Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 283 Kamigawa Civilization

Chapter 283 Kamigawa Civilization
In the blink of an eye, several months have passed since the Kamigawa civilization arrived at the angel civilization, and both sides have a simple understanding of each other's civilization and history.

These self-proclaimed Kamigawa civilizations are not all Kamigawa people, and there are less than four real Kamigawa people, namely the leader, the old man Space Space, and his two students, Lan Bing and Kai'Sa.

The remaining Simon and Karl are young genius scholars of the new Kamigawa civilization who came to space later.

Although I don't know what the old man named Space and Kesha talked about, but considering Keisha's behavior of always sitting on the throne for a long time in meditation recently, Binghua can feel that the content will definitely have an impact on the future of Angel civilization. big impact.

But now Binghua is not very interested in those, because she believes that Kaisha's strategic vision can lead the female angel to rise in such an unfavorable situation after all.

On the contrary, Binghua is more interested in the history and origin of the Kamigawa civilization, probably to show their sincerity, and they did not hide much about the history of their own civilization.

The Kamigawa civilization first originated in the Kamigawa star system, which is a star field far away from the Angel Nebula. However, unlike the Angel civilization, the population of the Kamigawa people is much more prosperous.

As time went by, the technology of the Shenhe people became more and more advanced. They got rid of the constraints of their home planet and began to explore the starry sky around them.

During this period, they disintegrated powerful foreign enemies around them through war or diplomatic means, and renamed the surrounding galaxy centered on the Shenhe star as the Shenhe galaxy.

The development of civilization has never been smooth sailing. The Kamigawa civilization, which thought itself powerful, was hit head-on by a more powerful beast civilization, making them realize that they are not the boss of the universe.

As the war continued, the Kamigawa civilization once reached a precarious situation. Those beast-body civilization warriors with extremely strong physical fitness and who can rely on special organs generated in their bodies to control an unknown energy are proud of the Kamigawa civilization. The weapons of war were ravaged like toys.

In the end, the Kamigawa civilization had no choice but to attack the shield with the other's spear, and began to conduct human body strengthening research to explore the root of why the animal body warriors were so powerful.

So the original super fighters were born. They have bodies that are several times stronger than ordinary Kamigawa people, and they can adapt to many extreme cosmic living environments. However, due to metabolism, they are also more prone to aging.

Relying on the spirit of not fearing death and tenacious fighting spirit, the Kamigawa civilization defeated the beast civilization that invaded the Kamigawa galaxy by relying on constantly updated super soldiers and more advanced weapons.

Since then, Kamigawa has formed an indissoluble bond with the beast civilization, and the two sides continue to break out conflicts and small-scale wars near the Kamigawa galaxy.

When the Kamigawa civilization crossed its 9-year history, a scientist named Dinghei proposed a research topic called God-making Project.

At this moment, the Kamigawa civilization has fallen into a bottleneck in the technology of mechanical engineering and physics, and they can easily seize the energy of stars for their own use.

Even the most dangerous celestial black holes in the universe cannot cause harm to their civilization, because their Kamigawa civilization has developed the technology to annihilate black holes at a long distance.

Even some achievements have been made in some seemingly abstract and illusory concept technologies, such as pausing an area for a short time, freezing space and so on.

Dinghei's theory of god-making engineering was very peculiar in the Kamigawa civilization at that time, and it was explained to the high-level of Kamigawa in this way.

"A person's life is too short in front of the eternal universe. As his knowledge becomes more and more profound, an outstanding scientist will contribute more to the civilization he belongs to.

Many advanced subjects that can advance civilization are often announced to end regretfully because of the passing of the host.

The God-making Project is the research topic to break this phenomenon. We will explore the ultimate mystery of life, which is eternal immortality.

I would like to ask that you can imagine how far a genius scientist with infinite life can improve a civilization! "

There is no doubt that Dinghei's theory has been highly praised by the high-level officials of Shenhe. Under the temptation of eternal life, a large amount of resources, manpower and material resources have been invested in the bottomless pit of the god-making project.

In the end, the first result of the god-making project appeared, that is the 'super gene', which is fundamentally different from the previous body enhancement technology.

Because he broke the theoretical lifespan limit and was implanted with the existence of super genes, their body aging speed will be delayed to an astonishing level, and they have more exaggerated physical strength than previous super fighters. For the first generation of super soldiers.

Seeing the effect, the Kamigawa civilization continued to increase investment, because the first generation of super soldiers was not enough, and the lifespan of hundreds of years could not satisfy them, and their purpose was immortal.

So the second and third generations of super fighters appeared one after another, until the existence of what Kamikawa called God was born.

Only those who are immortal, invincible, and resurrected from the dead can be called gods. The appearance of gods can be said to be the most outstanding product of the god-making project of the Kamigawa civilization, which has changed the social and military forms of the Kamigawa civilization in disguise.

For a time, the god-making projects of the Kamigawa civilization sprung up, such as the God of Kamigawa, the Fist of Kamigawa, the Blade of Kamigawa, the Spear of Kamigawa and so on.

But wanting to become a god is not unconditional, especially the first generation of gods, these special super genes that can transform mortals into gods have strict requirements on the host body.

The host must have a tenacious will, strong psychology, physical fitness, etc., or start super gene fit training directly from the embryonic stage.

This disappointed some high-level officials of the Kamigawa civilization, because it meant that the old men like them would be shut out forever, but for the sake of the overall prosperity of the civilization, the Kamigawa civilization did not stop investing in the god-making project.

Even in order to popularize, some god-making projects have undergone degraded mass production, such as the castration model of Kamigawa God of War and Kamigawa Warblade.A series of ordinary super fighters such as the castrated model of the gun of Kamigawa, and the sniper of Kamigawa.

At this time, the Kamigawa civilization can be said to have reached its peak, and even the animal body civilization, which has always been hostile to them, has avoided its edge.

It stands to reason that such a powerful Kamigawa civilization should gradually expand its sphere of influence until it establishes a cosmic empire that spans galaxies.

On the contrary, the Kamigawa civilization only took some ordinary civilizations who came to seek shelter as a subsidiary, and then devoted themselves to the endless road of researching gods and exploring the truth of the universe.

When Binghua visited here, his brows were slightly frowned, because the historical materials of the Kamikawa civilization were gone, and there were fragments

 Because the official description is not too detailed, the book is actually full of secondary settings, and the Kamigawa civilization here has also carried out certain secondary settings.

  But rest assured, I will justify myself, how logical is the same person, so please book friend Haihan, this may not be the super seminary in your image.

(End of this chapter)

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