Chapter 329 Titan Fleet
With the help of the Shattering Star Blade in his hand, Binghuahua demolished all the buildings within a range of more than ten kilometers for Shima Capital Star in order to frantically demolish the house within ten minutes, even exceeding the instantaneous destruction speed of the Sky Blade.

However, it is naturally impossible to wipe out the hiding Shima orcs with such crude destruction, it can only destroy their hiding places.

Even so, it was enough. Most of the planet Gram's surface had been destroyed by the Heavenly Blade. Numerous angel warriors were cruising the ruins. Whenever they found an enemy, they would throw their spears to kill them.

At this moment, the Shima orcs and the Ikes on Ex were reversed, this time they acted as the underdogs to be slain.

When Binghua led fifteen Skyblades to wreak havoc on Star Gram [-], destroying the power center of the Shima Empire, the eight Skyblades in outer space were blocking the reinforcements from the area of ​​Star Gram [-]. Small fleet.

Just when the battle situation was stabilizing and the Angel's strategic goal would soon be accomplished if this continued, dozens of fleeting blue rays of light came from the depths of the endless universe.

Tianren's detection system immediately gave a warning message, and the angel responsible for this quickly reported to the captain sitting on the Tianren:
"Captain, multiple jump signals have been detected. They are not the warships of the Shima orcs, but unknown large-scale combat celestial bodies. They are jumping here, and the landing point is the Gram [-] star, which is right next to us! "

Captain Tianren, who was sitting on the main seat of the bridge, shrank his pupils, and quickly called up the screen projection outside Tianren.

Almost at the same time, accompanied by a burst of light and shadow distortion, a behemoth suddenly appeared next to the Skyblade Fleet. It was a pitch-black warship with sharp edges and corners, and orange light faintly leaked from the gaps in the seemingly thick armor.

Its length reached an astonishing nearly [-] meters, and dense large forts were located above the hull.

This is not the end yet. With the appearance of this giant battleship of nearly [-] meters, more than a dozen distorted blue rays of light appeared around it again, the next moment.

Huge warships of the same style as the previous giant warship appeared one after another, ten in total, and then fifteen warships in the early [-]-meter-high range.

However, the light representing the leap did not just disappear. Rather, distorted blue light and shadows that were more powerful than the previous battleships began to emerge, and condensed into five huge black ships with a length of about [-] meters and more numerous turrets.

Suddenly there are so many behemoths in the outer space of the Gram [-] star, even the space here is a bit crowded.

At this moment, on the ground, the Angel Warriors and the few surviving Shima small battleships stopped fighting, and even the Sky Blade stopped bombing the area below.

Binghua was looking up at the sky at this moment, except for the sky blade, there were thirty large black spots out of thin air. When he let go of the hand holding the Star Blade, the Star Blade began to disintegrate spontaneously, and was transported back by the micro-wormhole. in the arsenal.

Binghua Sakura pursed her lips lightly, her intuition came true, and indeed something unexpected happened, and this accident didn't seem to be a small one.

As the Heavenly Sword King and the commander of the entire Heavenly Blade Fleet, Binghua has no interest in staying on the ground and playing with those Shima soldiers at this moment, and the hidden angel wings spread out.

In the next second, the ground below Binghua's body collapsed, leaving two footprints, and she flew into the sky with the blue thunder, quickly grazing towards her Skyblade flagship.

At the same time, each sky blade and its angel warriors also received an order.

"All angel warriors, stop fighting on planet Gram [-] now. All angel warriors on the planet's ground, please immediately board the nearby Skyblade. The Skyblade is about to leave the surface and launch into the sky to face the enemy."

Angel Ran listened to the female angel's circular broadcast in the communication, and glanced at the oppressive black warships outside the atmosphere that were not inferior to the Heavenly Blade. A solemn look appeared in his heart, and he immediately ignored the Shima battleships that were closing the defense line. He turned around and raised his sword, and flew towards a sky blade parked behind.

At this moment, in the Shima Palace, where several large holes were blasted by the sky blade, the laughter of Shima Emperor Mogus echoed throughout the hall, and the previous sense of powerlessness was swept away, and instead, the mood of the Titan fleet arrived. Become extremely excited.

"Hurry up, let me contact the God of Titans, I want to express my gratitude!"

Faced with Mogus's order, the orcs below naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly retreated to do it.

At this moment, the Titan Fleet and Sky Blade have a tacit understanding and are not attacking each other. They are taking the opportunity to gather the scattered warships and form a formation that is conducive to fighting.

"Your Excellency Redanila, we have arrived at the target location in the Gram galaxy. There is a fleet of unknown civilization on the left side of the fleet. Do you want to launch an attack immediately?"

The huge figure sitting on the main seat watched the half-kneeling subordinate asking for instructions, and said without haste:
"No hurry, adjust the fleet formation first, and wait for King Shima to contact us to explain the situation. I am very curious about being able to make them into such a dog-like civilization."

Redanila is the deputy captain of this Titan fleet. He is the captain of the frigate responsible for supporting the Gram galaxy this time. Before the mothership arrives, he is also the temporary fleet commander.

When he answered his subordinate's question just now, he didn't take Shima civilization seriously at all in his tone.

The golden-armored titan below couldn't help it either. This Ridanila was a genius of one of the titan clans and a strong contender for the position of the next god of thunder. He didn't care about those weak civilizations at all.

Of course, these high-ranking Titans and Titan Warriors are similar, but because the Titan God King has given orders not to kill affiliated civilizations at will, these Titans will not be as obvious as Ridanilla.

Binghua flapped her wings and quickly flew across the Skyblade Corridor. The angels along the way spontaneously made room for the Queen. After reaching the end of the corridor, Binghua folded her wings and walked into the flagship bridge. Behind her was Jingnan who followed closely. .

"How's the situation? Have you identified the civilization's fleet?"

Ruoyun, who was directing the angel below to gather the fighters with Tianren and was about to take off, turned around after hearing the sound, saluted Binghua, and then said solemnly.

"Queen, according to the comparison results in the database, this fleet should belong to the fleet of the Titan civilization, because the appearance and characteristics of these warships match the description in the data we deciphered from the Tianding people."

Binghua's face also showed a dignified expression when he heard the words, because among the major forces in this physical war, the beast body civilization stood behind the Titan Protoss, and the Shenhe civilization was Shenhe and Angel, and there was another one whose information was unknown until now. Undefined triangular organisms.

While the Heavenly Blades gathered their forces, Emperor Shima finally got in touch with the current commander of the Titan Fleet, that is, Redanila.

(End of this chapter)

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