Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 268, The Bitter Winter That Falls

Chapter 268, The Bitter Winter That Falls
The Skyblade battleship floating above the royal city suddenly launched a large-scale fire bombardment towards the royal city below.

Dense spears of light shot out, like plowing the ground, advancing the bombing range little by little.

A towering building several hundred meters away was blown up in the middle in an instant, and the male angel who was spreading riots in all directions received the cruelest blow.

They have not received war training, although they have the combat effectiveness of angel soldiers, but they are extremely lack of battlefield adaptability, and suffered heavy casualties in the bombing of the Skyblade's secondary artillery, the Light Spear.

Every time the spear of light hits the ground of the royal city, it can create a huge hole of more than ten meters. The high heat generated by the explosion center is enough to instantly destroy the bodies of the second generation, that is, the angel warriors of the lower level.

The shock wave generated by the explosion seriously injured some unlucky male angels who were relatively close to the explosion point.

Crying, cursing, and screaming were heard for a while, and some male angels and soldiers under Huayue spread their wings, climbed up and rushed towards the sky blade located high in the sky.

The Heavenly Sword Legion is located in the law enforcement agency in Wangcheng. Huayue's ears heard the continuous roar and felt the constant vibration of the ground. She only felt that the strength in her body was rapidly disappearing.

The original ambition in my heart is now only left, and I am confused about what to do next!

Some old angels looked at Tianyun Wang Huayue who had become distraught, shook their heads secretly and said in their hearts, "Idiot!"

Kehab, who had a high reputation among the old angels and had once invited Binghua's father Yugel, broke the silence at the scene and shouted loudly.

"Kill the Heavenly Sword King first, otherwise we will have to face her and the Heavenly Sword King at the same time when they join up!"

Hua Yue also woke up suddenly from the confusion, suppressing the desire to escape in her heart and echoing:
"Yes, yes, yes! Give it to me! Kill the Heavenly Sword King for me!"

The old angel and a group of young high-ranking male angel fighters didn't think so much, they all rushed towards the opposite female angel.

Seeing this, Binghua's expression turned cold, and silver feathers emerged from the micro-wormhole, circling around his raised right forearm, and as his palm swung forward, scattered like flying knives.

Silver Feather flew extremely fast, approaching in front of a group of male angels in an instant, the old angels who knew the strength of the dark silver weapons quickly avoided, which made it hard for the other angel warriors who followed them.

The next moment, the sound of sharp blades piercing through the flesh sounded one after another, and a dozen or so male angel soldiers who couldn't dodge in time knelt on the ground holding their bleeding chests.

Binghua leaped back slightly to avoid the sword edge in the hand of the flying old angel, and then a subtle blue arc appeared around him, and disappeared instantly, appearing among a group of male angels more than ten meters away.

With the ice as the center, the silver feathers bloomed like blooming flowers, harvesting the lives of a large group of ordinary male angel soldiers around them.

Among the bloody flowers floating in mid-air, there is Binghua with an indifferent expression and his battle armor not stained with blood, and until now Binghua is still holding the heavy book at the beginning in his left hand.

A group of old angels quickly flapped their wings and flew towards Binghua, and at the same time they were surprised in their hearts: "What a fast speed!"

Standing there, Binghua didn't seem to know that there were five old angels rushing to kill him in mid-air behind him, his eyes scanned left and right to find Huayue.

But Binghua did not find Huayue until he scanned all the fighting angels and angels in the hall.

The old angels who were flying towards Binghua suddenly heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air behind them, they were startled and immediately stopped attacking and dodged to the side.

Binghua also turned around at this time, with delicate pieces of silver feathers surrounding her right hand, and shot towards the avoiding old angels following her movements.

In a crisis, these old angels shouted loudly, at the cost of not being able to use dark energy and a small degree of weakness for a period of time in the future, in exchange for the power to overload their own genetic engines, dark orange energy particles sprang up all over their bodies, like body In the light of the general brake is gorgeous.

"Dark energy is rampant! There is something! But it's useless."

Binghua was a little surprised when she saw this, she hadn't seen this kind of state on a male angel for hundreds of years, but then she figured it out, this ability is only available to angels who are familiar enough with their own angel gene engine and body. Dare to use it, otherwise it will be easy to kill yourself on the battlefield.

These old angels are obviously veterans of many battles, and it is normal for them to run amok with dark energy. In addition, if they are of the same generation of gods as themselves, it will be very difficult, but only three generations of them can't hinder themselves.

In the last five old angels, four of them avoided Binghua's silver feather shooting, and one was shot into a sieve by the extremely sharp dark silver weapon Silver Feather because of the lack of room to dodge in the hall.

Binghua then used her extreme speed to fly the kites of these old angels, and at the same time shot at the ordinary male angels around. Where she went, a large number of male angel soldiers fell there.

The male angel soldiers outside kept rushing in, and the ice inside was killed in large areas, which really explained that sometimes the number may not be useful.


While listening to the report from his subordinates, Hua Yue rushed to his palace through the gunpowder smoke rising from the palace.

At this moment, the Heavenly Blade in the sky has completed a devastating blow to one-third of the royal city, causing countless casualties, but there is still no intention of stopping the bombing.

A small number of male angels ran to the safe area where Binghua's soldiers were stationed, willing to become prisoners and be arrested to avoid dying in the carpet bombing of Tianren.

Most of the rioting male angels thought that they had no escape route, and they would die if they were caught, so they flocked to the Tianyun Palace, which was protected by the barrier at the moment.

The Skyblade battleship also found this tough bone, and two ships came to bombard the barrier below with spears of light.

And in mid-air between Tianren and the royal city below, the soldiers of Tianren Legion are besieging and suppressing the legion under the command of King Tianyun.

In order to suppress this time without fail, Kaisa mobilized half of the main force of the Skyblade Legion to come, one part was used for blockade, the other half was used for suppression, and the remaining quarter was hidden in the periphery of the Skool star system to prevent emergencies .

King Tianyun flew into the palace from the gate, and immediately found the angel Kunming who was in charge of the palace.

As soon as he saw his Wang Huayue came back, Kunming immediately saluted and said:
"King! You are finally back!"

Hua Yue directly interrupted what Kunming hadn't said in the follow-up, and said eagerly:
"Is the star gate ready! Open the star gate to me immediately! We have to leave the king city as soon as possible. The Heavenly Blade King's troops will land soon. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave!"

Kunming glanced behind Huayue and didn't answer immediately, but said in doubt:
"Wang, hasn't the angel who followed you to besiege and kill the Heavenly Sword King come back yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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