Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 277, King of Angels

Chapter 277, King of Angels

The transfer of high-ranking angel power went more smoothly than expected. Apart from the slight displeasure of the soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Legion that their queen was going to be inferior to the Heavenly Blade King, they didn't have any other thoughts.

The final result of the discussion is as follows. There are three special positions under the King of Angels, namely the Holy Wings and Assistant Officer.

Binghua serves as the sacred left wing, and concurrently serves as the military commander of the angels. He has the right to mobilize half of the troops of the angel civilization, and has full power to handle foreign war matters.

Hexi serves as the sacred right wing, and concurrently serves as the chief scientific research officer of the angels, commanding all the scientific research forces of the angel civilization, and has the right to construct and manage large-scale celestial projects.

Liang Bing, who was promoted to the assistant officer of the King of Angels, is responsible for handling the screening and processing of all external intelligence and information collected by the Angel civilization.

Kaisha is enthroned as the king of angels, with the ability to plan the future strategy of angel civilization, and integrates the rights of diplomacy, war, and administration.

The current top-level power structure of Angel civilization is like a stable pyramid, Kaisha is at the top of the tower, and Binghua, Hexi, and Liangbing are the three important pillars of this pyramid.

As the king of angels, Kaisha has great power. She can make independent decisions on all external actions of the angel civilization, such as launching wars, establishing diplomacy with other civilizations, and so on.

But at the same time, if Kaisha makes a decision that has a major impact on the angelic civilization, she also needs the support of her holy left wing, holy right wing, and assistant officers, otherwise the strength of the angelic civilization will be greatly weakened.

After the redistribution of power at the upper level was completed, the next step was the transfer of personnel from each legion, and this change was also very rough.

Cancel the name compilation of each angel legion, such as Tianblade, Tianjian, Tianji, Tianqi, etc., and directly mix them into one legion, that is, the angel legion, and use a skyblade as a combat unit.

The Heavenly Blade combat unit has ten Heavenly Sword warships and fifty thousand Angel combat troops, and each Heavenly Sword carries five hundred soldiers.

The scientific research angel troops of the original angels were all recruited to the command of the holy right wing Hexi. Except for keeping the personal laboratory of the angel king, the rest of the scientific research bases were all dismantled or abandoned.

At the same time, except for the left and right wing guards under the original angel kings, the other three generations of high-level battle angels are all under the command of the holy left wing.

This is just a large-scale transfer order, and there are more details. Among the angels transferred to Binghua and Hexi, if there are angels who have mastered dark communication encryption technology and space wormhole application technology, they will be sent by the assistant officer Liangbing. Receive, in order to enrich the strength of the intelligence department under her control.

This move by Melo Heavenly Court, which redistributed the huge power army, naturally made the various affiliated civilizations of the Angel Nebula and the male angels speculate endlessly.

When the results of the change of rights in the Merlot Heavenly Court came out, all affiliated civilizations were also relieved.

Especially among them, Sarkaz, Kaibri, and the high-level executives of the McGrath civilization breathed a sigh of relief after learning that their allegiance to the Heavenly Sword King Binghua is still in the high position of the angel civilization.

According to the establishment time of Merlot Heavenly Court and the new angelic calendar established, today is the 286th year of the angelic calendar.

On this day, the Heavenly Court of Melo was much more formal than in the past. The Heavenly Blade warships parked surrounded the Heavenly Court of Melo, and there were still Heavenly Sword battleships constantly cruising around.

In addition, there is an angel warrior with a spear standing on both sides of the palace and the road inside the Merlot Heavenly Court.

Even the simulated sky in Merlot's Heaven is cloudless and blue today, with gentle light falling from above.

The original Heavenly Blade King's Court was rebuilt into the Angel King's Court, and the hall of its main hall was also expanded several times, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of angels in it.

Following the sound of orderly footsteps, Kaisha was at the front in the middle, Binghua, Liangbing, and Hexi were one position behind, and then followed nearly a hundred high-ranking angels into the main hall of the King of Angels Palace.

All the high-ranking angels stopped in front of the high platform of the throne, divided into two rows on the left and right to fight neatly.

Binghua and Hexi stopped at the first step of the throne, and turned around to face the high-ranking angels below.

Only Kaisha and Liangbing boarded the high platform that symbolizes the throne of the king of angels, and Liangbing consciously stood on the left side of the giant angel wing behind Kaisha's throne, like a guard.

As Kaisha, who was sitting in the position of the King of Angels, spoke, announcing the start of the first Angel Civilization Conference in the Heavenly Court of Melo, there was no other sound in the entire hall.

"Before talking about other things, as the first King of Angels in Melo Heaven, I also want to announce one thing.

From this moment on, our angels can be considered to have completed the unification, and the Merlot Heavenly Court has since then represented the orthodoxy of the angelic civilization.

All serving angel warriors must also keep in mind that no matter who sits in this position from now on, she will be the king you will allegiance to.

Violators are the targets of all angels. "

Keisha's ethereal and majestic words resounded throughout the palace hall, and the meaning of her words could be understood even by the angels present.

That is, no matter who is the king of angels in the future, even if there is dissatisfaction in his heart, he must offer his loyalty to him. This is the duty of the serving angels. The attack of civilization.

After Keisha finished talking about her planned goals, she asked the angel below.

"Then, the Melo Heavenly Court meeting will start now. Do all the angels have anything to report?"

After Kesha finished speaking, neither Binghua nor Hexi spoke. One of the angels in the queue on the right below came out, raised his hand and saluted and said:
"Queen, I have something to report."

Keisha's eyes shifted to the angel in charge of people's livelihood in Tiancheng.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Queen, in the last decade or so, the number of male angels living in Merlot's Heaven has been decreasing, while the number of female angels is gradually increasing."

Keisha frowned slightly: "Is there any problem?"

"Queen, if this continues for a few years, the number of male angels in Tiancheng will drop to freezing point, and only female angels will live in Melo's Heavenly Court. The consequence of this is that the population of angelic civilization will stop growing."

Hearing this, not only Kaisha, but the angels including Binghua and Hexi all frowned, because this is not a small problem.

As the king of angels, Keisha didn't ask why, and said directly: "Is there a solution?"

"Queen, for the time being, the only way is to encourage the union of male and female angels to promote fertility.

Otherwise, the matching system can only be implemented, and the male and female angels will be combined with each other in the name of the Merlot Heavenly Court to achieve the purpose of promoting fertility. "

Kesha closed her eyes and pondered for a while, but in the end she couldn't come up with any good solution, so she could only say:
"Then use the first method to encourage male and female angels to combine and promote fertility. The rest will be discussed later."

(End of this chapter)

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