Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 276, Chaotic Cosmic Order

Chapter 276, Chaotic Cosmic Order
The four angel queens sat opposite each other, Binghua, Hexi, and Liangbing were all waiting for Kaisha to speak.

Picking up the white porcelain on the table and taking a sip of the transparent and fragrant liquid, Keisha talked about the special situation she encountered along the way.

"I encountered a lot of dangers in pursuit of Hua Ye this time. I won't say much about ordinary ones. The most dangerous ones are a group of beast civilizations who call themselves Titans.

I can't describe their huge figures for you in detail, but I can only tell you that their bodies are huge...very huge, like a combination of gods and giant gods who control the power of heaven and earth in ancient angel myths and legends.

Fortunately, my fleet didn't encounter many. At that time, they were wreaking havoc on a civilization whose main creatures were very similar to ours, so I helped them and repelled those Titans. "

Binghua felt a little inexplicably familiar, and recalled an incident that happened a long time ago, before she defeated Tianye King Heglass.

"Kesha, your description reminds me of an unexpected incident before the establishment of Merlot Heavenly Court. At that time, my subordinate team was exploring the dark silver mine in the barren universe beyond the Angel Nebula. On the way, I encountered a group of small The giant animal body biological civilization has lost a lot.

When I went to investigate later, I fought against those giant beast creature civilizations. Among them, their leader called himself a high-level Titan, and his name was Leogood. I still have a deep impression of him. "

While Binghua was speaking, he was still consulting the database of the Heavenly Sword Legion, and soon a file was dug out and projected in front of Kesha and the other women.

In the projection is a tall and strong humanoid creature, wearing a heavy golden battle armor that shows dominance all over the body, but the facial hair is relatively thick, and it has some animal features.

Keisha nodded and said that what she encountered was exactly the Titan in the picture called out by Binghua, but added another sentence.

"This kind of feature is good, but the one I met was bigger, and the angel warrior was as small as an ant in front of it."

Binghua heard the words and marked the back of the document named Upper Titan in the screen as extremely dangerous, and then turned off the projection in front of him.

"Sister, look at you, have these big guys made you suffer?"

Liang Bing said with interest, Kesha did not answer as acquiescing, and Hexi was thinking about the information about the Titan before. She remembered that she also sent an information about the Titan to Binghua at that time.

Seeing that Kesha confirmed that it was a Titan civilization, Binghua thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"When I recovered this high-rank Titan battleship named Leogood, I deciphered part of his log.

It mentioned Kamigawa, as well as the triangular creature, and it also called me a Kamigawa creature during the battle, and showed an expression of extreme hatred. "

Speaking of which, Binghua sent the translated documents at that time to the queens present.

After reading, Keisha put down the projection paper in front of her, clasped her hands together in front of her, and rested her elbows on the table.

"The full name of Kamigawa mentioned here should be Post-Kamihe Pan-Civilization Alliance, referred to as Kamigawa Civilization.

According to the information I collected during my pursuit, this Kamigawa civilization has gathered many space-level and planetary-level civilizations to prevent them from being invaded and harmed by advanced animal civilizations.

As for the triangular creature in the translation, if I expect it to be correct, it should refer to a kind of marine creature with a triangular structure that I encountered by chance on the way, but can roam freely in the air and in the universe. "

Binghua was intrigued when she heard the words. Kamigawa can be considered as a civilization similar in shape to angels, but the Triangle made her very curious, because in Leogood's diary, the Titan civilization seemed to be very sensitive to the Triangle. Quite afraid.

"Then what is the strength of Keisha's triangles?"

Hexi and Liangbing also pricked up their ears, obviously wanting to know about this existence called a triangle.

"I don't know the details of the triangular creatures, but one thing is that their attack methods are very strange. I still haven't figured out how they kill my soldiers."

Liang Bing asked curiously: "Sister, didn't you fight them before?"

"I didn't go down to fight them personally. The report of the angel fighters who came back described that when they approached, the sisters suddenly lost consciousness and could not make an effective counterattack at all.

In the end, in order to prevent the Triangle from causing more damage to the Legion, I directly ordered the Skyblade to carry out an ecocide bombing on that planet. "

Binghua lowered her index finger against her chin, and said regretfully, "That means we still don't know anything about triangles."

Hexi spoke at this moment. "No, at least we already know two things.

That is, the triangle creature's attack should not be the more intuitive physical method, and they are not impossible to kill, as long as they are hit by the sky blade's naval gun, they will still be killed. "

Kesha smiled when she heard the words: "Hexi is right. Although we don't know enough about them, triangles are not invincible, and we angels don't have to be afraid of them."

"I agree with this point. No matter what means they have, as long as they dare to invade the Angel Nebula, I will burn them to death."

Binghua folded her arms around her chest, speaking confidently.

"Binghua is right. Our female angels are not easy to mess with. When they come, just wait and turn into grilled fish!"

