Chapter 292
Taking advantage of the time when the animal civilization retreated and stopped attacking, the soldiers of the Kamigawa civilization sat down against the nearest metal bunker regardless of the surrounding environment, panting heavily on the battlefield filled with gunpowder, and began to rest to recover from the exhaustion of spirit and physical strength .

While the main combatants were resting, automated supply machines entered the position from the rear and began to collect the remains of the fallen soldiers while leaving ammunition supplies everywhere in the position.

Mo Ran also carried his favorite gun on his back and passed the remnants of fallen soldiers on the road, and arrived at the assembly point of his team. After finding that there were no casualties in the team, the sadness in his heart was finally diluted a little.

As qualified candidates for the super gene of the Shenhe sniper, Mo Ran and the members of her team specialize in long-distance sniping and killing the enemy's grassroots elite command units behind the forward position, which is much safer than the first-line fighters who face the beast fighters' bullets. .

Just as Mo Ran joined his team to replenish his ammunition, a Shenhe soldier ran over.

"Captain Mo Ran, our brothers on the front line suffered a lot of casualties, and now many of them need to be sent to the rear for medical treatment. Our captain asked me to ask when we can get time to rest."

Mo Ran looked at the young soldier whose face was blackened by gunpowder smoke and had several scratches all over the light exoskeleton. Instead of answering immediately, he pressed the side of the helmet and began to call the base behind.

"This is Moran, the frontline position, call the base now."

"This is the base, Captain Mo Ran, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask when the reinforcements you mentioned will arrive. The attack of the beast body is very fierce. The ordinary soldiers on the front line suffered a lot of casualties. They are not super soldiers. They have been fighting for more than [-] hours. They can't last long. .”

After a pause, the other part of the communication echoed.

"The reinforcements have arrived at Ksa, and are now preparing for the orbital airborne. You only need to hold on for a while, and the reinforcements will arrive."

When Mo Ran turned around and was about to answer, her eyes accidentally swept across the sky and her pupils suddenly constricted. As a Kamigawa sniper, her super vision allowed her to see something unusual in the sky.

"Did your detection system detect a large bird... an oversized one..."

"Captain Mo Ran, what did you say? Our detection system didn't detect anything in the sky?"

Hearing this, Mo Ran hurriedly shouted: "Tell your officer quickly, there is something flying towards the base in the sky!"

At the Shenhe base in the rear area at the moment, the correspondent was a little confused when he heard Mo Ran's nervous shouting at the other end, but he still dutifully conveyed the words to the superior in the command room.

The middle-aged man in a simple military uniform standing on the high platform frowned, and ordered to the operator in the area below.

"Check what's in the sky? The target may have the ability to block detection."

This base is actually a simple modular defensive position, which houses more than 20 dual-mounted rail guns to provide long-range heavy fire support to the frontline positions.

The reason why railguns with solid shells are used is also a helpless choice. Beast fighters have strong physical fitness and close-fitting armor. Unless energy attacks hit the target, the impact of the explosion alone is difficult to cause large-scale effective damage.

This is still a large energy weapon, a small one can only open a small hole in the body of a beast warrior at most, or it can only burn its skin and muscles.

Therefore, except for a small number of troops who are keen on melee combat, almost all the fighters of the Kamigawa civilization have been replaced with live ammunition weapons with high kinetic energy.

At the very least, live ammunition weapons will produce huge kinetic energy shrapnel and shock waves after the explosion, plus a special high-burning agent, the ultra-high temperature generated at the moment of the explosion will directly burn the beast fighters within its range.

The real reason is that physical weapons are more suitable for the environment in the atmosphere, and they also have a certain lethality for high-level beast fighters.

The operator first detected the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers around the base, but did not find any suspicious targets.

At this moment, the operator responsible for the ballistic calculation of the railgun suddenly shouted "something is approaching us rapidly in the air!"

A giant creature with a sharp curved beak, a pair of thick claws, and a wingspan of more than 200 meters was swooping down from the sky at a high speed.

The sharp cry tore through the air, and it felt extremely ear-piercing even if it was thousands of meters away.

The rail gun barrel, which was slightly raised, began to rise rapidly, but at this time, the giant beast that swooped down from the sky was extremely close to the base below.

Long fire snakes spewed out from the muzzles of several dual-mounted rail guns, and several red lotuses of destruction exploded on the charging flying giant.

Like a painful whine, the rail gun continued to fire. The giant flying monster that was heading straight for a turret seemed to be unable to bear the firepower of the rail gun. It began to change its flight trajectory, and finally smashed into the center of the base.

The ground trembled like an earthquake. After the vibration subsided, the two orbital turrets on the diving track of the flying giant fell to the side twistedly. The pit, but because of the thick smoke, the Kamigawa soldiers stationed at the base could not see whether the giant beast in the pit was dead or not.

Dozens of soldiers were slowly approaching the pit with guns in hand, and the communication squadron leader said:
"Be careful, approach slowly, and fire immediately if there is a situation!"

Suddenly the thick smoke billowed violently, and a huge shadow rose within it, followed by orange-red viscous flames jetting out from the thick smoke, covering an area with a radius of tens of meters in a fan shape.

The terrifying temperature immediately made the metal show signs of melting, and the Kamigawa soldiers in the flames didn't even have time to scream, and the armor on their bodies melted into a magma-like liquid.

Then a strong wind blew away the thick smoke in the big pit, and the giant winged beast bent down, with barb-like armor growing on its back, and in the gap between the armor was the body of a beast. Civilized soldiers.

The leader among them was Kunta, who had decided to personally lead the attack. It turned out that the attack he was referring to was not an attack on the front line, but a sneak attack on the Kamigawa base from the air, destroying their heavy firepower advantage.

The situation on the front line is not optimistic at this moment. After Mo Ran saw a flying giant beast in the sky, the troops of the animal body civilization launched an attack again.

But this time Mo Ran's position did not have the heavy fire support from the rear, and soon the animal body civilization broke into within [-] meters of the front position.

Mo Ran called the base to request heavy fire support, but was told that the base was attacked by animal civilization and could not provide support at all, so she burst into a swear word in anger.

Because there was no support from heavy firepower, the defending soldiers suffered heavy casualties for a while, and some areas were even broken into by beast warriors, and the two sides launched a brutal hand-to-hand battle.

Mo Ran was no longer making precise sniper shots, but quickly pulled the trigger of his favorite gun, shooting and killing the beast warriors who approached.

"Give me death!"

The two Kamigawa soldiers roared and shot forward, and the bullets with extremely penetrating power shot and killed the beast warriors who tried to rush into the position.

(End of this chapter)

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