Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 295, Angel Escort

Chapter 295, Angel Escort

When the fire cloud dissipated, the Shima soldiers within a range of hundreds of meters melted away, and the ground was scorched black by the high temperature, and there were dots of scorching light.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Texas improved its evaluation of the combat power of the Angel civilization.

This level of attack Texas is confident that it can resist unscathed, but ordinary super soldiers obviously can't.

Angel's single-soldier large-scale attack method is very convenient on the battlefield, especially on such a large battlefield. I don't know if Teacher Space can exchange this technology from Angel.

With the activeness of super fighters such as Texas, Crane Chase, Jingnan, Kamigawa Warblade, and Kamigawa Sniper, Shima soldiers finally retreated after heavy losses.

It wasn't that the Shimashi soldiers were afraid, but that the gods of the Kamigawa people were present, and if they didn't retreat, the whole army would be wiped out.

He Zhui landed from the air to Jing Nan who was standing there quietly, put the weapon in his hand into the micro wormhole and said:
"How do you feel when you see this scene? You are a soldier who joined the Angel Legion later, and you should have never experienced such a large battlefield."

Jingnan nodded, turned his gaze away from the dead Kamikawa soldier, and then replied.

"The only war I participated in was the one where Queen Kaisa suppressed the male angel.

At that time, I followed my sister to protect the gathering place of female angels in the royal city. At that time, those male angels charged like crazy with simple weapons, and some sisters were soft-hearted..."

Jingnan paused for a moment and then continued.

"After that war ended, I was recommended by my sister to the queen and became her assistant officer."

He Zhui raised his hand and patted Jingnan's shoulder armor, comforting him.

"Let go, everything is over, I think your performance today can be called a qualified angel warrior."

Texas, who met and talked with Mo Ran for a while, after learning that the base in the rear had been attacked, hurriedly returned to the group that was collecting the remains of his comrades on the battlefield, and shouted.

"All teams of Kamigawa Warblade gather immediately!"

Soldiers who were originally scattered all over the battlefield, wearing light full-body armor and carrying a huge sword, hurried over to gather.

Soon 52 Kamigawa Warriors were assembled in front of Texas. Jingnan not far away remembered that when they came, a total of [-] Kamigawa Warriors boarded the battleship.

Texas looked at the straight Kamigawa Warblades standing in front of him, glanced at some with wounds on their bodies, and then said loudly:
"Leave all the injured and help Captain Mo Ran guard the base, and the rest board the orbital airborne pod again, and we will support the base in the rear."

No one questioned the order of Texas, because they believed in the decision of God of God of Kamigawa, and soon a driver activated the airdrop pods that were trapped in the ground, and there were three airdrop pods in total, each of which carried ten Kamigawa Glaive and a Kamigawa sniper.

Dexus hesitated before boarding the airdrop pod, and finally walked up to He Zhui and Jing Nan, showing a group of tiny greetings.

"Miss Hezhui, Miss Jingnan."

He Zhui put his arms around his chest and didn't strike up a word, Jing Nan sighed secretly when he saw this, and spoke up.

"Texas, do you need help from our sisters? I saw you gathering your subordinates there just now. Do you need your support somewhere?"

Facing Jingnan's question, Texas couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and said.

"Just before we landed, Mo Ran saw a giant flying beast flying towards the rear base.

Now we have lost contact with the base and don't know what's going on there, so I want to take the team to see.

But you have also seen that none of my subordinates can fly, and they are sitting in airdrop pods that have no ability to counterattack. I am afraid that something will happen midway.

So I would like to trouble the two angel ladies to escort us for a certain distance, I wonder if it will work? "

Jing Nan looked at He Zhui at the side and saw that she had no objection, so he agreed aloud.

"Yes, He Zhui and I will always escort you to your destination and ensure your safety during flight."


At a height of [-] meters, He Zhui and Jing Nan flew on the side of the three hexagonal airborne pods, one on the left and one on the right.

He Zhui and Jing Nan started chatting without encountering any situation at the beginning of the voyage, and the topic gradually moved closer to Texas.

"Jingnan, did you see Texas make a move just now? I thought he was just a big fool at first, but I didn't expect him to be quite aggressive in fighting."

"Isn't it because he looks down on us as women and doesn't want to talk to him? Why are you mentioning him all of a sudden now?"

Jingnan was a little curious. He Zhui had a great reputation among the angels. She was once the left wing guard of the Tianji King, and a powerful battle angel who fought against the invincible hands of the high-level angel battle group. Only a few angels could fight her back and forth.

"Well~, it's just because he is strong enough. Anyway, I am not his opponent. I guess only Binghua and sister can compete with him."

Jing Nan didn't care about He Zhui calling the queen by her name, but became interested in what she said.

"Is he really that strong? I can't see it at all."

"Of course you can't tell, I was exposed to war decades earlier than you.

The strength that Texas has shown in previous battles is strong, and his control over power is not weak.

Although I am quite confident in my strength, I will not be blindly arrogant. If I really fight with him, I may lose, but I am confident that I can escape. "

He Zhui was very confident when he said this, but Jing Nan took it to heart, and was going to go back and tell the queen, and at the same time, he planned to pay more attention to Texas in the next time.

At this moment, He Zhui suddenly said, "That should be the base that Texas mentioned, right? But it seems to be on fire!"

Jing Nan heard the words and quickly focused on looking forward, and saw a black spot in the distance getting bigger and bigger, and black smoke was faintly rising.

As the distance increased, what Jingnan saw became clearer and clearer. Orange-red flames were burning on a metal base with a range of several kilometers, and billowing black smoke swept into the sky.

Texas in the orbital cabin naturally saw this scene through the camera, just a few hundred meters away from the burning base.

Suddenly there was a violent gust of wind from above, followed by a sharp cry that reached everyone's ears, causing eardrums to hurt.

Just as Jing Nan was about to look up, he heard He Zhui shout. "Jingnan be careful!"

Jing Nan was startled when she heard the words, and just about to make a move, a huge sharp claw came grabbing it, and she held it tightly without giving her time to dodge.

At the same time, an airdrop pod was also held by huge claws from above, and was crushed into twisted scrap iron on the spot. The birthdays of the Kamigawa Blades inside were unknown.

Jingnan gritted her teeth tightly, and tried her best with her arms and legs to spread the huge claws holding her, but it was useless at all, and an unshakable force began to crush her body.

He Zhui's blue eyes stared at the giant beast above them that was flying at the same speed as them. He didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. Instead, he was burning with anger, and shouted loudly at the giant flying beast with a wingspan of more than 200 meters above him.

"Let go of Jingnan!"

(End of this chapter)

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