Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 313 Generals Battlefield

Chapter 313 Generals Battlefield
Angels flying in the sky, Shima soldiers raising their guns to fight back in the air in the smoky ruins of the earth, and some Sabota beast warriors are mixed among them. This is the new scene of the ruined city today.

And in the center of this huge battlefield is a huge group of metal-clad buildings with a range of several kilometers.

But at this moment, there are several terrifying large holes glowing with fire in the metal building complex. This is the bombardment from the sky blade artillery from high altitude, and its power is naturally extraordinary.

The anti-ship heavy firepower in the beast body base was destroyed by more than 80.00% in an instant, almost completely paralyzed.

Because the base was severely damaged, most of the large weapons built on it had been paralyzed, so most of the beast soldiers left the base to face the angels, fearing that they would be killed in the base.

At this moment, the sky has become the domain of angels, and angels are flying past everywhere, and the Shima soldiers below are pierced by spears projected from the sky from time to time.

The Thai-Egyptian alloy spear, the standard weapon of the angelic civilization, has not been without any improvements over the past few hundred years. Before the physical war began, Binghua pointed out to Hexi that there was a lack of long-range attack methods in the armed forces of the angels.

So Hexi proposed a method, installing a basic energy circuit on the alloy spear, and engraving a fixed micro-wormhole to recover the sacred language at the same time.

In this way, ordinary angel warriors can throw the spear as a long-range weapon, and then recover it through the micro-wormhole transportation inscription engraved on the spear, so that the endurance combat capability of ordinary angels can be guaranteed.

In the chaotic battlefield, a figure that quickly fell from the sky smashed into the Shima soldiers and made a huge roar.

After the raised dust settled down, He Zhui flapped his wings and feet slightly off the ground, looked at the many Shenma soldiers around who were focusing on him, and slowly raised the wide-bladed silver sword in his hand while slightly raising the corners of his mouth.

The next moment, along with the roar of the beast, dense gunshots rang out almost at the same time. He Zhui quickly swung the sword in his hand a few times, and several meters long flaming sword energy slashed out to the surroundings.

Different from ordinary angel warriors, the sword qi swung by Crane Tsui did not explode when it touched the ruins and enemies, but cut straight through all obstacles on the track, including the enemies behind.

The screams of the beast soldiers rang out one after another. He Zhui ignored the bullets and rushed to the gathered Shima soldiers. He slashed left and right with the wide-bladed silver sword in his hand. None of the beast soldiers could survive in front of him. a sword.

After cutting down several beast-shaped soldiers, He Zhui lightly landed on the ground, slightly raised his left palm to block the bullets that hit his cheek.

There was a scorching light on the broad-bladed silver sword, He Zhui turned to the right and at the same time swung the silver sword, slashing out a huge horizontal crescent-shaped flaming sword aura.

A group of Shima soldiers on the left who were originally firing at He Zhui were swept away by the sword energy, and were instantly split into two halves. Under the erosion of dark energy, not even the corpse was left behind.

"Tch, I don't even have a high-level animal body fighter. Fortunately, I thought I could meet someone from the Heavenly Cauldron."

He Zhui twitched his lips and flapped his wings behind, leaving the area suppressed by her, and flew towards the burning metal buildings in front of him.

Fighting and killing all the way, there is no animal body warrior who can stop the crane from chasing. It is better to say that the animal body soldiers have fallen into an absolute disadvantage on the battlefield at this moment.

The Skyblade battleship at high altitude is like a sword of Damocles hanging high in the sky, staring down at the sky. As long as it finds that the beast civilization uses heavy firepower, it will be served by a shining spear.

As the crane chased several swords to cut open the gate of a large animal body base, the angel in the air rushed in with a whoosh.

In the next moment, there were dense gunshots and screams, and there would be dull roars from time to time.

He Zhui stepped into the gate, and the scene inside was different from the outside world, with complex machinery and cranes hanging from the roof.

On the ground, there are mechanical processing equipment that look very simple and rough in appearance, but at the moment these equipment have stopped working, and the conveyor belt is full of various types of parts.

The angel warriors also gave up flying at this moment, because the terrain here is too complicated to fight in the air.

The first-generation angel equipped with a folding shield unfolds the shield, and uses the shield to resist the attack whenever it encounters an enemy, and then finds an opportunity to throw the spear in its hand to pierce the enemy's body.

The second-generation fighters are more straightforward. Their tough bodies have long been immune to the blows of ordinary kinetic weapons, so they carry the flaming swords and travel through the complex indoor terrain at high speed to kill all enemies they see.

He Zhui didn't make a move for the time being, but walked slowly behind the team, looking around at the surrounding environment.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and some metal objects in front of them seemed to have suffered a huge impact and began to collapse.

Crane Zhui frowned, stepped on the ground with his toes, and flew into the air. Looking past the collapsed metal equipment, he happened to see a group of angel warriors besieging a tall and strong animal warrior behind him.

At this moment, the picture that came into He Zhui's sight was as follows. A bald and strong orc wearing a silver-gray metal composite armor raised a giant knife in his hand and chopped off an angel holding a flaming sword.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and slashed the huge knife in his hand towards an angel holding a folding shield, only to hear a harsh metal cutting sound.

That generation of angel warrior was knocked down without the power to resist, and a shallow pit was smashed into the metal ground under his body. Blood dripped from his chin, which was not covered by the visor, and he lost consciousness and was angry.

Seeing this, several angels around rushed forward to attack, trying to force the beast warrior away to save their sisters.

The beast warrior let out a roar, avoiding the spears thrown by several angels on one side of his body, and kicked the angel warrior who fell on the ground with his big feet wearing metal boots, hitting a rushing angel. Here come the angel warriors.

The huge knife in the right hand turned around and slashed out obliquely, leaving a vague afterimage in the air and falling on the ground, but it missed, and was dodged by the rushing angel.

Before the angel who escaped the giant knife had time to attack, he was sent flying by the orc's left hook followed by a blow, and fell into the metal machinery several meters away.

This is not the end, the giant knife that landed on the right side of the orc slashed out from the ground at an angle, and sent a second-generation angel flying.

Then the orc turned around as if he had eyes on his back, and slapped the sword of Lieyang thrusting crookedly with his palm, and then pinched an angel's helmet with his big hand precisely.

The angel who was pinched by the helmet was extremely decisive, and directly squatted his head out of the helmet, and then the force on the crooked Raging Sword immediately swept out with a sweeping leg.

Hearing a muffled sound, the orc's knee bent slightly to meet the calf swept by the angel warrior, without being shaken at all.

The angel warrior was shocked, and his eyes moved up subconsciously, just in time to meet the ferocious sight of this strong orc and the huge knife he raised to chop down.
Under such a critical situation, the blue eyes of this angel warrior slightly widened, and the flame sword subconsciously stretched across his body in a blocking manner.

But the giant knife raised by the orc didn't slash down. Instead, he opened his big hand and grabbed the sword of the blazing sun that the angel was using to block, and threw it to the ground behind him.

Because of the warrior's instinct, the angel did not let go of the hilt of the sword, and was dizzy from being thrown on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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