Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 319 The embryonic form of the concept of justice

Chapter 319 The embryonic form of the concept of justice

Several months have passed since the decisive battle between the Sky Blade and the Beast Fleet, and the 01 and 02 galaxy angels in the scarlet star ring occupy an absolute dominant position.

But there is one thing that both the beast body and the angel are very clear, that is, the two galaxies may change hands at any time.

Because Angel does not have the ability to contain these two galaxies, and because Angel's troops are too scarce, if it is necessary to leave garrison troops in each star field, the Skyblade Fleet led by Binghua will soon be without soldiers. situation.

So Binghua attacked the stars and broke the city everywhere, and at the same time gathered those Kamikawa civilizations enslaved by the beast civilization.

But the effect is not great, because the Shenhe civilization enslaved by the beast body has lost most of its war potential, and it is impossible to piece together a force that can defend against the beast body attack.

But Binghua doesn't have to worry about this for a few years, because the fleet with the beast body located in the southeast star field of the Scarlet Star Ring has been completely lost in the battle a few months ago.

Even if the beast body wants to organize an attack again, it will take a lot of preparation time, not to mention that most of the beast body civilization in the red star ring is concentrated on the battlefield of the new Shenhe galaxy.

Another thing is that the United Fleet from the Angel Nebula is about to arrive at the Scarlet Star Ring. Binghua sent a Skyblade to meet them, intending to let them build some infrastructure in Galaxy 01 first.

The most important thing is that Binghua plans to build a large star gate in that star field to shorten the time from the Angel Nebula to the Scarlet Star Ring.


"Queen, we combined the information provided by the enslaved Shenhe civilization to complete the star map of the red star ring."

Binghua was very curious when she heard the words. She had ordered this matter a long time ago, but she hadn't made much progress, so she gradually forgot about it.

If Jingnan hadn't reminded Binghua, he might have forgotten about this matter, so he took advantage of the opportunity to call up the information from the database to check.

The red star ring can be divided into five regions at present, that is, the Tianding galaxy in the north, the Sabota star field in the northwest, and the Shima star field in the south that occupies one-third of the star ring.

Of course, there are two very special star fields, one of which is called the Tucker star field located on the edge of the red star ring, and then there is the mysterious star field Titan Kingdom located in the middle of the red star ring.

Judging from the power distribution map of the Scarlet Star Ring, the area where Binghua is currently located belongs to the Shima star field, and the ruling force of this star field calls itself the Shima Empire.

Its capital star is located in the Gram star system in the north-central part of the Shima star field, on the Gram [-] star.

After reading the power distribution map of the Scarlet Star Ring, Binghua found the future strategic goal, which is the capital star of the ruler of the Shima Starfield, but all this will have to wait until it meets with the United Fleet.

At present, the main task of the angel is to clean up the remaining beast army in the 01 and 02 galaxies, which is an extremely time-consuming process.


In Merlot Heaven, in the residence of the King of Angels, Kaisha is sitting at the dressing table, with the angel Alan helping her arrange her hair behind her.

"Queen has heard rumors from angels in Tiancheng recently, saying that our angelic civilization should not participate in physical wars.

Thinking that it was just a war between the Kamigawa civilization and the animal body civilization, there is no need for us angels to participate. "

Kesha looked at herself in the mirror and smiled nonchalantly.

"They can only see the surface, how could they know about the entanglement of interests between Angel and Kamigawa.

You can't just look at the surface of anything. As the king of angels, I must know whether this matter is beneficial to the development of angel civilization.

Just like the physical war that is going on now, those ordinary angels will only see how many casualties our angels have paid in this war.

But they don't know how the victory or defeat of this war will benefit the future development of Angel civilization.

For this reason, as the king of angels, I am willing to sacrifice a part of the lives of angel warriors in exchange for victory in this war. "

Alan combed her queen's blond hair and listened quietly, because she was used to it.

And these words cannot be said casually, because it will damage the image of the King of Angels.

"Then Queen, do we need to explain to the angel residents outside the Heavenly Court of Melo?"

Keisha closed her eyes and meditated for a while, then opened her eyes again, with an idea in her mind.

"There is no need to explain to those Angel residents, we just need to tell those recruits who joined the Angel Legion that our actions are just.

Those civilizations that look similar to ours are being enslaved by animal civilizations, living in misery every day, and we angels are their hope and liberators, so this is a war to save the weak.

And we angels are the embodiment of justice.I call this the idea of ​​justice, what do you think, Alan? "

Alan nodded, and replied with a smile on her face: "Queen Keisha, this sounds very good, and it fits the soft hearts of most of our sisters. I believe it will be recognized by the sisters below."

Keisha and Alan may not know that the concept of justice in their dialogue today will be upgraded to a justice order affecting the entire universe in the future, protecting thousands of weak civilizations in the universe.

At this moment, Keisha didn't think much about it at all. She just wanted to give most of the angels who participated in the physical war a noble idea that they could fight for, so as to increase the cohesion of the angel legion.

Avoid the war weariness and numbness of the angel warriors during the battle of the raging sea due to the long-term war.


Liang Bing sat in the gazebo next to her residence, the tulle beside her swaying gently with the breeze.

The book in his hand turned page after page, and under the brown-black hair on his forehead, all kinds of data recorded on the pages were reflected in a pair of eyes.

Closing the book with a snap, Liangbing relaxed her body and leaned back against the support column of the gazebo, sighing.

At this time, Liangbing's former right-wing guard, Sha Lan, walked into the pavilion, and comforted him:
"Queen, you don't need to worry, the space-time gene is a great project after all, we can take it slowly."

Liang Bing looked at Sha Lan who was comforting him, and his originally depressed mood dissipated a little.

"Hey! Your queen, I just feel a little uncomfortable. It's nothing, Sha Lan, thank you for your comfort. My mood has changed a lot."

Liang Bing motioned Sha Lan to sit beside him, put his right hand on Sha Lan's shoulder affectionately, and confided:
"Decades have passed, and I still can't find a way to fuse the space-time gene and the angel gene.

I found that if I want to be compatible with space genes, I have to redevelop a super gene mainly based on time and space genes, but this is too difficult, and I can't do it by myself.

My masterpiece is used by all my angel warriors, and my dream of impressing my sister may not come true. "

Speaking of this, Liang Bing's mood became depressed again, while Sha Lan asked tentatively: "Queen, didn't you ask your sister for help?"

(End of this chapter)

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