Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 318 Fleet Decisive Battle

Chapter 318 Fleet Decisive Battle
Binghua did not intervene in the command of the various Skyblade captains, because she is self-aware, and she only needs to be responsible for the general direction of the dispatch.

There is still a little time left.

The Heavenly Blade Squadron in charge of outflanking is approaching at high speed, and only when they arrive can they destroy the main force of the beast body fleet in one fell swoop.

The flagship of the beast fleet commander Tagore is surrounded by many warships of the same appearance, so it is very safe.

With the concentrated fire of the beast body fleet, at this moment, two Skyblade battleships could no longer resist, and began to retreat, moving behind other Skyblades around them to restore the strength of their shields.

Tianren's large-scale light energy barrier is a technology that collects physical light energy that is ubiquitous in the universe, and through special energy conversion methods, forms it into a barrier that can withstand huge energy attacks. Its characteristic is that its endurance and recovery ability are very strong powerful.

However, no matter how powerful the energy shield is, it has a limit value. Under such a high-intensity attack focus, a skyblade shield that was moving towards the back of the skyblade next to it burst into countless energy particles.

At the next moment, dozens of fire clouds rose from the originally gorgeous hull of Tianren, but the skeleton of Tianren as a celestial battleship and the outer armor of the hull are not beautiful. Part of the ground used for the stone structure and the edge part collapsed.

Before the Beast Fleet expanded its battle results, the Heavenly Blade with its shield broken hid behind the surrounding Heavenly Blades, avoiding the ensuing artillery fire.

As the distance between the two sides draws closer, the energy loss and loss of both the angels and the beast fleet will be on a straight line.

However, this level of loss cannot make Tagore frown. It is better to say that apart from dealing with the space-level Kamikawa civilization, they have never had much advantage in foreign fleet battles.

Two to one is considered a victory, and now the battle against the Angel Civilization's Skyblade Fleet has only risen to thirty to zero.

However, it is obvious that there are fewer and fewer Heavenly Blades on the Angel's side that can maintain the light energy barrier at this moment. Only seven ships are still supporting it, which reduces the firepower output of the Heavenly Blades in a disguised form.

Tagore believed that as long as the fleet he led rushed into the vicinity of the unshielded Skyblade and surrounded it, given the huge size of the Skyblade, there was absolutely no shooting dead angle on it, so that his own beast-shaped warships could start the battle that they were good at, relying on The beast warriors on board attacked the sky blade and captured it.

As long as Tagore thought that such a gorgeous and powerful warship would soon become his own, his heart would be filled with enthusiasm.

But at this moment, a burst of lance-shaped rays shot out from the rear of the beast fleet, and suddenly a dozen beast warships turned into explosive fireballs without any precautions.

The several sky blades that were hiding behind the front sky blade suddenly made a space jump at this time, and the landing point was in the fleet group of the beast body.

When a few ships with tens of kilometers in height suddenly appeared in the beast fleet, it was a complete disaster. The closer warships were directly divided by the blade-like hull below the sky blade. in two halves.

Then the Heavenly Blade began to release angel fighters, and hundreds of thousands of angel fighters flooded into the battlefield, causing devastating effects.

For a while, the beast warships fought independently, using the secondary guns to disperse the approaching angel soldiers, and did not dare to use the more powerful main guns, for fear of hurting their own people.

This reduced the damage suffered by the sky blade that broke into the enemy army a lot. Although it was inevitable that there would be some scorched marks and pits on the hull, they were not enough to hurt the bones.

With internal blossoming and enemies, Tagore's heart experienced a transformation from heaven to hell in a short period of time, and the loss figures constantly reported by his subordinates made him almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

From time to time, the light of flame bombardment shines and rises in the beast body fleet, and the second-generation angels on the battlefield gather together whenever they have a chance, brewing a flame bombardment and launching it.

Ordinary angels can only slowly destroy the weapons on the surface of the beast battleship with their spears in their hands, and then look for opportunities to attack weak positions such as attack engines.

Looking at the battle damage ratio, Tagore didn't want the whole army to be wiped out here, so he finally issued a retreat order. Upon hearing the retreat order, the beast warships on the battlefield quickly retreated to the left rear without the sky blade.

The animal body battleship retreated, and the Heavenly Blades naturally pursued them. Except for the two Heavenly Blades with more serious damage on the outside, the rest of the Heavenly Blades joined the pursuit.

But to the despair of the beast fleet, in the starry sky in front of them fleeing, with blue lights and shadows flickering, eight sky-blade warships appeared, facing the beast fleet that was retreating here in a hurry. Whack.

At this moment, the animal body fleet is like a group of fish trapped by fishing nets, surrounded by slowly tightening fishing nets, and is gradually falling into desperation.

A total of thirty sky blades slowly compress the activity space of the beast fleet from three directions, like three high walls that are gradually approaching.

In such a desperate situation, if the animal body fleet continues to resist, it will definitely be wiped out here in the end.

Tagore of the Beast Fleet watched the rotten battle situation, closed his eyes and slowly ordered. "Forcibly jump, leave this star field..."

At the next moment, part of the beast body fleet launched a suicide attack on the sky blade, and the other part began to prepare for the jump voyage
During the preparation for the jump voyage, the beast warship will be unable to move, lose any attack ability, and is no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Binghua looked at the battle situation in the projection and shook his head slightly, and commented: "It's too late to survive with a broken arm."

The inertial navigation beast-body battleship's locking system for the sky blade is no different from that of a live target. The Lance of Light began to call them one by one, just as easy as hitting a fixed target.

In the end, only more than 30 beast-body warships successfully entered the leap voyage, and the warp voyage of the beast-body warships was similar to that of the angel civilization.

After accumulating energy for a period of time, those beast-shaped battleships directly entered the super-light speed voyage, and left the starry sky in an instant.

Tianren immediately calculated the approximate orientation of the fleeing beast fleet at the end of its warping voyage based on its energy intensity and direction when it entered superluminal flight.

However, the scarlet star ring is still a strange star field for today's angels. There are no space nodes left in most areas, and it is impossible to quickly jump through space to chase.

Therefore, Binghua decided to give up chasing the fleeing beast-body fleet, and began to wipe out the remaining beast-body warships and beast-body soldiers on the battlefield.


Two hours later, Tianren completed the annihilation battle, and the angel warriors began to clean up the battlefield.


After counting the losses of both sides, the angel warriors who restrained the corpses of the fallen angels, passed through countless flying metal warship wrecks, and gradually returned to the sky blade.

Soon a number of casualties was calculated and uploaded to Binghua.

The casualties of the Angels in this battle are as follows. Angels killed 320 first-generation fighters, twelve second-generation fighters, and more than [-] casualties.

The results obtained are as follows: 150 small warships, 75 medium warships, and 28 large warships were destroyed.

As for the casualties of the beasts in this battle, Angel did not have statistics, but a total of 51 Tianding star corpses were found, of which 38 died in the battleship explosion, and [-] died in the encirclement and suppression of Angel soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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