Chapter 312
And this is not the end, with the appearance of the huge battleship like a suspended sword in the sky, orange light bullets with swaying tail flames rose from the area beyond the horizon and shot at the battleship.

This made Ike people who saw this scene feel worried, because according to Yingge, this should be Angel's battleship.

They were afraid that the hope that had just appeared would be swallowed up by despair again.

But at the next moment, the Ike people felt that their worries were unnecessary, because all the attacks on the battleship exploded in the air near it.

Then they saw the sky blade shoot out several white light beams in the direction of the artillery fire rising downwards. Even though they didn't know what was in that area, they could vaguely see the faint fire emerging from the end of the horizon.

When the Heavenly Blade above the sky began to launch dense angel squads to attack the ruined cities on the ground, Yingge finally spoke.

"Everyone, I'm going back to the team too, so I'll leave for now. See you after the war is over."

Lan Feng nodded, when he saw how the angel launched the attack, he stopped insisting on continuing to attack.

Yingge waved to the Ike people who were fighting side by side just now, pulled down the helmet visor, flapped the wings on the back, left a cloud of sonic boom, and merged into the angels swooping down from the sky.

He Zhui followed a group of angel warriors to a protruding platform on the edge of the sky blade. This is usually an area for angels to take off and land, but in wartime it is a combat platform for soldiers to set off.

Crane chased to the edge of the platform and looked at several places below that were burning with orange-red flames, and asked in the communication channel.

"How is the deployment of Angel Warriors in all target areas?"

"Sister Chasing, we have all deployed, but as the captain of Tianren, I still disagree with Sister Chasing your decision to lead the army in person."

He Zhui didn't care about the dissuasion of his captain Tianren, unlike the high-ranking angels who can only assume the position of captain because of command and dispatch.

He Zhui is an angel of martial arts like today's holy left-wing Binghua. Rather than wasting his combat power as a high-ranking angel in his seat in the sky blade, He Zhui prefers to gain the heartfelt love of his soldiers on the battlefield. Worship and acknowledge.

This is also the reason why other angels knew that He Zhui and Sacred Left Wing had some conflicts in private, but no angel isolated her.

He Zhui carried out his broad-bladed silver sword, and told the angels around him: "You don't have to follow me, go help those places that need you."

After speaking, He Zhui spread his wings behind his back and left the combat platform, and swooped down towards the battlefield below. On the way, he adjusted his direction and chose a ruined city with the largest scale.

Different from the fighting angels like He Zhui who lead the battle, the high-ranking angels who are the captains of Tianren have to use their huge computing power to lead the overall situation.

Faced with a large number of support requests on the battlefield and complex and changeable situations, Captain Tianren's job is to select the most urgent matters and solve them to avoid heavy losses.

"Captain, a team of angels found the giant flying monster and applied for a strike from the Skyblade naval gun."

In the command room of the Tianren bridge, the captain of Tianren is sitting in the most eye-catching position. Below are several rows of female angels sitting in front of the long white table and operating the desktop projection light curtain. From time to time, angels report special dangers on the battlefield. Target.

Over a ruined city, more than 30 angel warriors surrounded a [-]-meter-long terrifying monster.

The flying behemoth fanned its huge wings to create a storm, and at the same time stretched out its sharp claws, spewing sticky flames from its beak, trying to kill the angel warriors surrounding it.

Although its huge body can't be called slow, no matter how hard it tries, it can't catch the angel warrior who can fly flexibly in the air.

The surrounding angel warriors were also extremely cautious, only daring to activate the energy driving formula in the spear in their hands from a distance, and then projected it as a long-range weapon.

The high-temperature red light of the war spears that left the hand pierced through the giant beast's skin, but it was useless at all because the war spears were too small.

At this moment, the flying behemoth suddenly opened its long beak, and at the same time shook its head left and right, spit out a piece of orange-red viscous flames, creating a huge curtain of flames in the air.

Some angels didn't have time to dodge and quickly lifted the shield to the front of the body, and at the same time curled up to avoid being burned by the flames.

But there were also two female angels who reacted a bit slower, smothered in the viscous flames and screamed, their bodies burning and falling downwards.

"Damn it, the weapons in our hands are useless to it!"

An angel warrior wearing a helmet gritted his teeth, and angels around him immediately replied.

"I have already applied for Tianren's naval gun attack, but it keeps flying around, and Tianren has been unable to lock it!"

Hearing this, a team leader retreated a little away from the combat airspace, observing the giant flying monster from a high altitude, and finally fixed his eyes on its wings.

"Attention all the teams fighting the flying giant, attack its wings together, disable its flying ability, and get it to the ground first!"

While speaking, he swooped down and rushed into the combat airspace again.

An angel captain found an opportunity to land on the inflamed fleshy wings of the giant beast, grabbed the surface of the fleshy wings with his left hand, raised the red flaming sword and stabbed down hard, easily submerging into it.

But the length of the blade was too short compared to the fleshy wings of the giant beast. The captain of the angel gritted his teeth, and the blade burned orange-red flames and began to spread towards the surroundings.

The giant flying beast screamed in pain, feeling the sharp pain from its fleshy wings, and its huge body made a 360-degree turn in the air.

Under the huge centrifugal force, the captain of the angel was thrown out on the spot, and it was too late to continue to destroy the wings of the flying monster.

In the sky blade hovering above the sky, the angel responsible for locking the flying monster was anxious but could do nothing, because the flying trajectory of the giant beast was not fixed and it was impossible to predict the shooting, and there were friendly units around It is easy to accidentally injure, and it is impossible to carry out coverage bombing.

At this moment, Captain Tianren, who was in charge of the overall situation, found that the Tianren naval gun attack applied for a few minutes ago had not been executed, so he turned his attention to him, and immediately ordered after a little thought.

"Let the fighters not surround the giant flying monster, fly in front of it to guide it to fly in a straight line, and then you are calculating its flight trajectory for predictive strikes."

"It's the captain!"

Hearing that the angel who was in charge of locking was overjoyed, he quickly contacted the team that applied for naval artillery strikes and told them the method.

The angels who besieged the flying monsters hurriedly followed suit after hearing the words, gathered together and flew in one direction, because the flying monsters had been attacking the angels around it, and had been led away from the ruined urban battlefield to a relatively open airspace , at this moment, there were no other angels to distract the flying behemoth.

The giant flying beast screamed from behind, spewing out bursts of flames from time to time, but although its speed was not slow due to its size, it couldn't catch up with the angel flying with all its strength.

At this moment, several spear-like light beams fell from the sky, piercing through the body and wings of the flying giant on the spot, and fell to the ground with violent explosions and bangs.

(End of this chapter)

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