Chapter 304 Angel Oracle
Keisha thought about it and felt that Binghua's method was feasible to a certain extent, but there were also certain difficulties.

"This will indeed greatly reduce the various problems caused by our angels' lack of troops, and protect our rear star field to a certain extent.

But there is one thing, the affiliated civilizations of the angels are not as willing to contribute as you think, and the angel's call-up order cannot force them to fully cooperate with our angels' combat. "

Seeing that Kaisha recognized her proposal to a certain extent, Binghua spoke confidently.

"Don't worry about this, they don't want to contribute because they can't get any benefits from it.

But we angels can just satisfy them at this point. Didn’t we obtain part of the basic mechanical engineering and energy technology of the Eternal Ascendant a hundred years ago, and use these as rewards for eliminating the beast body army.

As long as they get the sweetness from it, those civilizations will definitely burst out with power that surprises you. "

Keisha didn't agree immediately. To be honest, it was a bit inconsistent with her idea, because usually this is what careerists would do.

In Keisha's view, it is the duty of the ruler of the Angel Nebula to protect those weak civilizations.

Another point is that those civilizations offered their faith to angels, they believed in angels, and restrained themselves with angelic moral concepts.

Therefore, Keisha has always believed that the Merlot Heavenly Court she leads is different from the Tiangong period, and the angels she leads are righteous.

And this justice is the justice in Kaisha's own heart. She doesn't like the strong bullying the weak, can't understand meaningless massacres, and the existence of chaos and disorder.

That's why when Binghua proposed that the subordinate civilizations also participate in this body battle, Kaisha would think about it, and part of it was precisely because of this.

But soon Keisha made a decision, agreed with Binghua's idea, and handed over the matter to Binghua.

"Then I'll leave first, Kesha."

Seeing that the discussion was over, Binghua planned to leave first, but Kaisha didn't keep her because it was a busy time.


Binghua landed on a ground covered with exquisite white stone bricks, folded her wings and walked towards the palace ahead, preparing to return to her office.

The atmosphere in the hall of the palace was extremely busy at the moment, and a group of female angels in armor walked hurriedly, even though they would salute when they passed by Binghua.

Binghua also nodded, and when she was about to arrive at her office, Angel Ran and Angel Ruoyun walked to Binghua from one side and asked, "Queen, are you looking for us?"

Binghua said, "Let's go in and talk.", and continued to walk forward, with Angel Ruoyun and Angel Ran following on both sides.

Opening the door carved with ornate carvings, Binghua went straight to sit behind the chic long table in the room, and only then did Binghua speak.

"I called you here this time because I have a mission that requires you to take a trip."

While speaking, Binghua opened a projection in the void in front of him, looking for documents.

Ruoyun and Ran looked at each other and said in unison: "What is the mission of the Queen?"

Binghua didn't answer right away, and after two seconds, he suddenly said, "I found it! I have already sent it to you, and this is your mission target information for this time."

Angel Ran and Angel Ruoyun started to operate at the same time, and soon the information of three civilizations appeared in front of them.

At this time, Binghua opened his mouth to explain the general situation of this mission to them.

"The scale of the body war is too large, and we angels alone are a bit difficult to support, so I plan to issue a call-up order to the angel's affiliated civilization, let them send troops to fight against the animal body civilization with us.

However, the effect of enlistment may not be obvious at the beginning, so let's ignore them.And the status of these three civilizations in your hands is very special.

They invaded our angelic territory and affiliated civilization hundreds of years ago. After I led the army to defeat them, they surrendered unconditionally to me at that time.

One of the terms they signed when they surrendered was that I had the right to call them up. "

Binghua stopped here, giving Angel Ran and Angel Ruoyun time to digest what they just said.

Angel Ran first asked: "Queen, what if these civilizations reject our call?"

Although the angel Ruoyun on the side didn't speak, he was obviously waiting for Binghua's answer. Binghua looked up at the two women, and his voice suddenly became cold.

"If the people of Kebri and McGra refuse to be recruited, just use the Heavenly Blade to destroy their civilization, no need to say anything else."

Angel Ran felt a little strange looking at Binghua with a cold face at the moment, but he still said boldly: "Will this be too cruel? They haven't offended us Angel now."

Binghua looked at Angel Ran for a moment before looking away.

"It's good that they didn't offend us angels now, but they did offend us hundreds of years ago.

At that time, they were willing to dedicate everything to me in exchange for my forgiveness and to give them a way to survive in civilization, and I agreed at that time.

If they reject my call now, I will just give them back the destruction that should belong to them. "


It has been a few days since Binghua ordered Angel Ran and Angel Ruoyun to issue the call-up order for the angels, and the angel warriors with the call-up order of the Heavenly Sword King have also arrived at the places of the Kaibri people, the Megra people, and the Sarkaz people. parent star.

Facing the call from the Heavenly Sword King, the senior leaders of the Kaibri people and the McGra people didn't know how to respond.

Although their ancestors had surrendered to the Heavenly Sword King Binghua on behalf of the entire civilization, they were willing to sacrifice everything.

But now hundreds of years have passed, and the Heavenly Sword King of the angelic civilization has a call-up order to call up all the main forces of their civilization.

Although the angel responsible for conveying the call-up order received the best hospitality, the high-level officials of the two civilizations have been dragging their feet, intending to see what other civilizations do.

On the other side, the recruitment of angels to Sarkaz went extremely smoothly.

The Sarkaz planet was infected by the chaos virus shortly after the Merlot Heavenly Court was established, and the entire civilization was on the verge of destruction.

It was the fleet of the Heavenly Sword King who passed by at that time that allowed the Sarkaz civilization to continue. After that, the Heavenly Sword Legion continued to supply resources for a period of time, and the Sarkaz civilization was able to prosper.

This incident was directly recorded in the civilization history of the Sarkaz people. At the same time, the Sarkaz people only believed in one sect, that is, the Church of the Angel of Salvation.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, the Church of the Angel of Salvation has not only not become lonely, but has become more and more prosperous, and can even influence the decision-making of the Sarkaz civilization.

When the recruitment of angels spread to the Sarkaz civilization, the upper echelons of the Church of the Angels of Salvation went crazy, which proved that the gods they believed in needed them. As for the few voices of opposition, they were directly drowned out by the majority of believers.

Immediately, the Sarkaz civilization expressed to the recruited angels that since God needed them, they were willing to dedicate everything to God.

(End of this chapter)

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