Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 311, Small Encounter

Chapter 311, Small Encounter
When the Shima soldiers saw someone fighting back in the ruins, the team leader immediately shouted in the lingua franca.

"Spread out, suppress fire from the rear, and charge forward!"

Although the soldiers of Shima looked ferocious and made others feel irritable, they were extremely efficient in executing combat orders.

It was just that in an instant, the Shima soldiers who were originally scattered completed the division of labor in a tacit understanding. The soldiers at the back stopped advancing, and immediately raised their guns and fired at the bunker where the Ike people were hiding to suppress the shooting.

Different from the crude firearms in the hands of the Ike people, although the firearms in the hands of the Shima soldiers are simple in appearance, they are extremely powerful, and can easily smash the walls that have not yet collapsed.

The bullets hit the ground beside the Ikes hiding behind the bunker, splashing pieces of gravel and soil like miniature bombs exploding.

In just a moment, the morale of the Ike people dropped to freezing point. Lan Feng leaned against the thick wall of the ruins and panted heavily, surrounded by bursts of bullets flying and screaming.

The arms of the thin woman holding a gun trembled slightly, and she suddenly poked her head out like crazy. Lan Feng quickly reached out and grabbed her clothes and pulled her to the ground, but it was too late.

Because Lan Feng tore down to the ground only the lower body, and the upper body of the Ike woman's upper body turned into blood rain fell down at this moment.

Suddenly there was a bang, and the firepower of the Shima soldiers stopped. Lan Feng put aside everything else in his mind except shooting, and poked his head out from the side of the bunker to observe the battlefield with a gun in his hand.

I saw that the Shima soldiers who were originally divided into front and rear teams and pressed towards Lan Feng and the Ike people's position became a little confused at this moment, because an abnormal existence broke into them.

Yingge suddenly rushed out from her hiding place just now, and knocked a Shima soldier into the air across a distance of nearly [-] meters.

The moment he landed, he raised his calf and kicked a thick stone slab flying, and knocked a Shima soldier on the right to the ground vomiting blood on the spot.

Then Yingge took advantage of the strong physical fitness of her second-generation fighter and used the surrounding complex ruins as cover to quickly swipe towards another enemy on the left.

For a moment, Shima soldiers didn't care about suppressing the Ike people in the distance, and quickly aimed their guns at Yingge who was running around among his companions to harvest.

The eyes of Lan Feng and other Ike people in the distance light up slightly, this is a rare good opportunity.

Lan Feng set up the gun in his hand and held his breath to aim it. Two seconds later, he pulled the trigger. The gun in his hand made a loud gunshot, and a slender bullet flew out at a high speed.

In the distance, a Shima soldier who was firing at Yingge suddenly burst into a flower of blood in his eye socket, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Although the other Ikes had no formal military training, they also knew that the blond figure among the Shima soldiers was one of their own, and spontaneously shot the Shima soldiers who fired from behind.

Yingge was moving irregularly to avoid the rain of bullets following behind her, but suddenly felt that the number of bullets being fired was much less, and she understood what was going on with a glance from the corner of her eye.

Yingge, who was moving forward, suddenly turned towards the Shima soldier in the other direction, and swung the flame sword horizontally across his left shoulder.

The Shima soldier's head was separated from his body immediately, but the gun in his hand fired bullets at the last moment, plus several bullets from the side.

Yingge suddenly felt an impact on her abdomen and sides, and her own movements were slightly deformed, and a broken stone pillar was smashed into pieces due to improper control.

Seeing this situation, Lan Feng's heart suddenly jumped, and he quickly pulled the trigger regardless of the danger.

Several Shima soldiers were about to lean towards Yingge for a rain of bullets to replenish their guns, when they found that their armor was tinkling from the bullets of the Ikes, and hurriedly covered their faces to find cover.

However, in just a short time, nearly ten Ikes who opened fire died. After all, the metal armor and physical fitness of Shima soldiers are not a joke.

The firearms in the hands of the Ike people are relatively crude. Although they can fire a bullet with strong penetrating power, they can only be fatal if they penetrate the eye sockets of the Shima soldiers and hit the brain behind them.

However, the Ike people who were exchanging fire with the Shima soldiers at this moment had no military training at all, and could only use their guns to slant their firepower. If Yingge was not present, the damage ratio between the two sides could reach [-] to [-].

When the beast body's attention was attracted by the Ike people, Yingge had already left the place secretly.

Finding the right time, he jumped up, and quickly swung the red flame sword in his hand a few times in mid-air, cutting out several flame sword auras.

The flames rose with black smoke and swallowed several Shima soldiers. Yingge took the opportunity to land next to an enemy, and the sword of flames harvested the life of an enemy one after another.

As the number of Shima soldiers became smaller and smaller, Yingge felt more relaxed. When the flame sword pierced the chest of the last Shima soldier, there was a moment of silence.

Then came the weeping cheers of the Ikes, for they had won, albeit with the help of the angels, and indeed they had won the skirmish.

Yingge turned around and looked at the Ike people who were hugging each other, her eyes were no longer as sharp as they were in the battle.

Then the Ikes began to clean up the battlefield, and at the same time there were other Ikes who came after hearing the exchange of fire.

Lan Feng picked up the large rifles equipped by the dead Shima soldiers from the corpses, but put them down after a while.

"what happened?"

Facing Yingge's curious question, Lan Feng panted slightly, "It's too heavy, we can't use it at all.

Moreover, even if we can pick up a firearm of this caliber, without protection measures, the recoil of the shot alone can break our bones. "

Yingge sized up Lan Feng's physique, which was not compatible with being strong, and felt that what he said had some truth.

Out of curiosity, Yingge picked up the large rifle that Lan Feng had put down, weighed it, then held the handle for a try, and then put it down, because Yingge couldn't even hold the handle completely, let alone shoot. up.

At this moment, cone-shaped beams of light suddenly descended from the sky, like spears of light thrown down from the sky.

The direction of the animal body civilization base, which was faintly visible in the distance, lit up, and the next moment, with the bursting fire cloud, a mushroom cloud gradually rose.

Then a shock wave swept across, carrying the raised dust and washing over the area where Yingge was.

Yingge's face suddenly beamed with joy and said to Lan Feng and other Aike people beside him.

"It's Tianren launching an attack, look at the sky!"

Hearing this, the Ike people who were present looked up at the sky, and the scene that appeared in the next moment made them extremely shocked.

The clouds in the sky began to roll violently, as if there was a monster swimming in it.

As the clouds dispersed, a huge object that was as sharp as a sword tip revealed its figure from the sea of ​​clouds.

When its full view appeared, the Ik people present found that its shape was like a magnificently decorated sword with golden wings hanging in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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