Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 305 Sarkaz Guardians

Chapter 305 Sarkaz Guardians
Sarkaz star, a hundred years ago, this planet became barren due to the raging chaos virus, but after hundreds of years of recuperation, although the civilization on this planet has not reached the peak number, the population still exceeds [-] million.

With the original city of Carmen as the center, cities full of wasteland and religious atmosphere stand on the continent of this planet, and there are many artificial satellites outside the atmosphere.

With the support of part of the angel's technology, the Sarkaz successfully entered the space age, but compared to other space-level civilizations, Sarkaz's technology is more inclined to individual technology.

Especially the individual armor technology, coupled with a kind of physical transformation surgery unique to their civilization, the individual strength of the most elite guardian army has even reached the level of a generation of super soldiers.


"Soldiers who are loyal to God! Just yesterday, God sent an oracle to us Sarkaz people, calling us to fight a huge holy war!

As the most elite Guardian Knight Corps under the name of the Salvation Angels of our Sarkaz civilization, you are very honored to receive this honor.

Starting today, your original responsibilities will be taken over by the Guardians, and you will join our army in this holy war.

As the most powerful fighters in our civilization, you must perform well in front of the gods we believe in to show our bravery! "

An old man was wearing a gorgeous red and gold outfit, standing on a high platform covered with exquisite yellow stone bricks at his feet, and said the above words to a large group of sturdy Sarkaz people who were half kneeling below.

The Sarkaz people below all lowered their heads slightly and quietly listened to the archbishop's lecture. Their bodies all have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely strong.

After the lord finished speaking, these half-kneeling Sarkaz people got up from the ground. They were all wearing tight uniforms, revealing their strong bodies.

Afterwards, the guardian knights of the Angel of Salvation sect gradually dispersed into their respective dressing rooms.

I saw them standing on a platform, and two Sarkaz men in robes approached and began to install pieces of metal sheets the size of fingernails on their combat uniforms.

When the combat uniforms of these apostolic knights were covered with that kind of metal sheet, the Sarkaz people in robes stepped back.

At this moment, a large mechanical arm moved over, and a large humanoid armor was hung from it, and it was unloaded in front of the guardian knight. The head and breastplate were turned forward, revealing the inner space.

Hold both sides of the mecha with both arms, bend your legs, and then put them into the upper part of the open armor.

When the Patriarch Knight entered the armor, the upper body of the armor was closed, and then a faint white gas was emitted from all parts of the armor, and the whole body became tighter.

With the light on the goggles on his head, this huge man with a height of nearly three meters stepped down the platform, making dull footsteps, and his movements seemed very natural.

With his left arm stretched out, he took a thick two-meter-high prismatic shield on the weapon rack, and his right hand held a large firearm with a caliber of more than [-] mm on the weapon rack, and an automatic ammunition feeder hanging from his waist. brake.

The last red cloak with the emblem of the Angel of Salvation embroidered on it was stuck behind the armor, and this was the real appearance of the apologist knight in full armor.

When thousands of fully armed and armored cavaliers walked on the wide aisle outside, the scene was extremely shocking.

Among the three civilizations specially marked by Binghua, only the Sarkaz have brought out their most elite troops.

The Kaibri people and the McGrath people planned to wait and see what happened at first, but then they didn't know who they got the news from, they changed their decision midway, responded to the call, and sent their main force.

Various other affiliated civilizations have also dispatched part of their main fleets. As for the civilizations that have not reached the space-level civilization, the angels have not launched a call for them.

Things went much smoother than Binghua imagined, there was no one who didn't open his eyes and chose to reject the angel's recruitment, and of course he couldn't expect this huge fleet to change the situation of the battle.

"Queen, the expedition fleet is ready, and all the blades have completed all preparations before the attack.

In addition, according to intelligence, the joint forces of the affiliated civilization have also arrived at the border of the Angel Nebula. "

Hearing Jingnan's report, Binghua got up from his seat and walked out, and at the same time said to Jingnan who was following him:
"Jingnan, you should also prepare. Our expedition will take a long time this time. If you need to say goodbye to the sisters, go and say goodbye!"

Jingnan nodded, but did not leave immediately but followed Binghua, and did not stop until outside the office of the King of Angels.

Binghua walked into the room and looked at Kaisha who was sitting inside, and reported: "Queen Keisha, the expedition fleet has completed the preparations for the attack, and the holy left wing has come to apply for departure."

Keisha shook her head helplessly and said with a smile.

"Binghua, you are a bit too formal. As the military commander of the angel, didn't I entrust you with all the expedition matters? You don't have to make a special trip to ask me for instructions."

The seriousness on Binghua's face disappeared, and she returned to her normal look and said with a smile: "Kesha, aren't you the king of angels now? Of course I, as your holy left wing, will come to ask you for instructions.

Besides, this expedition is a major event related to the future of the Angel civilization, and I must obtain the permission of the King of Angels before I can lead the expedition. "

Keisha was speechless when she heard the words, and said, "Okay, then, in the name of the King of Angels, I will allow you to lead troops to the head office, right? .

Also, you must be careful in this body war Binghua.

I know you are good at fighting, but the battlefield is not a game after all. If you encounter difficulties, you must contact me. Now it is not like we used to be able to fight alone. Now the entire Melo Heaven will be your backing. "

Binghua nodded to indicate to Kesha not to worry, she would not slap her face to pretend to be fat, she knew what to do and what not to do.

Besides, Binghua's expedition this time can only be regarded as the vanguard of the Angel civilization, and its main duty is to test the strength and defensive deployment of the beast civilization.

Afterwards, the angels will carry out another expedition, and at that time, it is the main force of the angelic civilization to participate in the physical war.

In fact, even if it is a vanguard army, the number of Angel Legion under Binghua's command still reaches 200 million, and there are as many as 35 Skyblade warships.

This accounted for two-thirds of the military strength of Merlot Heavenly Court today, and most of them were veterans who had experienced the war between male and female angels, so Binghua was confident that he could beat the animal body civilization to the ground.

Then Binghua went to bid farewell to Hexi from Angel Academy of Sciences.

"Sister Hexi, take care of yourself in Merlot Heavenly Court. I don't know how many years will be until the next time our sisters meet."

Hexi looked at the smiling face in front of him, Binghua, who didn't have the slightest sense of nervousness before the battle, said helplessly. :
"This sentence should be my sister who told you.

You must remember it!Now that you are the military commander of the angels, you can't go to the battlefield alone and get injured all over your body.

Because there is no sister this time, I will repair the damage for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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