vaguely seen.

Finally, after a few seconds of adjustment, the long barrel finally pointed in the direction of the Skyblade battleship, and immediately saw Seves' body near the fort lit up with magma-like orange-red energy delivery lines.

A large solid shell is fed into the front of the firing track and pushed into the barrel by a mechanical brake.

A trace of orange-red energy rings began to flash around the gun barrel, and at the next moment, a burst of energy rings exploded from the muzzle, a beam of orange-red light shot out, and a horn was opened on the outer asteroids. After opening the gap in the shape, it attacked the Skyblade warship.

As soon as Seves fired, the Skyblade sent out an alarm, and the ship's simple intelligent system began to evade, and immediately activated the energy shield.

Angel Ran, who was sitting on the main seat, was still watching the images of nearby galaxies formed by the Skyblade detection, when he suddenly heard the alarm sound of the Skyblade system, and then violent vibrations struck.

A beam of orange-red light from the outside instantly penetrated the shield and passed through the left wing of Tianren, which was deviated from the track to one side. Skyblade Battleship.

Sevis on the other side continued to move forward without slowing down after shooting, and soon reached the asteroid belt outside the galaxy, and directly hit it with its stalwart body comparable to a planet.

The countless asteroids that stood in front of it for a while were directly smashed into pieces, and then crushed into cosmic dust by Seves' huge mass and spread to the surroundings.

At this moment on the Skyblade Battleship, Angel Ran supported the armrest of the main seat and shook his head, sat up again with a puzzled expression, and contacted the operator on the Skyblade to ask what happened.

"Sister Ran, an unidentified high-speed object broke through the shield of Tianren just now, and penetrated the light energy integrated position array on the left wing of Tianren!"

Angel Ran's expression froze, and he didn't rush to ask the reason, but asked about the damage of the sky blade.

"How is the damage of the sky blade, and how much combat ability can it display?"

"Sister Ran, judging by the degree of damage to the light energy integrated array on the left wing of the Heavenly Blade, the energy recovery speed of the Heavenly Blade will decrease by 30.00%, and the strength of the shield will also be affected."

Hearing this, Angel Ran secretly heaved a sigh of relief, as long as Tianren didn't lose his ability to fight.

"Sister Ran, I have already calculated the location of the starting point of the attack, and now I will link you to the real-time detection image."

Just a few seconds after the voice of the female angel fell in the communication, a projection was projected in the air in front of the angel burning.

After seeing the picture of Seves forcibly opening a passage on the asteroid belt with a body of celestial body level, Angel Ran was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

It's not that Angel Ran has never seen a celestial level fortress. In the past, Hua Ye's Wangcheng was a celestial fortress with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers, equipped with a complete ultra-long-range strike system.

Today she saw a celestial-level fortress again, and according to the data calculated by Tianren, its diameter exceeded one thousand kilometers, almost as big as two heavenly palaces and royal cities!
Angel Ran immediately issued an order to stop the sky blade from advancing, and began to gather energy on the spot to focus on Sevis, who was outside the sight range.

Enormous energy capable of destroying stars gathered in the space in front of the Skyblade hull, like two shining stars, and then shot forward a destructive light.

With such a huge energy response, it is naturally impossible for Seves not to notice that some raised facilities on the surface of the body exist for this purpose.

I saw that the star-destroying strike launched by the sky blade was more than ten kilometers away from Seves's body surface, and it was deflected to one side like a refracted light.

In the end, the two star-destroying beams exploded in the asteroid belt, directly evaporating a large area of ​​asteroids.

"Sister Ran, the enemy has an unknown shield that deflects our Star Destroyer strike!"

At this moment, the magnificent lights that illuminated the sky blade were suddenly extinguished, and then turned on again a second later.

Angel Ran got up from his seat, at this time a female angel hurriedly came to Angel Ran and reported.

"Sister Ran! Tianren's system was invaded by long-distance violence just now, and has been blocked by the sisters, but part of Tianren's data was stolen by the other party!"

Angel Ran said in disbelief: "How is it possible! The shipboard system of Tianren is the most advanced shipboard system of our angels today! How could it be invaded!"

The angel warrior below didn't reply to Angel Ran's question, so he could only stand there.

Angel burned her forehead and felt that she had said some nonsense, but she had never encountered such a situation before, and she was already thinking of quitting.

It's not that Angel Ran is afraid, but facing the celestial body fortress, two sky blades are not enough to look at, not to mention that the enemy still has unknown defense methods.

In this situation, retreat is the best choice, which can prevent unnecessary sacrifices.

At this moment, the sky blade suddenly began to move to one side, avoiding the orange-red beams that came from it.

Finally, Angel Ran made up his mind. : "Go to convey my order, now retreat immediately, go back to meet the Queen, and report the situation here."

As the left guard, Angel Ran has enough prestige, no angel questioned her judgment, and the two Heavenly Blades left the galaxy without doing anything other than using the Star Destroyer Strike.


Binghua felt a big headache when he heard the report from the burning below. The Eternal Ascendant jumped over to a celestial fortress from nowhere, which was not easy to fight.

Moreover, according to the latest information, the target of the Eternal Ascendant's celestial fortress is still where he is now. This is the newly established Angel Starport, and according to the speed of Seves' advance, it will take about a few days. arrival.

"It seems that I have to make preparations early, but relying on the Heavenly Blade to storm the Celestial Body Fortress, it is probably difficult to do so."

(End of this chapter)

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