Chapter 297

It seemed that the giant beast couldn't bear the provocation and attack of Crane Chase any longer. It flapped its wings downwards, instead of flying forward. Instead, it raised its head and climbed up to a height of hundreds of meters. Come, including Jingnan.

He Zhui immediately rushed to the fallen Jingnan, without even looking at the fallen transforming airdrop pod.

After the giant flying beast threw away the prey between its claws, its vertical pupils fixed its gaze firmly on He Zhui, turned over and swooped down from a height of more than 1 meters.

He Zhui naturally saw this scene, he couldn't care about anything else in a hurry, his whole body glowed faintly, his genetic engine was fully activated, his speed suddenly increased, he hugged the fallen Jingnan and jumped out a long way, and it happened that At this time, the huge figure of the flying monster passed behind it, and the two women almost became its prey.

"Hey Jingnan! Wake up? Are you okay! You have something to do, how can I explain to your queen!"

He Zhui looked at Jing Nan whose armor was slightly deformed in his arms, and shouted in panic.

But fortunately, Jingnan had a reaction, he opened his eyes suddenly, breathed heavily, and spoke weakly.

"Don't worry, I won't die. It's just that my body is a little damaged and I temporarily lost my ability to move."

Seeing this, He Zhui finally heaved a sigh of relief, not being able to move was at least a thousand times better than being dead, but soon, Jing Nan's next words made He Zhui's complexion brighter.

"Can you not go? I have to send you to a safe place first!"

Although Jingnan is very weak at the moment, his words are firm.

"I just saw that there are surviving Kamigawa soldiers in the airborne cabin.

Angels can't just ignore death, but we promised Texas to escort them to their destination..."

Crane chased an arc and turned to avoid the giant flying beast chasing after him, and at the same time protested to Jingnan in his arms:
"That's what you promised! I didn't promise him!"

After finishing speaking, He Zhui pursed his lips, defeated by Jing Nan's gaze, and said helplessly.

"I lost to you, you have definitely been brainwashed by your queen!"

While speaking, He Zhui immediately turned around, in fact, only a few seconds had passed since Jiang Jingnan was rescued.

The airborne pod in the distance hasn't landed on the ground yet, but it's not too far away. If there is no external force to stop it, it will definitely end up smashed into pieces.

At this moment, the airborne pod, whose middle part was crushed by the giant flying beast, is spinning and falling towards the ground.
At this moment, the four Kamigawa Warblades surviving in the cabin were extremely helpless, they could only hold on to the fixed objects to prevent them from being thrown out.

They are just pseudo-second-generation super fighters. If they fall from a height of nearly [-] meters, although their bones will not remain, they still don't want to remain intact, so they can only pray that the airborne pod will not hit the mountain head-on.

Under the full force of He Zhui, the giant flying beast that was following behind couldn't catch up at all, and soon He Zhui carried Jing Nan and flew to the side of the fallen airborne pod.

Scanning the environment below, he saw a medium-sized lake on the ground to the left of the airborne cabin.So He Zhui immediately accelerated to the right side of the airborne capsule and kicked the spinning and falling airborne capsule, changing its falling trajectory abnormally hard.

He Zhui went down several times, and finally corrected the landing direction of the airborne capsule, changing its landing point to the medium-sized lake.

But at this moment, the giant flying beast has already chased after it, opened its sharp hooked beak, and a string of viscous flames that looked like liquid sprayed out from its throat, forming a long pillar of fire.

He Zhui held Jingnan in his arms with his left arm, and with his right hand held a wide-bladed silver sword, he retreated a certain distance, avoiding the jet of sticky flames, and said at the same time.

"Continue chasing this angel if you have the ability, and give you a few sword qi to taste first!"

After finishing talking, He Zhui waved a few sword qi with one hand to attract the attention of the giant flying beast, then turned around and flew towards the direction he came from, holding Jingnan in his arms.

The flying behemoth was filled with hatred by He Zhui at the moment, it didn't care about the falling airborne pod, only He Zhui's tiny back was in sight, and it turned directly in the air to chase He Zhui.

And the airborne pod, whose landing point was changed by Crane Chase's hard core, fell into the lake without accident, splashing Lao Gao's water. If the Kamigawa Warblade drowned because he couldn't swim, Crane Chase would have nothing to do.


Texas stretched out his foot to step on the corpse of the Tianding star that was almost split in half by him, and finally pulled out the battle ax embedded in the corpse.

So far, the two high-ranking beast warriors from the Tianding Star who attacked the Shenhe Zhanblade team were all wiped out, and the battle in the distance also came to an end.

After all, this group of beast fighters was only a small force, and with the long-range fire support of the Kamigawa Warblade Squad of all super fighters and three snipers, they quickly won the victory.

Just when the Texas team was about to clean up the battlefield and headed to the base that was emitting black smoke, there was a sudden sonic boom in the sky, and then a figure landed on the ground at high speed from the sky, plowing out two roads several meters behind him. Long shallow trenches come out.

Seeing this, Texas rushed forward quickly, because the one who landed was He Zhui who was holding the comatose Jingnan in his arms.

"I'll leave Texas Jingnan to you first. Protect her for me. There's a big guy behind me who needs to be dealt with."

While He Zhui was speaking, he put Jing Nan into the arms of the bewildered Texas, and was about to turn around when he suddenly turned around and warned.

"Warning, don't even think about doing anything to the unconscious Jingnan, or our angels will never spare you!"

After He Zhui finished speaking, he turned around and slightly bent his knees, spread his wings, and then flew up into the sky with a cloud of mud. At this moment, a huge animal shadow flashed in the air. This should be the big guy that He Zhui said he needed to deal with.

Before Texas could speak, He Zhui ran away, and Texas could only swallow all the refusals in his stomach.

He lowered his head to look at Jingnan, who was in his arms because the helmet fell off, revealing a delicate face and smooth black hair. Looking around, it was not a problem to hold him, so he found a relatively flat stone and gently put it down.

It wasn't until after finishing all the above that Texas breathed out a foul breath, called a soldier to come over, and pointed to Jingnan who was lying on the stone.

"Does anyone in our team understand this!"

What Texas said was so vague that the soldiers who were called couldn't understand it at all. In the end, Texas could only speak bluntly.

"Is there any fighter in the team who knows how to heal? Let Miss Angel check...that injury."

At this moment, Jingnan slightly opened his eyes, coughed a few times, turned his face to the side, and a trace of bright red blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm... where?"

Texas listened to Jingnan's weak voice, which was no longer the soft and feminine voice of the previous conversation.

The iron-blooded soldier was a little uncomfortable talking, but fortunately, this state only lasted for a second or two before Texas returned to normal, and answered Jingnan's question.Then he said with concern,

"Your armor is deformed, it looks like you're seriously injured, should it matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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