Chapter 255

The warships of the Skyblade series are Angel's largest battleships today, and their firepower and specifications are unconventional. They are classified by Angel in the battle order of celestial warships.

But it also depends on who it is compared with. Just like the original city of angels that has been dismantled by the female angel, its scale is also a celestial body-level battle sequence, but because of its super large diameter, it is specially called the celestial body fortress.

The same is true for Seves who is attacking today. With a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers, it looks like a terrifying figure like a planet. It can easily crush the Skyblade battleship just by its size and mass.

But if you want to say how scared it is, Binghua doesn't have it, because the advantages of celestial body-level combat units are strong defense and attack, but their flexibility is not flattering.

Super fighters like Binghua, whose individual combat power exceeds the norm and possesses super destructive power, are the nemesis of this type of fighting celestial body.

Although Binghua didn't understand the working principle of Sevis's energy deflection shield, it didn't prevent her from thinking about the battle plan.

And often the defense facilities that can deflect energy are just special force fields that are specially distributed in advance for long-range high-energy strikes, and they cannot target single targets of super fighters like Binghua at all, so Binghua's combat plan was not planned from the beginning. He planned to use the Heavenly Blade to attack.

Because Seves's route pointed directly at the base camp of the Heavenly Sword Legion in the Sky Meteor Galaxy, he appeared within the detection range of the Heavenly Sword Legion three days later.

On the way, the Heavenly Sword Legion also tried several long-range sniper attacks, but they were all deflected from the shooting trajectory by the special energy deflection force field near Seves.

On the way, Keisha also asked Binghua if she needed help, but Binghua refused. As the queen in charge of foreign wars of Angel civilization, she is confident to solve the invading enemy this time.

Of course, Binghua is not too arrogant, and has prepared defensive measures for the current legion base to meet Seves.

In the meeting hall, Binghua is at the top, and below are Angel Ran and the captains of Sky Blade and Sky Sword.

"The Celestial Fortress of the Eternal Ascendant is approaching here, we cannot sit still.

However, it is not realistic to rely on the Heavenly Blade to attack. According to the information that Ran brought back last time, the enemy has an ultra-long-range physical attack method that can easily penetrate the Heavenly Blade's shield.

So in this war, our Heavenly Sword Legion can only outsmart it! "

Binghua's crisp voice echoed clearly in the hall, as if it was ringing in the ears, so that every angel present could hear it clearly.

"In order to break through that layer of energy deflection force field, high-level angels present, you will temporarily relieve your responsibilities as captains in this battle, and follow me through the wormhole to directly attack the surface of the enemy's celestial body fortress, waiting for an opportunity to break into it. Internal sabotage of its energy supply facilities."

As soon as Binghua's words fell, all the angels below said in unison: "I am willing to fight with the queen, the point of the queen's sword, even if I will destroy the enemy!"

Binghua was very satisfied with the performance of the angels below, and no angel raised any objections, which proved that her battle plan was correct.

In fact, although all the high-ranking angels present are captains, strictly speaking, the Heavenly Blade and Heavenly Sword series of the angelic civilization are extremely intelligent. They only need to issue the order to retreat and attack immediately, and they are still powerful. super soldier.

This kind of action of breaking into the surface of the enemy's celestial fortress and destroying it is exactly what they are good at, and commanding the battleship is just a part-time job.

Binghua's general battle plan is to break through the surface defense of the celestial fortress on the Eternal Ascendant's side, and then destroy its internal main facilities. If the celestial fortress still cannot lose its ability to counterattack, it will be completely destroyed by bombing with sky blades.

Because Seves' advance route was in a straight line, the preparations for the assault were quickly completed.

Using special camouflage technology to hide the micro-wormhole positioning device on Sevis's forward route, because as early as the last battle, Binghua discovered that the Eternal Ascendant did not have the means to detect dark communication.

But at the same time, Binghua couldn't find out what kind of communication method the Eternal Sublimator used, otherwise he could do something in these areas.

When everything was ready and Binghua and many soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Legion were ready, the right-wing guard Angel Lan, who was in charge of going to the Skool galaxy to investigate the abnormal number of male angels, suddenly sent a communication.

"Queen, Tianyun Wang Huayue's recent behavior is very suspicious. He secretly mobilized his army to gather in the king's city, and secretly collected red gold, the main material of the flame-level weapon!
Moreover, according to the information provided by some female angels in Tianyun King City, there are many more male angels of the older generation in the legion under Tianyun's command.

Queen, I think Hua Lian intends to take advantage of the absence of the main force of the Heavenly Sword Legion and you to set off a rebellion among the male angels. "

"Lan, are you sure the situation is true?"

Faced with Binghua's confirmation, Angel Lan nodded seriously.

"Queen, I am sure."

Hearing this, Binghua could only lightly rub her forehead, and after thinking for a while, she could only ask Angel Lan to stabilize the situation in the Skool Galaxy, and wait for her to settle the matter here.

"In this case, Lan, you must first stabilize the situation on Skool. Didn't Kaisha send two Skyblades over there? You contact them and let them wander around the Skool star system recently, declaring to the public that The Heavenly Blade Corps will have a new generation of Heavenly Blades to test nearby, and there will be several Heavenly Blade fleets coming recently, so Huayue should not be nervous."

Angel Lan at the other end heard the words and also revealed the shortcomings of this method.

"Queen, but this won't last long. With Huayue's IQ, he will soon see that this is just a tactic to delay the attack. At that time, he will probably think that his intentions have been exposed and immediately set off a rebellion!"

"No way, let's do this for now, I will finish dealing with things here soon, and then I will go to the Skool galaxy myself."

Binghua's tone was very cold, even Angel Lan on the other end could hear strong anger and murderous intent from her Queen's tone.


Seves quietly sailed on the optimal route he had calculated. As the top echelon in the battle sequence of the Eternal Ascendants, he had great confidence in his ability to defeat the angelic civilization.

The source of these confidences is the combat data collected during the last battle with the Angel King and some information obtained through the invasion of the Heavenly Blade not long ago.

In Serves' database, the civilizations of the angelic civilization are collectively classified in the Kamigawa series of super soldier civilizations.

This type of civilization has a great feature, that is, the serious imbalance of combat power. Most of the resources of civilization are concentrated on a few creatures, creating a strong individual force.

Undoubtedly, the King of Angels is the strongest combat unit in the Angel civilization, but in the last battle, Seves collected the battle data of the King of Angels, and made some improvements and enhancements to the new generation of mechanical warriors based on the technology system of the Eternal Ascendant, and also It has been mass-produced, and it will definitely defeat the Angel King and win.

 I just returned to my hometown in the past two days. It was too cold and I was not used to it, so there was only one update.
(End of this chapter)

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