Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 267 The King and the Rebel King

Chapter 267 The King and the Rebel King
In front of Binghua, six guardian angels holding flaming swords guarded the area where Binghua was located. Among them, the burning red on the flaming sword in Angel Ming's hand was slowly fading. It was obvious that she had released the flame bombing just now.

More than 80 law enforcement angel soldiers on the side pointed their spears at the front, and the faces behind the helmets and visors looked solemn.

Just now, because of the sudden flame bombardment released by Angel Ming, many male angel fighters were affected, causing a small vacuum in the queue, but it was filled in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Binghua, who was sitting on the main seat in the hall, opened his eyes, stood up at once, walked down the steps of the high platform step by step, passed through the passage made by the guardian angel, and came to a group of people The female angel is in front.

"To be honest, your behavior makes me very sad. I don't think this king is harsh on you?"

Binghua held the book in his left hand, raised his white right hand and opened it in the direction of the male angels, as if inviting them, but with a slightly sad expression.

Binghua felt really uncomfortable at the moment, not that she was too soft-hearted or kind, but Tianyun Wang Huayue was the first angel king to submit to her, which meant something extraordinary.

But today Meteor King set off a rebellion, according to the dark information collected by Binghua sitting there just now, the number of rioting male angels in Meteor King City today exceeds one million, and the number is still rising.

Binghua didn't do nothing while staying in the law enforcement agencies during this time.Some time ago, Angel Lan transferred the garrison army guarding outside the Skool star system into the Skyfall King City.

Taking advantage of the intensification of the conflict between male and female angels, Binghua dispatched all of them, and concentrated and protected most of the female angels in the royal city.

As for the remaining female angels, they are the wives and daughters of high-level male angels. Binghua felt that they did not need the protection of his soldiers.

Seeing Binghua like this, all the young male angels on the opposite side couldn't move their eyes away, but the old angel was still relatively sober and was not tempted by Binghua's appearance at the moment.

An old angel yelled loudly, causing some young male angels who had stared straight at him to come to their senses, and a trace of shame inevitably appeared in their hearts.

As Binghua came to the front of his subordinates, Huayue finally stopped watching the development of the situation, walked out surrounded by a group of male angels, and spoke.

"Heavenly Sword King, you are the most capable and beautiful female angel I have ever seen, and I don't feel humiliated in my heart when I surrender to you.

However, Angel Nebula has always been dominated by male power over female power since ancient times. In the past, Hua Ye was too incompetent to be kicked out of the throne by you and Kaisha!
I think that my ability is not weaker than Hua Ye, and with the help of so many older generation angels, and the response of the majority of male angels, Angel Nebula will still be the world of our male angels in the future! "

What Huayue said is well-founded. If Binghua is not one of the highest leaders of the female angels today, she will inevitably be a little worried about the consequences of the male angel's rebellion.

But now Binghua just feels like laughing a little, and really can't help but lower her head and cover her mouth and laugh out.

Hua Yue, who just made a big talk in public, felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't expect Binghua to be so uncooperative.

After a while, Binghua finally stopped laughing and apologized without any sincerity: "Thank you for making me happy for a while. To be honest, the king you follow is quite naive."

Hua Yue couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

Binghua put down the hand covering her mouth, stood up straight again, and her doubled face returned to normal.

"I thought you were determined to rebel because you saw clearly the current situation in Angel Nebula and had a detailed plan. I didn't expect this king to worry too much."

After finishing speaking, Binghua pointed a finger at the sky and said:
"Hua Yue, because of your innocence, I firmly believe in one thing. I really should learn from Keisha and impose the strictest management measures on you, and disperse and expel you to the border of the Angel Nebula, where you will fend for yourself.

But before that, you and your subordinates have to pay the price for the rebellion you started. "

Hua Yue couldn't help retorting after hearing the words: "The Tianjian King has been involved until now, and you are still brazen. With such a small force, how can you defeat my million-dollar army!"

"Didn't you look at the sky?"

Facing Hua Ye's rebuttal, Binghua just said such a sentence lightly, and moved his finger pointing at the sky.

Hua Yue and all the male angels around him looked up at the sky in doubt when they heard the words, their pupils constricted suddenly.

At some point, the eight Skyblade battleships had already floated above the royal city. Because it was just at night, the shadow of their huge hulls was not reflected on the ground.

Suddenly there was a secret communication from a confidant, Hua Yue kept looking up at the sky and connected to the communication.

"My lord, it's not good! Suddenly, eight Skyblade warships belonging to the Skyblade King Kaisha jumped above the royal city! And..."

Before her confidant could finish the news, Hua Yue interrupted it.

"You don't need to go on, I've already seen it..."

In the Skyblade Battleship exclusive to the Skyblade King outside the Skool star system, Keisha was twiddling her blonde hair hanging on her chest with her fingers.

At this time, the angel Alan came in from the outside, and reported to Kesha who was reclined on the throne:
"Queen, our Skyblade battleship has reached the designated position, what should we do next?"

Keisha fiddled with the blonde fingers on her chest, and her ethereal and indifferent voice came to Alan's ears below.

"It's enough to fire directly. Hasn't the Heavenly Sword King marked the location of her and his subordinates?"

"Will the queen... hurt the innocent too much?"

The angel Ailan couldn't bear it, Keisha shifted her eyes from the blond hair on her fingertips to the guard on her left wing when she heard this.

"Ailan, they were already our enemies when they set off a rebellion, you don't have to worry about hurting the innocent, none of those male angels are innocent.

Even the angels who didn't participate in the riot hoped that the impact of this riot would grow stronger and stronger until they could ride on our female angels again to do their best. "

"So Ailan, pass on the king's order and let those rioting male angels know that although our female angels love peace, we will also bring down harsh winters, so let them fall into the legendary hell with regret! "

Under Keisha's watchful eyes, Alan, who lowered his head, finally spit out a "yes", and turned and left to pass on his queen's order.

It wasn't until she watched her left-wing guards leave that Kaisha turned her eyes to the blond hair on her fingertips again, and said to herself in a volume that only she could hear:
"I hope that after this incident, you can understand that only absolute power and strength can prevent the male angel from having the idea of ​​betraying you."

(End of this chapter)

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