Chapter 290
"He Zhui, Jing Nan, I called you here because there is something that you two angels need to do."

He Zhui said carelessly, "If there is anything the management can order, as long as it is not for observation, statistics and other work."

Compared with He Zhui's carefree, Jing Nan is undoubtedly much more formal.

"What is the queen?"

Binghua was not annoyed by He Zhui's attitude, but continued to speak.

"The Kamigawa God of War Texas of the Kamigawa civilization will go to the frontline battlefield today to support their frontline
I intend to evaluate the fighting ability of the animal body civilization. After much deliberation, only the two of you are more suitable among the current angels. "

Before He Zhui could say anything, Jing Nan spoke first:
"Queen, I am your assistant officer. After I leave, why do you..."

Before Jingnan finished speaking, Binghua on the throne slightly raised his palm and interrupted.

"You don't have to worry about Jingnan. Your mission with Hezhui is very important this time. I need you to bring back the real information of the animal body civilization and test their fighting level by yourself."

"He Zhui is only good at fighting and I don't trust her to leave it to her. That's why I need you who are familiar with information operations to record the battle data, because I feel more at ease when you do things."

After Jingnan heard Binghua's last words, "Because you do things, I feel more at ease", she couldn't say the words of rejection.

He Zhui on the side curled his lips secretly, obviously feeling very upset in his heart, Binghua just said in a roundabout way that she is unreliable in her work and prone to passion.

Binghua on the throne naturally saw He Zhui's small movements, and didn't bother with her. With He Xi's relationship, it was doomed that Binghua and He Zhui would not like each other.

He Zhui was upset that his sister was getting too close to Binghua, so he didn't care much about his sister.

Binghua is upset that He Zhui sometimes comes out to disturb her conversation with He Xi when he and He Xi are talking vigorously.

But these are just trivial things, Binghua will not give He Zhui small shoes to wear because of such a trivial matter, and He Zhui will not question disobedience to Binghua's orders.

As a result, without surprise, He Zhui and Jing Nan took over the task.

After Jingnan left, Binghua stopped Hezhui who was about to leave.

"What else is there? Don't ask me to do some missions to covertly test Kamigawa's super fighters. I'm not that material."

There were no other angels in the hall at the moment, and He Zhui's tone was far from respectful, just a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Binghua wanted to laugh when she heard the words, so she joked: "I didn't force you at the time, you asked your sister to apply for being transferred to the combat unit.

Why do you want to leave my subordinate now and return to your sister's place as a logistics garrison angel. "

He Zhui didn't speak anymore, but the words "unhappy" were clearly written on his face, obviously he didn't want to go back to her sister.

"Okay, let's talk about the two of us later, I told you to stay because you have experienced a truly large-scale battlefield and have rich combat experience. After you arrive on the battlefield, don't patronize yourself, and pay attention to Xia Jingnan.

She hasn't experienced a large-scale war since she joined the Legion, so I'm a little worried about her. "

He Zhui was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect you to keep me just to say this. Don't worry, I won't give her a chance to rush into the center of the battlefield. She just needs to collect data in a safe place."

After He Zhui finished speaking, he turned and left, preparing to adjust and maintain the weapons and armor he needed for this battle.


A few days later, the front line of the battle between the Kamigawa civilization and the beast body, the 10th star field theater, the planet Kesa.

A small combat fleet belonging to the Kamigawa civilization sailed to the planet and finally parked outside the planet's atmosphere.

At this moment, in the not-too-distant space, space battleships with animal body civilizations, which were roughly shaped like pieced together from large thick metal plates, began to emerge and rushed towards their own side.

Seeing this, two cuboid silver-gray warships with a length of more than 1000 meters in the fleet quickly left the fleet and sailed in one direction. The remaining nearly ten escort warships began to meet the warships of the beast civilization.

After a while, the two sides exchanged fire in the space space not far away, and began to tilt their firepower towards each other far away.

The battleships of the Kamigawa civilization all fired thick beams of light, and the exposed thick barrels on the battleships of the beast civilization fired energy bombs that looked extremely unstable.

The two battleships that had left the fleet stopped above an atmosphere of the planet. At this moment, the scene inside the battleship was very lively.

Wearing black metal heavy armor that does not affect flexibility, and carrying a hideous single-edged axe on his back, Dexus walked in the cabin and shouted at the same time.

"Pay attention to me, because there is a giant beast civilization on Keza planet, and the warship can't take the risk to send us down, so after a while we will parachute to Keza planet to support the brothers on the ground, so give I check the weapon, don't die in the hands of those bastards because of such a trivial matter."

On both sides of the cabin are soldiers wearing black light metal armor and holding large-caliber guns. Occasionally, soldiers can be seen wearing light metal armor that protects the vitals, with metal giant swords and sniper rifles on their backs.

Texas continued to walk forward, and suddenly saw two figures standing out from the crowd, his face became extremely exciting, and he hurried over.

"How did you two get here?"

He Zhui and Jing Nan are now dressed in angel warrior uniforms, wearing red-tasseled helmets but not lowering their visors. Their delicate faces and hair draped over their shoulders make them look heroic.

"We were ordered by the Holy Left to follow you to participate in the war and collect actual combat data of the beast civilization, so we followed."

Jing Nan said, his tone was very gentle, but Texas did not soften his heart because of this.

"I know, but I have already said before, after we airborne and opened up a safe zone, you will land with the follow-up heavy firepower."

Before Jingnan could speak, He Zhui stretched out his hand to block Jingnan behind him, inserted in and said, with a hint of gunpowder in his tone.

"We are also fighters. If you look down on us angels because we are women, there will be no need for the alliance between angels and Kamigawa."

Jingnan heard the words and quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over: "Sorry, He Zhui has a bad temper, but our army of angelic civilization is composed of female angels, and He Zhui and I are also angel warriors who have participated in wars, so Dirk Seth, you don't have to worry about us."

Jingnan said so, Texas had no choice but to give up, and finally had no choice but to say.

"Then be careful, don't leave alone."

After talking about Texas, he turned and left. The soldiers around who were still watching the excitement were stared at by the cranes, and scattered to prepare for the orbital airdrop.

(End of this chapter)

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