Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 289 History of the Rise and Fall of Kamigawa

Chapter 289 History of the Rise and Fall of Kamigawa

Only then did Jingnan let go of Binghua, and Binghua couldn't help complaining in his heart where the rigorous and conscientious Sanwu Jingnan had gone.

As she gets acquainted with Jingnan, Binghua accidentally discovers that Jingnan admires herself very much, and there are even photos of herself in the room.

And Jingnan who was discovered was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but as time went by, he became more and more relaxed. Although Jingnan was still very serious at work, in private, he no longer concealed his excessive attitude towards Binghua. Intimate worship.

Of course, all of the above are seen from Binghua’s perspective, so Binghua doesn’t care too much about Jingnan’s occasional close contact with her. She thinks this may be a way for Jingnan to express her admiration for herself.

"Queen, what book are you reading? Don't we angels just need to read it in our minds, can't we know everything?"

Jingnan cast her eyes curiously on the book in Binghua's arms, and found that the handwriting on the cover was Kamikawa script, which roughly means "History of the Rise and Fall of Kamikawa Civilization".

"Queen, haven't you read this book before?"

Binghua didn't look up, but opened the page and said at the same time: "The things recorded in the last book are not complete. This is the second half I got when I left space."

Jing Nan nodded and didn't say anything, but quietly leaned beside Binghua, just like a younger sister snuggling beside her elder sister.

Binghua didn't care about these but focused on the Kamikawa characters recorded in the books.

After a long period of exploration and verification, our Kamigawa civilization discovered that the entire universe is very vast, and what we understand only occupies a small part of the universe.

Therefore, we call the universe that has been explored known as the known universe, and the unknown universe that has not been explored is called void, which means the cosmic space of the unknown space, and the intersection of the two is defined as the border of the known universe. Called the marginal space.

In order to better understand the composition of the universe and expand the boundaries of the known universe, Dinghey, a great scientist, put forward the theory of the origin of the universe.

And try to simulate and calculate the current universe by simulating the big bang, adding the real physics and mechanics system, and constructing the current universe frame model, so as to expand the scope of the known universe.

But the amount of calculation required is too huge, and even the large computing cloud of the Kamigawa civilization cannot support this calculation.

Then Kamigawa's space technology made a breakthrough, and accidentally opened the entrance to the unknown space, and a big battle broke out with an unknown race.

At the beginning of the war, Kamigawa fell into a certain disadvantage, but accidentally discovered a special existence in a piece of space, and used him as a template to study and perfect the technology of the third generation of gods.

In the end, we, Kamigawa, won and defeated the other party and expelled them from our world.

Do not know why?Soon after Kamigawa won the war, all the stars in the Kamigawa galaxy suddenly accelerated and burned, and the space became inexplicably disordered.

At this time, the Kamigawa galaxy is like a cage that is about to explode. Only me and some lucky people from Kamigawa escaped from this cage in advance by accident.

Not long after, all the accelerated burning stars in the Kamigawa galaxy began to expand simultaneously, and quickly completed supernova, and the dense supernova explosion destroyed the ancient Kamigawa civilization in an instant.

What is eternal and immortal, what are the so-called gods, they are as fragile as ants in front of the heavenly power of the universe.

Most of the Kamigawa people like me who survived by chance are scattered all over the universe. Only some of the scholars and soldiers of the Kamigawa civilization do not want the idea and inheritance of the Kamigawa civilization to be cut off. At the same time, they also want to find out the truth of the destruction of the Kamigawa galaxy. , we embarked on a journey to rebuild Kamigawa.

We first found the affiliated civilization of Kamigawa, and began to spread our ideas and technology of Kamigawa civilization in exchange for their support.

But good things don't last long, and bad things spread thousands of miles. After the animal body civilization discovered the destruction of the Kamikawa civilization that once fought against them, it unexpectedly made a comeback.

In order to fight against the large-scale invasion of the beast civilization, it is necessary to unite all the Kamigawa civilizations, so we and other descendants of Kamigawa established the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance.

As the war with the animal body civilization intensifies, more and more Shenhe civilizations and animal body civilizations are involved in this war.

And the Kamigawa Pan-Civilization Alliance has gradually condensed into a relatively harmonious whole, which is called the New Kamigawa Civilization by the beast body.


Binghua turned the book in his hand to the last page, and the author of this book was signed by Space himself.

Closing the book and placing it lightly on the desk in front of her, Binghua looked at Jingnan who was still snuggling beside her with her eyes closed as if she was asleep, and didn't have the heart to disturb her.

Instead, he made a simple summary of what he saw and heard after coming to the Kamigawa civilization, and sent it back to the Angel Nebula.

As for why Binghua can still establish contact with the Angel Nebula, this is due to the remote data docking technology obtained from the Eternal Sublimator.

Binghua has made some improvements to it, making it compatible with Angel's dark communication. It only needs to build a signal receiving terminal in Melo Heaven, and then use the Skyblade battleship to send back information and data.

Keisha's reply was also very simple, that is to wait and see what happens, and the angels can only participate in the war when they are absolutely sure, and let Binghua make his own decision according to the situation.

At this moment, Angel Ran's communication application popped up suddenly, and after clicking on it, he heard a familiar voice.

"Queen, just now the Kamigawa civilization sent a message that the Kamigawa God of War is going to the frontline battlefield to support a war zone that is fiercely fighting with the beast civilization.

They asked us angels if we want to participate in this war, and familiarize ourselves with the combat mode of animal body civilization in advance. "

After hearing this, Binghua fell into deep thought. In his conversation with Space, he used the metaphor of ignoring the request for joint operations because he did not understand animal civilization. Now that he has sent such an invitation, he is completely sure that he will not refuse it. what.

"Ran, I already know about this matter. Reply to them and say that we will send two high-ranking angels to go to the theater with them to familiarize themselves with the battle mode of beast body civilization."

"Alright Queen, I'll reply to them now."

After the communication with Ran was cut off, Binghua was considering who to send, and first excluded Ran and other high-ranking angels who held important positions.

Finally, after thinking about it, Binghua has a suitable angel choice in her mind, that is Hexi's younger sister, the battle angel Hezhui who is now under her command, and Jingnan who is often inseparable from her.

One of these two angels has high combat effectiveness, and the other is his deputy. Their identity and combat effectiveness are guaranteed, and the Kamigawa civilization will not feel that they are perfunctory.


The next day, Binghua sat on the throne in the conference hall of Tianren, and there were two angels standing below. They were He Zhui with silver shawl and long hair who looked somewhat similar to He Xi, and Jing Nan with long black hair and brown eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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