Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 320 Titan God Might

Chapter 320 Titan God Might
Liang Bing shook her head and sighed, and said to Sha Lan who was embraced by her right arm:
"Don't mention it, she is busy with physical warfare now, and all scientific research resources are now concentrated on the development of war technology. How can I agree with my space gene project that can't see results in a short time.

Right now, I sincerely hope that Binghua can do better on the battlefield, and it is best to win the physical war alone, so that I might not have to join the reinforcements organized by my sister. "

After talking about these things, Liang Bing stood up and stretched, then turned around and reached out to Sha Lan who was still sitting there:
"Your queen, I have been resurrected with full blood. Let's leave here and sort out the information that was just uploaded."


In the core area of ​​Tiancheng Academy of Sciences, Hexi raised his head and looked up at the complex structural projection in front of him. He encircled his chest and put his bent index finger against his chin, meditating hard.

As Binghua uploaded the information on the battle between the front line and the animal body civilization back to the Heavenly Court of Merlot, the Academy of Sciences and the Research Department under Hexi are modifying the defensive characteristics of the angel armor weapons in all aspects based on these data.

However, this process has not been smooth sailing, especially the divine body project that Hexi is in charge of. Although progress has been made, the speed is not fast.

However, during the study of the second-generation divine body, the conditions and costs for upgrading the first-generation divine body were accidentally obtained. Hexi estimated that Angel Civilization would soon have a group of newly promoted first-generation divine body fighters.


The red star ring, the 01 galaxy of the Shima star field, a large fleet is slowly driving in the starry sky, among which there are more than a dozen styles of battleships alone, and the angel-affiliated civilization united fleet has officially set foot in the sphere of influence of the beast body.

In the communication channel, the fleet commander of the Kaibri Civilization said unhappily in the communication: "Why do you say that the angels let us come to such a distant star field?"

"How do I know this? Didn't you Kaibri surrender to the Heavenly Sword King a long time ago! What? Didn't you receive any inside information!"

This is the fleet commander of the Mora civilization, and his tone of voice is very strange, and other fleet commanders, large and small, are also listening to the conversations of several big men in the fleet.

The commander of the Kebri people didn't want to talk to this guy. Their Kaibri people are an advanced space-level civilization. Although the Mora people are right, he just doesn't like this guy's attitude.

"We were recruited only to fight for them. I can't think of any other reason for recruiting us other than this."

Commander McGrath said in a cold voice, giving the other people present a very difficult communication feeling.

At this moment, the voice of Sarkaz's magic stick came through the communication.

"We should listen to God's guidance and not try to speculate on God's thoughts here!"

Following the opening of the commander of the Sarkaz Fleet, the commanders connected in the communication channel suddenly lost their interest in continuing to communicate.

However, Commander Sarkaz did not stop speaking because no one spoke.

"Everyone, we are warriors chosen by God, and we will fight to the death under the light of God!

So we should offer our most sincere faith to God now when we have nothing to do, only in this way can we gain God's favor!


Listening to the words of suspected brainwashing coming out of the communication, all the fleet commanders unanimously chose to block the communication channel of the Sarkaz civilization.

Among the combined fleet composed of more than a dozen civilizations, only the Sarkaz are an outlier. They have a strong belief in angels and do not leave room for the development of believers.

However, the Sarkaz's missionary work was not smooth, because they were surrounded by other civilizations with different cultural customs, so they gained little.

Without making the United Fleet wait too long, a Skyblade battleship came with the order of the Holy Left-Wing Skysword King, under the Throne of Angels.

The general meaning of the order is to let them find a good place in the current star field to start building houses with soil.

This makes the civilizations who originally guessed why the angels recruited them are a little confused about what the angel civilization means. Could it be that they are allowed to run such a long distance to the red star ring for infrastructure construction.

However, despite the complaints in their hearts, the combined fleet of affiliated civilizations still obeyed the order and began to spread out to build simple stargates according to the blueprints and materials given by the angels.

There is no way to hand over the task of building the stargate to the United Fleet. Binghua didn't consider the construction problem when he went out, so he didn't bring the self-disciplined Tianjian engineering robot.

Binghua's current purpose is very simple, that is to use the 01 and 02 galaxies of the Scarlet Star Ring as the front-line transit station of the Angel Civilization in the Red Star Ring, and attack the core star field of the beast civilization after having a stable rear support.

When Binghua was preparing to attack the capital star of the Shima star field, the situation on the front of the new Shenhe galaxy was not very optimistic.

The new Kamigawa galaxy, the body war star field, that is, the star field where the beast body and the Kamigawa civilization fought fiercely, the Karama star system, and the Karama five star.

The terrifying high temperature caused the air to appear strangely distorted, and the ground became dry and cracked, as if it would start to burn and melt in the next moment.

The product of the second-generation god-making project of the Kamigawa civilization, the chest of Linyuan, the Fist of Kamigawa, kept rising and falling, and at the same time looked up at the majestic existence in front of him wearing gorgeous red armor.

The Titan Protoss, one of the eight main gods, the god of fire and flames, Augustus looked down at Linyuan, the Fist of Kamigawa, which was as small as an ant.

"Your fists are weak and weak, and you can't match the title of God at all!"

Loud voices came from August's pointed helmet, and the trembling air trembled. At the same time, the huge sword-like gun in his hand burst into an orange-red flame that made it impossible to look directly at.

The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth was pursed and his face was serious, he suddenly jumped up and left the spot without warning, the next moment the ground he was on was covered by a gun blade surging with terrifying orange flames.

I saw the gun blade hit the ground, the ground cracked, and there was a huge roar like a volcanic eruption, accompanied by countless earth and rocks that splashed thousands of meters into the sky and burned.

Fist of Kamigawa Linyuan looked at the scene behind him, no matter how many times he had seen it, he would always be shocked by this terrifying destructive power.

However, this was just a random blow to the titan god Augustus, because of his size, it was difficult for his attack to hit Linyuan.

However, Lin Yuan's attempt to get close to the body of the titan god Augustus is also a dream. Seeing Linyuan jumping towards him, Augustus swung him away without thinking, and crashed deeply into a building. Among the mountains.

Augustus stepped forward, and when he was about to cut down the mountain and break the wall, a blazing beam of light nearly two meters thick shot from the distant horizon to the position of his eye socket.

The speed of light is so fast that it is already difficult for Augustus to avoid it when he sees it. However, as an existence that can stand out from the many Titans and get the position of the main god, there are still two brushes.

Turning his face slightly to one side, the red helmet on his head just blocked the incandescent beam of light.

While doing this, Augustus did not forget the movement in his hand, and poked a big hole with the weapon in his hand in the middle of a hundreds of meters high mountain in front of him.

Then terrifying energy erupted in the belly of the mountain, and the next moment, the small mountain peak of hundreds of meters was directly blown off in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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