Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 284, leaving with regret

Chapter 284, leaving with regret
After closing the gorgeous book with a framed cover in his hand, Binghua put it on the table beside him, and took a sip of the steaming tea.

Binghua is very interested in the future development of the historical process of the Kamigawa civilization. Since there is no shared information, Binghua intends to ask Texas, who has recently become acquainted, and does it when he thinks of it. Binghua immediately got up and walked out of the palace. go.

As for the specific location of the Kamigawa civilization placed in the Merlot Heavenly Court, Binghua, as the sacred left wing, was naturally clear, and directly spread his wings and flew to his destination.

Soon Binghua arrived at the destination, an area designated to accommodate the entourage of the Kamigawa civilization.

Folding its wings, Binghua landed on the ground, nodded to the two angel soldiers standing guard and saluted, and Binghua walked up.

From time to time along the way, ordinary people from Kamigawa, or scholars in robes secretly looked at Binghua, because very few angels would come here.

When Binghua arrived in front of the palace where Linyuan and Fuxue lived in Texas, several Kamigawa soldiers with guns standing guard at the gate recognized her and did not stop her. Still can tell who Binghua is.

Before stepping into the palace full of angels, Binghua heard the conversation between Texas and Linyuan inside.

"I said big man, all of these angel civilizations are beauties, so you have no idea?"

"Fuck you! I only marry Kamikawa women. Although the Archangel is indeed beautiful, I will never break my principles."

Binghua walked in without paying attention, and greeted her very familiarly.

"Texas, long time no see Linyuan."

Inside, Texas and Linyuan, who were chatting with each other on the stone bench, heard that it was Binghua, and quickly got up to greet them.

"Miss Binghua, why are you free to come to our place today?"

Texas was surprised, he and Linyuan knew the identity of Binghua, the holy left wing of the king of angels, and the military commander of the angel civilization.

"Why, if it's okay, can't I come and sit with you?"

Texas also felt that he had said something wrong, so he quickly asked Binghua to sit down and poured her a glass of water himself.

Binghua didn't hesitate to sit on the stone bench opposite Texas and Linyuan, and didn't make any detours and got straight to the point.

"I just looked through the historical materials of your Kamigawa civilization in the palace, but found that the second half is missing.

I am very interested in the historical process of your Kamigawa civilization, do you have a complete version here?If it is convenient, can you tell me about it? "

Texas and Lin Yuan looked at each other, Texas was about to speak, but Lin Yuan preempted him.

"Miss Binghua, I actually don't know about this question. Texas and I are both fighters and not scholars. If you want to know more about this, you can go to Space Teacher."

Binghua heard the meaning of Linyuan's words, so naturally she wouldn't make any more entanglements.

"I see. It's really inappropriate to ask you two this kind of question. I'll go find the space teacher you're talking about when I have time."

After that, Binghua chatted with Texas and Linyuan about some unnutritious topics, and Binghua left on his own initiative.

Even if the two sides are already familiar, Binghua can still see that Texas and Linyuan are hiding something from him, but this is understandable, after all, the civilizations of the two sides have not officially announced the establishment of formal diplomatic relations.

After Binghua left, he didn't go to find the space teacher Lin Yuan mentioned, but went back to his palace directly, and contacted Kaisha later.

Kesha, who was on the opposite side of the communication connection, seemed to be in her private room. She was not wearing a military uniform, but a white dress with some golden decorations hanging on her shoulders.

"Binghua, why did you contact me suddenly? Is there something wrong?"

Although Keisha became the king of angels, but in the private conversation with Binghua, she did not regard herself as a queen, as before.

Kaisha's behavior undoubtedly made Binghua feel very comfortable. Of course, Binghua will not push her forward. She doesn't pay attention to Kaisha, the king of angels. She will come to ask Kaisha for the things that should be asked and informed. The queen agreed.

"Queen, what is the purpose of the Kamigawa civilization coming to our angelic civilization? These days, I think their attitude towards our angels is too close?"

Texas and Linyuan have something to hide from Binghua, and Binghua's sacred left wing as an angel will naturally not confide in them. Both parties are well aware of this, but this does not affect the normal communication between the two parties.

There is a reason why Binghua asked this question. According to her observations during this period of time, the three battle gods of the Kamigawa civilization, Texas, Linyuan, and Buxue, are not weak in some subtleties. As for his angel body, this is the result of Binghua's hidden temptation, and it cannot be ruled out that the other party revealed it deliberately.

Keisha thought for a while, and finally decided to simply tell Binghua the purpose of Dakong's coming to Angel Civilization.

"The purpose of that space scholar coming to Angel Civilization is very simple, to let Angel Civilization join Kamigawa Civilization.

Of course, he didn't let us join in vain. He promised that as long as the angelic civilization is willing to join Kamigawa, he will open 90.00% of Kamigawa's database to us.

But I rejected it. Recently, he has come to me repeatedly, but this matter has not been discussed yet. "

Binghua knew it well, no wonder the exchange personnel of the Kamigawa civilization were so close. According to Binghua's understanding, the Kamigawa civilization is not weak.

"Then what do you think, queen?"

Kesha on the opposite side of the projection changed her posture, leaned back on the chair, and replied while arranging her blond hair hanging down her chest.

"I will not agree to let the angelic civilization join the Kamigawa civilization, although it is just an alliance.

However, in a close alliance, there are always conflicts of interest within it, and we angels have not yet fallen to the point of competing with those ordinary civilizations.

However, some of the technologies brought out during space negotiations are still useful to us angels, so I plan to delay for a while.

He is so anxious to come to Angel Nebula, there must be something that needs to use our angels, so I am not in a hurry, it depends on whether he can come up with something that makes our angels' hearts flutter. "


After hanging up the communication with Keisha, Binghua sat there and fell into a long time of contemplation. Sure enough, Keisha was more suitable to be the king of angels than himself.

Binghua was thinking about how she would choose if she encountered such a situation, and the answer was simple: "If you directly reject the space, or even speak harshly, the two parties may never communicate with each other from now on."

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. The close communication between Kamigawa and Angel Civilization did not go smoothly. In the end, the group of Kamigawa Civilization left Angel Civilization, but the two sides kept the transition coordinates for each other. , the voyage will be shortened by more than half.

(End of this chapter)

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