Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 291 Keza Battlefield

Chapter 291 Keza Battlefield
The closed metal door began to rise, and Texas walked into the not-so-spacious airborne pod, accompanied by several soldiers in black metal armor.

Of course, in order to prevent any accidents with the allies from the angels, He Zhui and Jing Nan are also in this orbital airborne pod.

After standing in the position according to the instructions, lower the metal fixing bracket above the head, and close it back and forth to fix Hezhui and Jingnan in position.

He Zhui complained to Jingnan: "I feel that sitting on this thing is not as convenient as rushing directly from the atmosphere."

Texas, who was in the previous position, said: "If we don't sit here, how can we reach the ground quickly? Even if I can jump from outer space, the soldiers under my command can't.

And how do you angels execute the atmospheric entry operation? "

Facing the problem of Texas, He Zhui couldn't care less about this guy, so Jing Nan had no choice but to explain:
"Under the protection of our armor, the warriors of our angelic civilization have the ability to travel through the atmosphere alone, so we don't need any assistance to carry out the operation of penetrating into the atmosphere."

After Jing Nan nodded politely, Texas looked at the folded wings behind He Zhui and Jing Nan and suddenly realized:
"That's right! Having wings is more convenient than those of us who can only run on the ground."

At this moment, the voice message began to be broadcast in the airdrop warehouse, and there was a slight tremor, as if it was moving.

"Please pay attention to the pilots and fighters of the airdrop pods. The warship is about to launch the airdrop pods. Please prepare for the impact."

In the belly of the space battleship floating outside the atmosphere, the closed metal plates opened to both sides.

Then, like launching a cannonball, the hexagonal orbital airborne pods were launched out of it.

He Zhui and Jing Nan, who were sitting in the airdrop pod, only felt a shock in their feet, and then violent tremors came from all directions of the airdrop pod.

The two warships launched a total of more than 100 airdrop pods, which fell to the surface like more than 100 orbital bombardment shells fired.

An hour ago, on the surface of Planet Keza, the front line of defense of the Kamigawa civilization.

The soil was splashed high, and the dense roar of artillery fire did not stop for a moment. Behind the bunker made of metal, there were soldiers wearing light black exoskeleton armor. Large caliber bullets.

And hundreds of meters away, a large number of Shima civilization animal body soldiers are rushing towards them. Even if they are blown away by the heavy firepower from the Kamigawa civilization, they are not afraid at all. caliber firearms, tilting their firepower towards the Kamikawa civilization fighters on the opposite side.

Mo Ran's slender figure was very inconspicuous in the battlefield where bullets were flying all over the sky. She slid the shovel close to the ground and swept across an area where the bunker was blown down.

He didn't care about the ordinary Kamikawa soldier who was lying beside him in a pool of blood. He got up and half-kneeled on the ground, and the half-folded sniper rifle that was originally convenient for transfer was unfolded, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed in the direction of the rushing Shima soldier.

The specially-made scope immediately zoomed in on the screen and automatically searched for high-value targets in the field of vision. As for the ordinary Shima beast soldiers wearing metal armor, they were all ignored.

In less than two seconds, Mo Ran discovered the elite of the enemy army through the sniper rifle in his hand.

A Sabota animal body warrior with a lizard-shaped head and only armor on his abdomen was a bit taller than the surrounding Shima soldiers. He was raising the long blade in his hand forward, urging the surrounding animal body soldiers to charge.

Mo Ran's eyes behind the helmet goggles lit up slightly, and the ballistic calculation was completed in his mind in an instant, then he moved the muzzle of the gun slightly and confidently pulled the trigger, accompanied by a slight shake of the sniper rifle in his hand, the muzzle ejected a fine silver shot. long bullets.

Hundreds of meters away, a Sabota animal body warrior was urging the Shima soldiers around him to charge, and at the same time he moved his paws forward.

But the next moment, the Sabota beast soldier, who was a low-level officer of the beast army, spurted blood from his forehead, and his whole body flew backwards several meters and fell to the ground. After a few twitches, his body stopped moving.

I saw that his left eye had disappeared, leaving only a hole the same size as the eye socket. As for the brain inside, it had already been smashed into a paste by the special bullet.

Mo Ran spat out a number "62" and immediately retracted behind the cover. The sniper rifle in his hand was automatically loaded, then poked his head out again, paused and pulled the trigger, only to hear the sound of the gun, and another man in the distance Sabota's animal body warrior's eye sockets were pierced and he fell limply to the ground.

The task of Mo Ran and his Kamigawa sniper team on this battlefield is to snipe Sabota's animal body fighters.

This kind of animal body warrior with a lizard-like head is very powerful in combat. Ordinary Kamigawa soldiers often need several people to gather fire to kill them. Carrying conventional firepower rushed to the position.

And as long as these war-thirsty Sabota fighters get close, what awaits ordinary Kamigawa fighters is the fate of being slaughtered.

A Sabota warrior behind the beast civilization army ran towards a strong figure in silver-gray metal heavy armor sitting on a rock in front of a small hill, half-knelt down at a distance of ten meters, and spoke in the common language of beast body road:
"General, the enemy's snipers have been sniping and killing my fellow clansmen. Without grass-roots command, it is difficult for us to organize an effective attack. Now our soldiers are all suppressed in place and engaged in long-distance firefights with the Kamigawa people."

The figure sitting on the rock didn't answer, but stood up, not as tall as the Sabota warrior who was half kneeling on the ground.

However, this Sabota soldier lowered his head a little instead, as if he was afraid of this figure.

"Don't bother you, I will personally lead the army to attack."

The animal-body warrior called the general by the beast-body fighters is a Tianding star. Because of their powerful and brutal combat power, Tianding stars generally act as the commanders of the beast-body civilization army.

The half-kneeling Sabota soldier breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to be punished for not doing things well.

"General Kunta, please let us follow you to destroy the defense line of the Kamigawa people!"

Kunta took the helmet from his subordinates and put it on his head, lifted the giant saber stuck on the ground beside him, and nodded to the guard who asked him in agreement.

At this time, the small hill behind Kunta, which had been serving as the background, suddenly moved, and a pair of huge eyes revealing tyranny slowly opened.


Picking up the sniper rifle, Mo Ran changed his position again and got up again to look for the target, but he was stunned, because the animal civilization army stopped charging and started to retreat.

Seeing this, Mo Ran lowered his gun, and most of the Shenhe soldiers on the forward position below had ceased fire, only a small number of red-eyed soldiers and the artillery fire from the rear were still bombarding and killing people.

(End of this chapter)

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