Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 296, Tianding Starman

Chapter 296, Tianding Starman

The flying behemoth ignored He Zhui's angry shout at all, in its eyes He Zhui was as insignificant as an ant.

With a cry, the flying behemoth began to accelerate, and the frequency of flapping its wings was accelerated by a notch. Its claws grabbed Jingnan and an airborne pod and gradually climbed to high altitude, and soon disappeared in the thick clouds.

He Zhui didn't care about escorting Texas, so he raised his sword and followed, plunged into the high-altitude clouds.

Texas was not in the airborne pod that was captured by the giant flying monster, and he roared loudly in the pod at this moment.

"Hurry up and lower the altitude, everyone will jump off in a while, there may be an ambush here!"

The pilot of the airborne capsule quickly lowered the altitude, and soon came to an altitude of more than 20 meters away from the base.

Texas stood by the open hatch of the airborne pod, letting the Kamigawa Glaives inside jump first.

A Kamigawa Warblade fell on the ground and immediately became alert. The height of more than 20 meters was nothing to them. Even the weak Kamigawa sniper could land safely without the help of his companions.

Just when Texas was about to jump out, two black afterimages jumped over a distance of [-] meters from a distance and smashed the airborne capsule into pieces.

Texas fell to the ground with the disintegrated airborne pod, and a small mixed force of Sabota and Shima soldiers emerged not far away. Among them, the Shima soldiers raised their guns and aimed at Texas and The position of his subordinates was tilted by a wave of bullets.

Seeing this, the Kamigawa Warblades pulled out their huge swords behind them, gathered their giant swords horizontally to block the vital points, and formed a flesh and blood bunker to protect the three Kamigawa snipers behind, and they did not insult their snipers' names, and quickly raised their sniper rifles Started to roll headshots one by one.

Dexus got up from the ground, and even threw his battle ax in the direction of the small army of beasts. Like a heavy howitzer, it stirred up dust several meters high, and nearly ten shooters were thrown into the air. Shima soldiers.

At this moment, two strong animal warriors who were over two meters tall and wearing silver-gray metal heavy armor rushed into the gathered Kamigawa Warblades. Fell in a pool of blood.

Texas showed anger, clenched his fists tightly and the thrown tomahawk was carried back again, and then rushed towards the two senior soldiers of the animal body civilization army while roaring and shaking the surrounding dust.

Kamigawa's division of the combat power of the beast-body civilization army is simple and rough, that is, ordinary cannon fodder Shima soldiers, elite warrior Sabota, and high-level beast-body fighters Tianding Starmen, plus the so-called Titan Protoss.

This corresponds to the first generation of Kamigawa civilization, warriors, second-generation warriors, third-generation warriors, and battle gods like Texas.

These two Heavenly Cauldrons were Kunta's personal guards, and the assigned task was to disrupt the enemy's formation and bring Sabotas close to the massacre.

Kunta's tactic was very successful. He used the flying monster to destroy one-third of the enemy's support troops. Although he didn't expect the enemy to have super fighters with flying capabilities, he was lured away by the flying monster. , not to be feared for the time being.

Although there is no support from the flying behemoth, this does not prevent him from ordering his subordinates to carry out the following tactics. When the enemy lands, let the personal guards destroy their aircraft, and then wait for the opportunity to outflank them from behind, and at the same time use Shima The soldiers' long-range fire covered Sabota's charge.

However, the only thing Kunta missed was that among the Kamigawa troops who came to support, there would be a Kamigawa battle god mixed in.

You must know that this is not an important battle zone, and there is no god to guard it. This is why Kunta dared to come out as a beast general.

However, it is obvious that the world is impermanent. If you hunt geese all day long, there will be a day when you will be blinded by geese.

Unfortunately, today may be the day when Kunta was blinded by geese and kicked to the iron plate.

During the charge, Texas threw the single-edged ax in his hand as a throwing axe towards a Tianding Starman, while he rushed towards another enemy who had rushed into the Kamigawa Warblade.

Seeing the weapon thrown by the enemy, the Tianding star people excitedly prepared to miss it, but who knew that the spinning tomahawk carried a strange force that could not be resisted, so it flew tens of meters away on the spot and crashed into the In a mound.

Relying on the power of the charge, Texas raised his arm, jumped up slightly, and hit the head of the Tianding star who raised his weapon to block with a right uppercut, sinking him into the soil on the spot.

"Go and deal with those minions, and leave these two bastards to me!"

While speaking, Texas stretched out his hands to grab the left and right feet of the Tianding Starman who had been punched into the ground by him, jumped up in mid-air, spun twice, and slammed down heavily.


A huge pit was smashed into the ground, Texas stretched out his right hand, and the battle ax appeared from the micro-wormhole, and he held it in his hand again.

Kunta's personal guard who was thrown in a mess, the last image that came into his mind was Texas holding the tomahawk high above his head with both hands and chopping down vigorously, and then fell into darkness.

After receiving the order from Texas, the Kamigawa Warblade troops immediately turned into a charge formation to meet the Sabotas, and the snipers hid according to the nearby terrain, waiting for an opportunity to kill enemies shooting from a distance.

Texas picked up his blood-stained battle ax from the head of the Heavenly Cauldron whose head had been split in half, and turned his head to look at the Heavenly Cauldron who had been smashed into the mound by his throwing ax before. With a slight grin, his face was very ferocious.


The ear-piercing sound of the wind passed by the ear, and after the crane chased through the clouds, it broke out to chase the huge beast in sight at its fastest speed.

Amid the roar, He Zhui finally caught up with it, and reached the level with it, but faced with such a huge size gap, He Zhui couldn't think of a way to stop it for the time being.

This made He Zhui a little bit at a loss, and in the end he could only grit his teeth and become a living horse doctor. He raised his silver wide-edged sword in his hand, and a faint orange-red halo circulated on the sword.

Crane Chase waved in the air, and an orange-red flaming sword energy several meters long flew out, hitting the flank of the flying giant beast, causing a violent explosion.

The giant flying beast screamed in pain, and its tyrannical brown vertical pupils finally focused on He Zhui, the little bug who had been chasing after him.

He Zhui didn't hesitate when he saw the effect. He swung the broad-bladed long sword in his hand again and again, and streams of flaming sword energy flew out, blowing up fire clouds on the belly and wings of the giant beast, leaving behind trails of flames. Burning wound.

At the same time, He Zhui yelled angrily at the giant flying beast, "Quickly release Jingnan, if she gets hurt, this angel will bombard you with flames and roast you alive!"

Obviously, the giant flying beast couldn't understand it at all, it just kept screaming harshly and full of anger, and the two were not on the same channel at all.

At this moment, Jingnan, who was pinched between the claws of the giant beast, felt that her sternum seemed to be broken into countless pieces, which could be attributed to the tough body and vitality of the second-generation angel, but she did not die, but her vision was a little dark.

(End of this chapter)

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