Liang Bing also slapped the table and said, like Binghua, as an angel who came out of the war between men and women, how could he be timid before fighting.

Seeing this, Kaisha quickly raised her hand to signal everyone not to get excited. The active area of ​​the triangle is still far away from the Angel Nebula. Now is not the time to discuss whether to start a war.

"Now the entire universe can be roughly divided into several forces, the Triangle, the Kamigawa Civilization, the Advanced Animal Body Civilization, the Eternal Sublimator, and the Chaos Virus."

"Sister, after listening to your list, the universe seems to be very lively right now?"

"Ling Bing, this is not excitement, but chaos.

Kamigawa and the high-level animal body civilization are fighting each other. As for the triangular body, the eternal sublimator, and the chaotic body, they are attacking each other.

It can be said that except for a few galaxies, other places are in chaos, and there is no stable order at all. "

Hearing that Hexi and Binghua frowned, this is not good news. There is no stable order and defenders to stop the war. This is a terrible thing, because you don’t know when your civilization will be destroyed. Get involved in the chaos.

Only to hear Kaisha continue to speak: "So I think the angelic civilization should elect a king who leads the overall situation.

All the people present are sisters. Let me just say it bluntly. The Heavenly Court of Melo has been established for more than 200 years, but the legion system that separates the four powers is still implemented. In some cases, this will become the weakness of our angelic civilization. "

So I think it's time to choose the King of Angels. "

After Keisha said that she would choose the king of angels, the air fell into silence, and the four angel queens present behaved differently.

Liang Bing looked indifferent, looked around with a pair of eyes, and looked heartless, anyway, she would not be the king of angels.

Hexi frowned and pondered, thinking in her heart, who should she support after a while, Binghua and Kaisha are her good sisters, this makes Hexi who always looks at and analyzes things with data feel a bit difficult manage.

Binghua took a sip of the fragrant liquid in the white porcelain without haste, savoring the sweetness left in his mouth, as if he didn't take Keisha's proposal to choose the king of angels as a thing at all. Same thing.

After observing the expressions of Binghua, Hexi, and Liangbing for a while, Kaisha said again: "Is there anything you want to add to my proposal just now?

Now in Melo Tianting, I am in charge of the governance of the Angel Nebula, Binghua is in charge of the nebula defense, Hexi is in charge of scientific research, Liangbing is in charge of intelligence, and there is no unified dispatcher.

It may be nothing at ordinary times, but when a foreign civilization establishes diplomatic relations with our angels, or a war breaks out, who should be in charge, and we have to negotiate with each other, which seriously delays the execution of our angel civilization.

So as the proposer of this proposal, I agree with the selection of the King of Angels. "

Almost as soon as Keisha finished speaking, Binghua immediately said: "I also agree with Keisha's proposal. A civilization must be unified in order to be strong, otherwise it is no different from a mess of loose sand."

Seeing that both of his sisters agreed, Hexi had no reason to object.

As for Liang Bing, she was obsessed with space research all day long and didn't have much say, but since it was her sister's suggestion, she didn't have to sing the opposite, so she agreed.

Then the meeting entered the most important item, who should be the king of angels.

Before Keisha asked everyone to nominate, Binghua spoke first.

"I recommend Keisha as the King of Angels."

Binghua's sudden speech caught Hexi and Kaisha by surprise, because only Binghua and Kaisha were the most qualified to compete for the position of King of Angels.

As the Heavenly Sword King, Binghua has a powerful Angel Legion, and is responsible for the defense and border defense of the Angel Nebula. He also has many supporters who are good at fighting.

Skyblade King Kaisha's legion is also not weak, and has been responsible for maintaining the order of the Angel Nebula. It is also the leader of the original Merlot galaxy uprising. It is also capable of fighting and has many supporters.

Most of the female angels believe that it is because of these two capable fighters that the female angels can win the war with the male angels.

So if there is a fair election within the Angels, the votes of Kaisha and Binghua will definitely overwhelm Hexi and Liangbing.

But listening to Binghua now, it seems that he has directly given up competing for the position of King of Angels.

Hexi was still hesitating, so Kaisha asked directly.

"Binghua, what do you mean? We are sisters and can compete fairly, so you don't have to worry about anything else."

A faint smile appeared on Binghua's face, and he said indifferently:
"Just like the literal meaning, I don't want to be the king of angels, I find it troublesome, and I don't think I have the ability to lead the entire angelic civilization to prosperity.

Just like what my assistant Jingnan said about me, I'm actually very lazy, so I don't want to sit on the throne every day and deal with those government affairs that seem to be a headache. "

After finishing speaking, Binghua acted helplessly, saying that this was her true words, and then added with a smile:
"If I choose the military commander of Angel, I will never admit defeat."

In the end, Keisha was elected as the King of Angels without any accident, so a king selection ceremony that would lead to the division of ordinary civilization and civil strife ended like this.

 There is only one update today, 3.2K words, there are some things during the day and no code words,

(End of this chapter)

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